Before the echo of the last of Kh’Everst incantations could even fade from the trees, the grim image of Counselor Feurlis loomed up into the distance, just off the main road where the final battle had been fought. After waiting a moment for the dark elf’s fury to finally subside, the necromancer glanced at the Lord and Ladies returning to their armies, and took a leisurely step forward.
- How are you feeling? - said Feurlis’ cold, emotionless voice as the man approached within a few paces of Kh’Everst.
- Better than your spy’s reports - the dark elf replied quietly, then turned leisurely toward his curious visitor, - But that’s not what you’re interested in at all.
- No, it’s not that indeed - answered the necromancer truthfully, - I heard that something... strange happened to our bandit.
- I don't think he’ll bother you again anytime soon.
- And that’s it? - Feurlis asked, clearly waiting for more information.
- And that's all. - Kh’Everst said in a short and confident voice, but after a moment’s pause he added the following, - I’m not aware of his motives, but they are covered by the Darkness. Not the darkness that showed the way to my people, but an older darkness, as if it had only just been torn from the "Source".
Feurlis thought for a moment, but decided not to elaborate, glancing up and down the road littered with bodies of smugglers before asking:
- And what do you think of them?
- About them?.. - The dark elf interrupted, thrusting the pointed tip of his staff into the body of the barely breathing bandit lying at his feet, - They are like ants guided by a collective mind. But this mind has only two identities. You know her, but she knows you better. No one recognizes him, only old paper remembers his name. It is known only to her.
- Interesting... - Feurlis thought about it, mentally adding new elements to the picture he had formed earlier in his mind.
A riddle worthy of a "cobwed Master"? - Kh’Everst smiled slyly, then suddenly added, - This whole plan was perhaps not as terrible as I had originally imagined....
Lord and Ladies, the combat operation to capture the smugglers is over - and the roads of the Empire will be a little cleaner again for a while! Warlord Grammith thanks those who have contributed to the overall success of the operation to the best of their abilities. And everyone who managed to successfully intercept a caravan of difficulty level 7 or higher is rewarded with a trophy artifact and a corresponding achievement. The artifact durability depends on the maximum difficulty level defeated.
The Empire also gives special recognition to the 75 best military clans - a reward and loyalty to new followers awaits all worthy individuals who have brought 15 points or more to the clan:
Clan Rank | Reward | Battle glory | | 1 | | 1,500 | | 2 | | 1,300 | | 3 | | 1,100 | | 4 | | 1,000 | | 5 - 8 | | 900 | | 9 - 13 | | 800 | | 14 - 20 | | 600 | | 21 - 30 | | 500 | 21. | #933 |  Warriors | 6,067 | 22. | #302 |  Ось Зла | 5,985 | 23. | #5152 |  †Огненные рубежи† | 5,555 | 24. | #5169 |  Белые волки | 5,528 | 25. | #9426 |  Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев | 5,382 | 26. | #1512 |  † Nekropolis † | 5,379 | 27. | #3695 |  Бездельники | 5,306 | 28. | #2230 |  Агенты Хаоса | 5,301 | 29. | #1488 |  Тёмная лига Некромантов | 5,295 | 30. | #2303 |  III legion of Elfius | 5,285 |
| 31 - 45 | | 400 | 31. | #10886 |  Гиперборея 1685 | 5,249 | 32. | #2304 |  IV legion of Elfius | 5,205 | 33. | #5063 |  Midgard | 4,808 | 34. | #846 |  †Академия Миротворцев† | 4,676 | 35. | #5722 |  Галерея Теней | 4,289 | 36. | #1317 |  Запорожская Сечь | 4,201 | 37. | #3975 |  Степное Братство | 4,128 | 38. | #728 |  Улей | 3,558 | 39. | #10721 |  Стальной Дозор | 3,430 | 40. | #1271 |  Братство Героев | 3,324 | 41. | #1790 |  Орден "Клинок теней". | 3,020 | 42. | #3305 |  Украина. Величие Запада | 3,010 | 43. | #2735 |  Ангелы смерти | 2,970 | 44. | #1787 |  Scorpion | 2,582 | 45. | #15 |  Destiny | 2,485 |
| 46 - 60 | | 250 | 46. | #346 |  Свои | 2,452 | 47. | #7705 |  † Angels & Demons Ψ | 2,451 | 48. | #4260 |  Легион Ордена Тамплиеров | 2,101 | 49. | #2902 |  Воительницы - Амазонки | 2,046 | 50. | #493 |  Говорящие с Ветром | 1,953 | 51. | #522 |  Властители семи ветров | 1,702 | 52. | #3346 |  Радуга | 1,673 | 53. | #361 |  Flock | 1,650 | 54. | #644 |  Гвардия Grail Keepers | 1,593 | 55. | #8026 |  ‹ Три Богатыря › | 1,585 | 56. | #9595 |  Immortal Dynasty | 1,579 | 57. | #326 |  Герои Уничтоженных Империй | 1,535 | 58. | #8433 |  _Чудная Долина_ | 1,458 | 59. | #2213 |  Сварожичи | 1,452 | 60. | #6118 |  Владыки Мира Империи | 1,443 |
| 61 - 75 | | 100 | |
Additional thanks to the best 5,000 Lords and Ladies who have managed to defeat the highest level enemy! This feat is sure to attract even more glorious warriors to the ranks of your followers.
Lord/ Lady Rank | Reward | 1 - 50 | | 51 - 100 | | 101 - 200 | | 201 - 400 | | 401 - 650 | | 651 - 1000 | | 1001 - 1500 | | 1501 - 2250 | | 2251 - 3000 | | 3001 - 3750 | | 3751 - 5000 | |
The names of the best Lords and Ladies in terms of the difficulty level of the intercepted caravans have been forever entered into the history of the Empire:
Hooray! |