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AuthorSending money to other player
I would like any administrator to answer this.

I got warned because I've sent money to my brothers account few times. I want to know why cant I send money to someone who I claim about that he is donating with me (as I told in thread which was created by someone on this forum). It is not my account, you can figure it out by checking IP adresses., it's kinda stupid 'cause I live in england and he lives in slovakia :) I've already put him to my profile as "brother".

I don't want to be warned and prosecuted anymore, I have right to decide where my money from donations will go. As stated above he is my brother and we pay for diamonds from my bank account, as well as from my account in game. Thank you
I would like any administrator to answer this
I'm nt the admin but i would luv to answer this topic

Transferred 50000 Gold for papu, Commission charged: 500
Transferred 50000 Gold for papu, Commission charged: 500
Transferred 20000 Gold for papu, Commission charged: 200

First of all u should wite a proper description while sending gold to anybody

Transferred item: 'Hauberk' [9/40] for papu
Transferred item: 'Shield of glory' [9/40] for papu
Transferred item: 'Ring of ambition' [7/15] for papu
Transferred item: 'Galoshes of battle' [1/35] for papu
Transferred item: 'Ring of inspiration' [17/18] for papu

This is nt allowed to..u should mention this price before sending it to anybody..There are many more in ur inventory..I think u should be thankful to the admins coz they just banned u but many of the players got blocked for the same reason :)
Is "gift" proper desc? Because I dont know how and why do I have to describe every transfer, I already paid to have him in my profile as a sibling, why is there fee for doing that then? If it was free I would not say anything but I paid for it to avoid this situation......... We dont share same IP adress and I already wrote to forum that he is my brother and we pay for diamonds together.

Btw I said nothing about the items, I wont send it anymore, its just about the money.
Is "gift" proper desc?
Yes it is..

I dont know why do I have to describe every transfer
Coz every transfer with proper description is considered illegal

I dont know how do I have to describe every transfer
When u click on transfere option u have to specify the amount of gift u wanna send to other player n then have a look at the bottom of tht box..u'll find some space for transfer description

I already paid to have him in my profile as a sibling, why is there fee for doing that then? If it was free I would not say anything but I paid for it to avoid this situation
I hope this will answer ur question
Coz every transfer *without* proper description is considered illegal
Because we have rules to create a level of fairness.

1.5.1. The Administration has a right to cease access to the service for users whose in-game behavior is a dedicated assist to another character or group of characters.

Your transfers are all one-sided. Family or not, you are pumping gold into a character and not receiving anything in return - It looks suspicious.

Is there a need for you to make these transfers? I'm sure that player is quite capable of playing on his own without your constant assistance. Keep your gold for yourself and find other ways to interact with that player, fighting alongside each other in battle or playing cards etc.
it doesnt matter whether both of you are brother or not in real life. admin will never know.

there are rules even you want to donate as 'gift'
These accounts do not look from same person.
If you guys take few seconds to look each accounts, there is no reason for him transfer gold if it's his own account, he could just buy diamonds with each account don't agree?

Also the IP address is something to prove the're different persons, so there's no reason to have anything "suspicious" about thinking the're same person, because they aren't.


About the topic, there is some limit of gold which you can send to some one per month, If I'm not wrong this is 10.000 per combat level or 20.000 if is donated with diamonds.

You can check rules to be sure about that.
And of course you write proper what kind of action you're doing on your description log.

One extra tip, after read the rules, copy and paste it on your profile, also about your brother be from other country with different IP. You're not doing anything illegal so far.
Okay, can anybody please tell me now WHY did my brother have to pay 150.000g penalty?????????????????????????????????
The gold you sent *Without* description is considered illegal, and hence you got the Penalty.
You are also going to get a ban possibly for the long string you used in the last post... :)
just explain me that number... 150k g...

ban for long string?? you cant be serious

In particular read rules 1.5.1 - 1.13 & 3.6.1

The admins will take action in financial assistance cases as they see fit. If you want to ask the admins about a specific case then the only way to do this is by sending a message to the Secretary character.

Fines are usually applied to remove any profit a character has made from breaching the rules with an additional penalty if the admins feel it is needed.
Well you send 50K + 50K + 20K + some small amount...
Which on the whole costs nearly 150K = the penalty you got...
Nothing much to explain in here... :)

And i wish to quote this one too..

4. Questions regarding penalties, unblock requests, and other kinds of communication with Administration are made with the help of Secretary (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4). If your combat level is below the 3rd and you can't use the private mail - either raise your level or ask your friends or clanmates. Contacting the Administration via "Queries & Help" is SENSELESS.

Also this one...

4.2.1. Using long strings in thread title and message is forbidden. Long string is a word/symbol group with a repetition of same letters, numbers or symbols designed to make it long enough for extra eye-catching, or express the tone of the message. Up to three repetitive/redundant letters, numbers or symbols are allowed in every word or symbol group.
50 + 50 + 20 + 5 + 5 doesnt make 150 together, thats why I ask :)
There is no rule that what only you sent must be the Penalty that must be imposed on you XD
okay, just to let you know, im allowed to send 10k*combat level, and today is a start of new month, so I will send 80k g to papu, is that allright? or should i expect any other penalty?
Just write: Gift.

But is it a genuine gift? Or is it a financial assist..?
As admins already gave a warning fine in transfer logs a few days before your last transfer and then main fine after I would think you would be very ill advised to send any more transfers. Ever!

Also don't be tempted to send via or by a third party.
Agreed, you should contact administration first, and ask the bless to gift your brother, you're on the edge right now.

Anyway, if you make those transfer with proper description, and respect 1 month restriction till send anouther gift again, I believe this should never happen...
50 + 50 + 20 + 5 + 5 doesnt make 150 together, thats why I ask :)

I assume the fine is also because of the items.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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