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All about Barbarian faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy


AuthorAll about Barbarian faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
Stay Alive
Stay Alive
hunts and mg and any special event = raiders since they deal multiple strikes and with luck and battle fury they will be deadly.

survilurgs and player duels and group battles = boars since they have high defense more initiative and +1 speed.
for boars u dont even require luck as they sometimes deal damage equalent to x2 luck. only thing to do is see that u dont get them killed in the beginning itself. otherwise u might as well consider that u almost are wiped out. unless u have around 32 ogres.

goblin archers: very helpful in hunts with melee targets. and split them while hunting shooters to distract them while slaying them with ur quick melee.

orcs: pretty helpfull in difficult situations when u are against a quick but defensless creature.
just dont forget to give them cover and a bit of luck & morale.

ogre: one of the most tankiest troops in this game.
take them in high numbers if u are in a duel or a survilurg game as they can survive out there for a long time :)
they can turn the game around in a single hit.
if u have lots of morale and luck with battle fury. u might as well consider that u have already a winning team of course with a bit of defense. :p

cyclops: take 4 or 5 just to wipe out the small shooters!

good luck! :)
Stay Alive
In talent Cold Blade , it is written 10% elemtal damage on physical attacks , instead of meele attack, does this mean, orcs also deal extra damage on shooting ?
Stay Alive
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Stay Alive
Stay Alive
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I am a level 8th barbarian.
1. Tips on how to recruit my troops?

2. What talent do i use?

which i use fury or shadow barbarian?
normal barb with hobgoblins is best choice for you as you dont have tier2 upgrade. take battlefury talent and they can be really powerful.
Is high lvl barb good at thiefing? shadow or fury barb?
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