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Author[news] economic reforms
Sold one share for 290K. Wondering if I should sell the other one too. It's very tempting to sell right now
My share gives me profit of 250 gold
And currently the bid on my share is 192k (lets take 200k)

So, If I sell it right now I’ll get 800 weeks worth of dividend in a day (assuming my dividend remains same)
And thats a huge profit for me. (In terms of time)

If you wanna wait you can but you’re gonna have to wait for months and even then maybe you sell your share for 300k instead of 200k

Apart from all that posting a share right now is a challenge in itself xD

And the whole point in waiting is so that if someone acquires 48-49 shares so that person will be willing to pay a lot more for the remaining 2-3 shares but a lot of campers are waiting for that opportunity
How do you know the buyer won’t pit you guys against each other and shrink your profits ?
Sold share: facility #204 Mithril armor factory [9] at the "Kingdom Castle" for 500001 gold for mazzga - lot #103597121, commission: 25000

i guess i m happy getting 500k then just waiting for every week getting 1.7k gold :)
the guy who bought it from you has 5 shares of it, and the weekly earning is 2k *5= 10k gold, which means 520k in 1 year. He would need to play atleast 3.5 years without losing his shares to earn the gold back he spent.

Am i missing something? or this just seems terrible..
for virtual_vitrea:

How many years have you already played? My account was created in 2008...
It doesn't matter how many years i have played, its how many i have yet to play to break even.

When i started sure, i would love to have a chance to get a hand in this. But if the condition is to reach a point where you have to wipe off a million or two and then wait 3-4 years to slowly (very slowly) get it back, yeah.. that sort of thing does not qualify as anything lucrative in my book.
Another thing: facilities can change not only prices, but also *product*. This is a very powerful tool which will harmonize profits across all facilities.

The only way dividends will increase in 10 years from now is if for more players join, (thus more demand), AND if no other facilities/regions on map!

Lots of if's!

Oh, also: if game will still be alive...

But then again, maybe not everybody buys stuff with profit in mind. People who have extra money buy stuff for status too.

Don't look only through the perspective of profit in mind...
Fair points. Still, this is a chance to explore the money side of the game. We all fight combats and get to play the 'war' side. It's nice to get to try the other side too.
for virtual_vitrea:
The shares themselves have a resale value too. If in 3.5 years he was able to sell the shares for at least the same amount he purchased them, then it's a significant investment. If he held them for a year and managed to make 520k from payments and then managed to sell the shares he will have a tidy sum of 520k less tax.
sell the shares for at least the same amount he purchased them, then it's a significant investment

Assuming the "living expenses" are the same!

Allowing market to drive the price of artifacts, means 1 gold today is not the same as 1 gold tomorrow.

Now that cost per battle is a (facilities' prices) bidding-war, things are pretty much... fluid!

Next step is allow facilities (shareholders) set the price of 1-hour labor!

And then my friends... school is out!
Don't forget allowing us to expand the size/area of the facilities we own...
MG facilities have more potential to lower wages to increase profits. Now facilities all give same wages but this was equalised by admins only recently.
for Loafoant:
That will be over 500k probably. 30 workpaces
Sold both shares for 790K. Maybe could have earned more. But I'm happy with the result. Y'all enjoy with the trading
This guy owns 25 shares :O
Spent everything on buying shares
It would be interesting to see how much dividend he receives this Monday

Also, If I own a share for 3 days and sell it on the 4th day
Will I receive the dividend for 3 days? :P just curious
I think we’ll find out this Monday
for Lord Elemental:
Idk, should have spent all that money monopolising in fewer factories.
Average enroll used to be at 210 facilities, now it is as 190 facilities.
I'm losing 20*2.6 gold every enroll. That's 52 gold.
I have 110 enrolls every week. That's 5720 gold of lost earnings every single week.
So even if a share brings me 1k of passive income a week, I would still need 5 shares just to make up for the lost earnings.

Not sure if this has been a great change anymore.
Love the 500k in my pocket though.
Does anyone know order of appearence production facilities on the list in each province? I thought this is ID but it's not. Also it is not wage.

Another interesting character

Another interesting character

I bought some shares after the first wave but still paid too much. It seems that market will run out of gold, many buyers can afford just 1-2 sharea and stop while players wanting to sell are thousands. You an say that some players are super rich as this one but even he will buy 10 more shares and will run out of gold.

By that facility where he has 18 shares, also 3-4 sharea are on market so over 20% of player have sold and there are many like this with 20%+ supply.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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