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AuthorDark Elves faction topic

The reason DE should not go magic is due to low recruitment count.
DE is forced into might because it must dish out as much damage as possible before being removed from the game.

i agree.
magic DE seems to be very bad at high levels.
i looked at the top players: all level9 DE are mights DE.

now look at DE's special abilities: magic piercing and elemental call.

magic piercing:
i think everyone here knows that it's extremely weak for a magic DE and useless for might DE...and DE are forced into might at high levels.
conclusion: magic piercing is extremely weak at low levels and totally useless at high levels.

elemental call:
it's like magic piercing: totally useless for might DE, and very weak for magic DE.

i will take myself as an exemple to explain why it's very weak for a magic DE:
i'm level5DE.
at my level it's possible to be magic DE, so i play magic DE now before being forced to turn to might.
i have 4SP 2KN with no arts and basic erudition. 5arrows, 56dmg/arrow
i have 7SP 2KN with full arts and basic erudition. 5arrows, 80dmg/arrow

if i take elemental call instead of basic erudition:
i have 3SP 2KN with no arts and elemental call. 2arrows, 72dmg/arrow
i have 6SP 2KN with full arts and elemental call. 2arrows, 108dmg/arrow
2 spells/battle for a magic build...it sucks a lot.
if i want elemental call, i must have at least 4knowledge. (3knowledge=only3spells, still not enough)

if i use potion of oblivion to have more knowledge: -2SP,+2KN.
i have 1SP 4KN with no arts and elemental call. 5arrows, 48dmg/arrow
i have 4SP 4KN with full arts and elemental call. 5arrows, 84dmg/arrow

without arts:
elemental call: 48dmg/5spells
basic erudition: 56dmg/5spells
with arts:
elemental call 84dmg/5spells
basic erudition:80dmg/5spells

you can see here how much elemental call is useless:
only good for magic DE, only on full arts battles, and even with full arts it gives only +4 little damages to your magic arrow...pathetic racial talent.
rain of arrow or escort are 1000x better.

i think DE's problem is not really troops, but racial abilities.
troops are maybe balanced with other factions, but not skills.
try to play duels at level5DE without racial abilities (demons without gating, necro without raise, wizards whitout mini-arts, elf without avenger guild...) i think DE have a chance to win.
if we loose at level5, it's because oppenents have powerful racial abilities giving them a huge advantage on us.
if we had a powerfull racial ability too, it will be fair...but with magic piercing we can't do anything.

with their special ability, dark elves should be one of the best magic factions, with wizards.
but we are forced to turn into might DE at high levels.
we are a might faction with magic racial abilities...i think there is a problem here.
you r level 5, when you have access to all talent and can have only 1 talent. at level 6 you can use erudition only, while with ele call you can have one more talent(sorcery, offense, or dark magic).
i have 3SP 2KN with no arts and elemental call. 2arrows, 72dmg/arrow
i have 6SP 2KN with full arts and elemental call. 2arrows, 108dmg/arrow
2 spells/battle for a magic build...it sucks a lot.
(3knowledge=only3spells, still not enough)

Also, you make some mistake there. 2 KN doesnt mean 2 magic empowered, but also with one original magic. the same thing for 3 KN.
I was a magic DE at level 5-6, and dont complain anything about it. At level 5 with fortune talent, and 6 with offense and Ele Call. o, and with 72+48 damage you can kill 11 elven bowmen in 2 turn. remember that kill many as you can in early turn is better than slow kill, because we are melee fighters, and our ranged is only our hero (dont count poisoner plz)
so dont use ele call at level 5, you should use better talents since you can choose any of them. But at level 6, you can make unexpected damage by your opponent, such as with erudition you can deal 56 damage in 1 turn, but 72 damage with ele call with 1 less SP(so 48 is original damage). Imagine you are fighting elf, and righ after you hero is your mino ready to break into bowmen, but 2 druids in 1 stack block the way. with erudition, you can kill 1 druid only, and the enemy had predicted it. but when you use ele call, those druids dead, and your minos can get to the bowmen. There are many other thing that can be done with the help of ele call, so its not really weak, though i dont ask you ppl to use it. Its up 2 you, this is just my opinion.

