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Topic Date
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[2019.06.30] Day of the Adventurer06.30, 00:001Empire06.30, 00:00, by Empire
[Event] Raid06.20, 09:41178ProZyk06.29, 10:59, by #7490Meshy
[2019.06.29] Day of Clan Bonuses06.29, 00:004Empire06.29, 10:19, by siddi1111
[2019.06.28] Day of Duels06.28, 00:006Empire06.28, 06:31, by ProZyk
Watchers guild megathread06.26, 23:5215Aurelija06.27, 22:30, by Omar Contreras
[2019.06.27] Day of the Builder06.27, 00:001Empire06.27, 00:00, by Empire
[2019.06.26] Day of Feisty Labourers06.26, 00:001Empire06.26, 00:00, by Empire
[ Gamblers' guild] Is lvl15 enough?06.23, 17:3311Lord Syrian06.25, 18:39, by Lord Syrian
[2019.06.25] More-Bang-for-Buck Day06.25, 00:004Empire06.25, 13:07, by #4201Calamity
[2019.06.24] Day of Vigour06.24, 00:006Empire06.24, 07:42, by Odin
[2019.06.23] Day of the Commander06.23, 00:001Empire06.23, 00:00, by Empire
[2019.06.22] Day of Recruiting06.22, 00:005Empire06.22, 11:35, by #7490Meshy
[2019.06.21] Day of Hauling06.21, 00:001Empire06.21, 00:00, by Empire
[2019.06.20] Day of Quick Tournaments06.20, 00:001Empire06.20, 00:00, by Empire
[2019.06.19] Day of Equipment06.19, 00:002Empire06.19, 14:59, by Azuretard
[2019.06.18] Day of Dark elves06.18, 00:001Empire06.18, 00:00, by Empire
New Paired Tournament.06.06, 12:1952Aurelija06.17, 23:28, by #326999X
[2019.06.17] Day of New Hunts06.17, 00:001Empire06.17, 00:00, by Empire
[2019.06.16] Day of the Mercenary06.16, 00:008Empire06.16, 03:35, by ProZyk
[2019.06.15] Day of the Builder06.15, 00:002Empire06.15, 01:01, by Aurelija
[2019.06.14] Day of the Undead06.14, 00:002Empire06.14, 00:00, by ProZyk
[Update] Commanders guild06.04, 10:4445#7490Meshy06.13, 08:00, by ProZyk
[2019.06.13] Day of Leasing06.13, 00:001Empire06.13, 00:00, by Empire
[2019.06.12] Day of Recruiting06.12, 00:0013Empire06.12, 14:07, by #9595merlin36
[2019.06.11] Paycheck Day06.11, 00:0012Empire06.11, 20:12, by Realag96
[2019.06.10] More-Bang-for-Buck Day06.10, 00:002Empire06.10, 05:04, by Unblock
[2019.06.09] Day of Feisty Labourers06.09, 00:006Empire06.09, 14:27, by Skoczek
[2019.06.08] Day of Automation06.08, 00:004Empire06.08, 05:09, by #7705Murali
[2019.06.07] Day of the Beaver06.07, 00:005Empire06.07, 21:34, by Scruffy
[2019.06.06] Day of Duels06.06, 00:0016Empire06.06, 19:15, by #1209latviesu lords

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