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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
I tried it, turned my ad blocker off but the game is flickering - is that normal?
No, it does not flicker on my mac. Do you use chrome? Perhaps check your browser extensions?

Which adblocker are you using? I recommend ublock orgin. It comes pre-equipped with filters which you can enable for anti antiadblock killing.
I will try opening on my laptop and tell you if i run into same problem.
Read this complaint OMG. This is nuts!!

Yeah saw that the other day lol
finished 4-5 quests yesterday! no ceritficates.. x_x
I can write you a certificate of effort
write one for patience too, Did only 1 whole quest in that
rest, I reached the boss fight and waited for this day to finish the quest..
Damn bro you sly af.. Anyway, does that work?
I was just sent a link to the .ru vampire mansion:

Not far from the capital of the Empire, we found an abandoned mansion.
A little cleaning, a cozy fire in the central hall,
and now - he is ready to receive tenants :)


Answers to frequently asked questions:
- What is it?
This is the place, you can visit it.
- Where is it?
In the GVD, of course.
- How to find?
We have painted everything beautifully under the link.

If you have any questions, I propose to discuss on the forum:

Without opening the link, I have difficulty understanding what that is =)
It's some kind of role playing text quest that the russians made for the game
There are a bunch of text and combat quests on the .RU server. Some of them are pretty good. A few years back a couple of us muddled our way through some of them on Skype using google translate. There used to be a text quest in English on the .com server back before the server merged as well.
In the seraph’s tears location if I remember correctly
Igles stop stalking the forums so much and start learning how to draw u bozo :V
You talk a lot of smack for a dude who is too afraid to join and talk in voice chat while playing skribbl.
Who knows Mr blobby?
Not personally
You talk a lot of smack for a dude who is too afraid to join and talk in voice chat while playing skribbl.

I'm in vc with my real life friends when home so that's a no no
Bro you're not allowed friends outside the game, you should know this by now
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