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Shadow dragon | 04.29, 20:30 | 6 | El-Sheighul | 04.30, 05:06, by El-Sheighul | new arts | 04.30, 03:04 | 3 | Farty_Pants | 04.30, 03:39, by Farty_Pants | flash player on MOTOROLA. pls help :) | 04.30, 01:01 | 3 | soccer_10 | 04.30, 02:48, by DuskCarnivore | Unholy Blackshard ! | 04.29, 19:45 | 8 | talesrunner | 04.29, 20:37, by Lord Patrickou | Why Magic resistance and faction resistance don't affect .. | 04.29, 14:02 | 7 | KnightSlayer | 04.29, 17:21, by KnightSlayer | What is this creature?? | 04.29, 16:40 | 6 | coolahed | 04.29, 17:14, by coolahed | luck | 04.29, 17:07 | 2 | Margorita | 04.29, 17:08, by Margorita | question about bow sign... | 04.29, 14:03 | 5 | Cocoon | 04.29, 14:55, by Lord Patrickou | Blacksmith of Reprisal - balance & resources | 04.29, 12:52 | 3 | Mathangi | 04.29, 13:57, by Mathangi | i didnt get 300 gold | 04.29, 13:30 | 4 | harishnew | 04.29, 13:33, by Slust | Exchange resources | 04.29, 11:48 | 9 | Liongo | 04.29, 13:06, by Liongo | abt favoured enemy n luck | 04.29, 10:56 | 6 | thebestever | 04.29, 11:41, by KnightSlayer | Team up in Every one for oneself | 04.29, 11:35 | 3 | Liongo | 04.29, 11:40, by KnightSlayer | how to get diamonds? | 04.29, 10:46 | 2 | ImmortalWizard | 04.29, 10:47, by Magier | artifact shop | 04.29, 10:41 | 5 | TheSilentkiller | 04.29, 10:47, by TheSilentkiller | aboute thief guild | 04.28, 21:11 | 11 | Lord Doomweed | 04.29, 10:13, by Lord Mr_eee | recognize the enrollment code plz | 04.29, 05:10 | 5 | Kshitiz45 | 04.29, 05:27, by coolahed | Why? | 04.29, 05:03 | 2 | Never_Sleep | 04.29, 05:08, by Lady Takesister | lv4 elf best set?? | 04.28, 19:28 | 7 | mikey0413 | 04.28, 23:58, by qulows | invalid code xqasze | 04.28, 17:41 | 4 | KTSSHIVA | 04.28, 20:01, by Lord Patrickou | money | 04.28, 17:15 | 2 | FCBK | 04.28, 17:16, by Lord Macsek91 | illegal.. | 04.28, 16:25 | 4 | insane_user | 04.28, 16:59, by Lord Macsek91 | please | 04.28, 15:21 | 7 | Never_Sleep | 04.28, 16:22, by Lord Patrickou | Max Xp | 04.28, 14:52 | 6 | Dalglish | 04.28, 16:19, by Lord Patrickou | Is elements got critikal hit? | 04.28, 15:29 | 2 | Lord TasKurPavaro | 04.28, 16:18, by KnightSlayer | Witch Hammer | 04.27, 18:57 | 6 | Konan_D | 04.28, 14:01, by Dima178 | LOOKING FOR HELP | 04.28, 12:30 | 3 | dinhanh1997 | 04.28, 12:48, by Lord Jedi-Knight | talents | 04.28, 09:42 | 4 | D_E_V | 04.28, 10:04, by Lord Patrickou | Profit with additional chars | 04.26, 21:46 | 26 | Lord Bareonchen | 04.28, 07:48, by coolahed | Questions Regarding Multis | 04.28, 06:07 | 3 | Lord Ravensclaw | 04.28, 07:21, by Lord Ravensclaw |