Magic DE at level 8 with full arts can use mass poison that deal 70++ damage each unit in a turn. This is very effective for BB, EFO, group battles and elves. And there are no arts that give protection to earth damage except enchanted arts.

And racial skill in .ru server is the same right? As admins of .ru didn't change anything there we cant expect admin here to change this one. Im too very very pretty sure of it.
Dont use DE if you dont like it, better build new char or change faction.
After all, since this faction has useless racial skill, strange talents (imagine, offense=7, chaos=9, erudition=10. Admin "force" us to use offense right? But we have magic racial skill, so r we magic or might?), the weakest and worst faction, then only great people who can play it. If you think you can't bear using a hard faction, then leave DE. =p
Take proud of being a DE cuz you are all great players =) Cheers
i think DE level5 is the weakest faction.
but i never said i will turn to an other faction.
i like to play DE, and i like difficult battles. i will not change my faction.

at level 6 i will not use erudition.
i will have basic melee+battle fury instead.
i will lose 1SP by removing erudition, but +1SP by skill point when reaching level6.
my magic will be exactly the same than at level5, but my melee will be a lot more powerful.

level5: magic
level7 maybe still might/magic
and level8 with shrews i will definitively turn to might, and use potion of oblivion to take attack instead of spell power.

mass poison is attractive, i wanted to do it first...but i changed my mind because when facing a necro or a wizard your poison don't work and you are dead.

and a last thing:
you wrote this:
remember that kill many as you can in early turn is better than slow kill, because we are melee fighters, and our ranged is only our hero
and this:
Magic DE at level 8 with full arts can use mass poison that deal 70++ damage each unit in a turn.
poison is a very slow kill, your are not coherent :p
i think DE level5 is the weakest faction.
i totally agreed with this one, i also find it hard taht i only do hunts and quests and a few EFOs at level 5(very small chance to win in duel)
mass poison came to my mind too, and also the same prob you thought. Yes poison is a slow kill, but they can kill a lot of stacks that block enemy's archer guardians. Once they lost their ranged, we can play slower right? that could be the right time to use it, maybe, if the enemies havent scattered yet.also, doesn't mean that in 1st turn you have to use poison. you can use ice clod 1st for example. But if against vitality xbow, maybe destructive magic are nothing...
maybe, at high levels we use buff/debuff more than doing damage, since doing 100 damage to 3000 hp army is like nothing.
when Lv.6, i suggested choice Basic offense+cold blade if you like play full arts battle.
sorry but im lvl 5 DE and i find that combined with an elf youre really strong since DE take the melee cover while the elves are shooting them down

for the items we could have like a (lvl 3)magic university where we can teach troops magic for like 500 gold and 3 of each res(5 extra mana each time bought for that troop)

and the magic they can use depends on the magic you know
When level 6, I heard that with elemental call you can make you spikes give more than 34 dmg... That has to very effective against elven bowmen and druids, which they almost always seem to pack together in a corner!!

How much knowledge and Spellpower would be necesary??
Shrews in my opinion own.

You can already kill a bunch of druids at level 5 with elemental call at spell power 4+.
When you are level 6 with spell power 6, you can do a normal spike, have 1 poisoner deal 1 damage (+ 1 poisoned damage) to each druid and watch them die. You could also combine an elemental called spike (48 damage) with someone who can do a 20 damage spike (SP 3) to kill a pack of 2 druids packed together.

Have fun, DE at level 5 or 6 are not as weak as people make it out to be.
Still, Basic destruction should be lowered by 1 talent point or so, seeing the fairly small advantage it gives (more or less the same as 1 extra SP you can get from erudition which in turn also enhances your darkness spells by 1 turn and costs only 1 talent point more then erudition) With Destruction magic at 8 Talent points, a DE would be able to get both elemental call and basic destruction at lvl 6 and which would allready make quite a bit off difference
anyone know why did elermer deleted my post so we can have a upgrade that person isnt even a dark elf
for chanlebr:
You probably mean your closed topic. Maybe you should read local rules and game rules, rather then ask such questions in unrelated topic.
it is partly related since i put my idea on here but no one noticed it so i put it onto ideas and suggestions
etc look at post 266
oh thats why he blocked it
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