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AuthorWhen the Statistics of all characters will work right ?
It only shows 14 lvl and 4 MG...
Strange, it works fine for me.
http://www.guildofheroes.ru/lords.php - the same link in the Top Players statistics..
I have the same problem. It shows me all MG but can't show characters of 15 CL :(
oh, I see what you mean.. Also didn't see 15 level chars. Sorry. =(
for Mephalich:
for ShAdOwOlFiReMan:
yep, they forgot to refresh statistic and i hope they will do it in nearly time =)
I believe that the site is not fully admin-maintained, so it's up to the person in charge of it.
I believe in it too, but i hope that person will fix the statistic and it would work correct =P Can anyone say to that person to do something, please. =)
i hope to see statistics fixed too :)
i am 412 in all top no bad:)
you are 113 cooly gogogo and you are in top 100 :)
This site - http://www.guildofheroes.ru/lords.php - belongs to


So, if you have a char on .ru and know Russian language, you can ask him about it.
#11 it sey me write _AEMENIA_ my brother:)
The answer is here by Arctic:
I managed to do a program which gets players' Name, Level and XP (it doesn't get all the things the original one does) - because I just wanted to get overall ranks - within a range of ids and saves the results in xml files (which can easily be imported to excel other table data viewers).
However, it processes about 2.5 characters/second (3000 users in aprox. 1250 sec), which is very slow! (there are about 500,000 characters in this game, so getting all the data would take more than 2 days for a computer working 24h/day)

What I mean is that it's not very hard to get all these stats, perhaps other programmers on LordsWM could create a better algorithm (I'm sure it's possible because I worked on the raw data of the page source, didn't use the advantage that it's written in html - because I'm not very good at this yet) and use it to update the data more frequently.
I was also planning to implement such a script for doing that. However, it is certain that the more data you try to fetch and the more people you target, the more it will take to update. For that reason, it's impossible to ever have real time statistics for all players at all times (unless, of course, you'd be fetching directly from the game's database which I highly doubt will ever be allowed for such reasons).
I just came up with an idea - a multi-threaded application. I think we'd be able to get all data in less than 5 hours.
for TBI:
for DarkSooth:
Just be careful with those programs and scripts. Anything other than normal usage by a regular player or approved scripts can be deemed illegal and the admins will block your characters and IPs.
I managed to do a program which gets players' Name, Level and XP
Can i ask in which programming language you wrote it ??
for Cygara_i_pety:

for Pantheon:
It doesn't have nothing to do with the game.. It's just statistics, they have no efect in-game. (I'm not even logged in when I use it)
Do you think it could be count as illegal?
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