Forums-->Leasing <|59|60|61|62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|>
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[lease] MH set {1700 gold/battle} | 04.30, 15:29 | 17 |  Lord Craig080 | 05.09, 22:59, by  Lord Craig080 | [Rent] All arts for full durability | 05.08, 16:29 | 2 | Lord artefackt | 05.09, 19:22, by Lord CrAzY_DePuTaT | [Lease][Thief Set][5000 gold/battle] | 05.07, 17:39 | 5 | Lord teract | 05.09, 14:55, by Lord teract | Great hunter set | 05.09, 13:59 | 1 |  PlayandSkillz | 05.09, 13:59, by  PlayandSkillz | [Lease] [Enchanted Shop Weapons/Jewellery] | 05.07, 08:32 | 8 | Warwick-the-wiz | 05.09, 11:47, by Warwick-the-wiz | [Lease] MH set | 05.06, 11:31 | 9 | Collector79 | 05.09, 08:41, by Collector79 | [Lease][Equilibrium blade & Longbow][4x5%][500 gold/batt | 04.26, 09:43 | 15 |  kwan_waris3 | 05.09, 08:33, by  kwan_waris3 | [Lease] [(almost)All Wizard/Magic shop arts up to lvl 10] | 01.23, 21:18 | 507 |  Lord naviron | 05.08, 15:09, by  Lord naviron | [Lease][Lvl 3-9 shop artifacts] | 05.07, 15:38 | 7 | Lord vishnus | 05.08, 15:07, by Lord vishnus | I will leasing | 05.08, 11:34 | 2 | Ford_year | 05.08, 11:36, by Ford_year | [Lease][Various Shop Arts][Any number of Combats] | 05.01, 11:52 | 6 | chrisgong27 | 05.08, 10:10, by chrisgong27 | [Lease] Devil`s axe 5x10 [2500 G/B] | 05.03, 20:51 | 8 | awiz | 05.08, 08:14, by awiz | [lease] MH set {1200-2800 gold/battle} with various GH,BB ar | 04.11, 11:49 | 37 | elferds | 05.08, 05:58, by elferds | [Lease][Thief crossbow ][4*10%][1212gold/btl] | 05.01, 16:18 | 7 | Lord Borgia | 05.07, 11:41, by Lord Borgia | [Lease][Weapons][36-50%][1,1-1.8k gold/battle] | 05.04, 11:12 | 9 | Lord alleroy | 05.06, 19:03, by Lord alleroy | FOR LEASE ENCHANTED ARTIFACTS Very cheap! | 05.03, 17:06 | 6 | Asesino21 | 05.06, 16:06, by  Elven_Lord | [Lease][Weapons][3x7%-4x10%][500-1300/combat] | 05.04, 08:25 | 4 | CaligulaX | 05.06, 07:21, by CaligulaX | [Lease][Pit demon`s blade][for Lvl 5+][5x10%][1250 G/B] | 05.02, 19:02 | 7 | Lady Aluca | 05.06, 05:52, by Lady Aluca | [Rent me artifacts] | 05.05, 15:22 | 1 |  Lord denis62 | 05.05, 15:22, by  Lord denis62 | [Lease][Shop arts for ST] | 04.30, 22:22 | 9 | Bblkycu | 05.05, 13:55, by Bblkycu | [Lease] [Hunter Set] [800 gold/battle] | 05.04, 16:10 | 2 | Kolaps | 05.05, 12:18, by Kolaps | buy | 05.04, 14:58 | 1 | Ayush5 | 05.04, 14:58, by Ayush5 | [Rent] Thief cloak | 05.04, 14:08 | 1 |  Wild_Shooter | 05.04, 14:08, by  Wild_Shooter | [Lease][Weapons][36-50%][1,2-2k gold/combat] | 04.29, 15:18 | 13 | Lord alleroy | 05.03, 15:49, by Lord alleroy | [Lease][Various Might & Magic Arts,Thief Set][3x7%-5x10] | 04.07, 16:08 | 236 | Lord _force_ | 05.02, 13:23, by Lord _force_ | [Lease] Enchanted Arts (some thief) | 04.29, 11:15 | 12 |  Lord Khellendros | 05.02, 10:56, by Lord Macsek91 | Rent me artifacts | 05.02, 07:59 | 1 | Lord CrAzY_DePuTaT | 05.02, 07:59, by Lord CrAzY_DePuTaT | [Lease] Hunter Set [810 gold/battle] | 04.25, 12:27 | 18 |  Lord smswarez | 05.01, 07:11, by  Lord smswarez | [Lease][BB set][4,7k/battle][GH set][3k/battle] | 04.21, 17:35 | 7 | Lord SEREGA-777 | 05.01, 06:36, by Lord SEREGA-777 | [Lease][Enchanted Arts][Whole day at May 1 game anniversary] | 04.30, 19:21 | 2 | Lord _force_ | 05.01, 04:38, by Lord _force_ |