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Event - Additional levels | 10.12, 12:39 | 2 |  Yuvraz | 10.12, 12:44, by  Yuvraz | Blade of mercy - celestial units !! | 10.11, 14:16 | 2 | elven_blade | 10.12, 07:08, by Void_Moon | Blessed spirits / beaming spirits - speed of light talent when hit and stay | 10.11, 22:24 | 4 |  Elrond | 10.12, 01:39, by  Elrond | Best talents for magic damage? | 10.10, 09:30 | 7 | SHadyReaper | 10.11, 10:49, by Void_Moon | personalized character | 10.10, 13:56 | 8 | over11 | 10.10, 17:35, by over11 | Utility of Dark Bow | 10.08, 16:56 | 6 | AKA | 10.09, 12:37, by  Meshy | Heavy bolt attack line | 10.07, 10:49 | 6 |  Yuvraz | 10.07, 17:46, by  Yuvraz | if frontier ursary perform knockback on ghosts...! | 09.25, 22:06 | 25 | elven_blade | 10.06, 22:03, by Omar Contreras | Flash on google chrome coming to an end | 10.06, 19:05 | 3 | joaodbe | 10.06, 20:19, by joaodbe | AG best sets. | 10.05, 19:18 | 6 | -BayerN- | 10.06, 01:09, by  Electivire | AG | 10.04, 12:47 | 3 |  Uncle Psycho | 10.04, 12:59, by  Uncle Psycho | Troops of Faction Knight | 09.29, 16:42 | 14 |  Lord D1vh4_13L06 | 10.03, 17:59, by  Lord D1vh4_13L06 | Labor guild | 10.03, 15:37 | 2 | Irkinstaz | 10.03, 16:34, by Lynch | Laborers Guild boost | 09.30, 13:14 | 7 | xXmaxyXx | 09.30, 15:57, by xXmaxyXx | Production facilities disappearing | 09.27, 21:09 | 7 | Lawton | 09.29, 13:55, by  Meshy | Why my guild did not level up? | 09.28, 05:00 | 5 |  ShouldntBeNamed | 09.29, 07:39, by  ShouldntBeNamed | How to sell artifact part? | 09.28, 10:11 | 8 | SHadyReaper | 09.29, 03:49, by kchong | Level up in campaign. | 09.27, 23:37 | 2 | Milkshot | 09.28, 03:20, by kchong | List of special artifacts that count as shop artifacts | 09.26, 22:35 | 2 | whiz | 09.26, 22:50, by whiz | Clan flag next to factories and about shares. | 09.26, 19:59 | 5 | WebinarEscape | 09.26, 21:49, by WebinarEscape | Castle: Magic Guild level 3 | 09.26, 18:10 | 2 | SHadyReaper | 09.26, 20:39, by  Hapkoman | Unsportsmanship behavior | 09.26, 02:53 | 2 | joaodbe | 09.26, 03:07, by  Meshy | Adapt ability | 09.25, 20:06 | 6 | Lord Zehir | 09.25, 22:39, by Lord Zehir | Campaign battle | 09.25, 07:55 | 4 | Andrewganteng | 09.25, 14:28, by Andrewganteng | Shares and alternate accounts | 09.24, 16:42 | 6 | wicked01 | 09.25, 12:39, by  Calamity | What happen after repair a 0/1 item | 09.25, 09:42 | 2 |  King_Luigi | 09.25, 11:58, by  virtual_vitrea | Dark elf builds | 09.24, 19:03 | 2 | SHadyReaper | 09.24, 20:28, by kchong | Camel robber abilities | 09.24, 08:18 | 4 | Mercenary Exile | 09.24, 15:57, by  Hapkoman | Creatures - Special abilities description | 09.23, 06:33 | 16 |  Yuvraz | 09.24, 15:47, by  Hapkoman | Market Guidance sites | 09.21, 15:29 | 6 | The Economist | 09.22, 19:41, by The Economist |