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AuthorDark Elves faction topic
I do believe simple statistics can prove a point.

Why not generate a matrix where we can see results of X vs Y, where X is one faction and Y the other faction. Where those 2 points meet is the percentage X winning against Y

1 2 3 4 5 6
DE Elf Demon Wizard Knight Necro
1 DE

2 Elf

3 Demon

4 Wizard

5 Knight

6 Necro

Take all the battles ever fought into consideration est voila.

One can make bigger stats ofcourse for groups of 2vs2 or 3vs3, with various combinations, but that is not for my feeble mind, rather for advanced statistical programs :).
U forget Barbarian, but it is ok .. thx a lot for the idea ...

best regards,

@ 134

lol, why won't u get 1 magi against 10 rogue??!!
see, how many tamed mino u can get at lvl 5?? for golem , u can get max 16, is that a huge number??
but if u want to complaint about the "racial ability", maybe i must agree with u, piercing magic is useless, compared to mini art, or others.

maybe this can be the "fact" that u want
or maybe u have a "fact" that show us DE is underpowered (other than just opinion)??!!
no i use dark elf strategely i like DE the best but racial ability should change but it is useful against golems and barbarians and when level 8 unicorns but it has less troops but very good health , initiative (not of minos and hydras),speed and damage and the most very good abilities and magic
VS barabarians magic piercing is good?

no it's really bad.
without racials ability, we would make 100% damage to barbarians troops.
with barbarians racial ability+DE racial ability we deals reduced damages to them.
level6 barbarian faction skill VS level6 DE faction skill is maybe like level3 barbarian faction skill VS no DE skill.

DE's ability is useless against all exept golems and barbarians...and is weak against barbarians (better to have no racial abilities than to have magic piercing VS magic proof)

all other factions have strong abilities (lots of troops, favored enemy, mini-arts+spell bonuses VS neutral creatures, gating, raising, magic proof)
and DE have useless magic piercing.

DE too much underpowered: bad units (individually strong, but tiny ammount of them), no faction skill (magic piercing is about the same than nothing), no ranged units (poisoners are for melee, they sucks at ranged attacks)...
i have killed a demon asily in a battle he was stealing my mana then also i won , i have won from 2 necros soome days ago easily so you can say DE is not underpowered every faction is balanced but you al dont see that thing see DE got everything good magic,speed,initiative,damage but less troops so what if you use it strategilly DE can win and i am a DE
i looked at your combat log.
i found one of your victories against necros:

of course you defeated him...he would have lose against me too, and all DE level5 could have won easily.
he don't have skeletons bowmen, his army: max zombies+ghosts, 7vamps, 1 skeleton.
and he only have 20 mana to raise dead units.
just kill ghosts with magic and fight is over.

try a true necro, with 50+skeleton bowmen, max vampires and 50mana for raise.
good luck.
i have fighted another necro he also was not having bowmen but he was having max vamps zombies and ghosts and more skeletons and 50 mana
ok, it's better than the first one.
but still no skeleton bowmen.
DE are strong at melee, if oppenent don't have shooters they rule.
but all other factions have shooters.
necro's shooters are skeletons bowmen. a necro without skeleton bowmen is dead.
necro without skeleton bowmen is not a necro at all. Simple as that.
I'm a level 6 DE and struggling to get experience. I do have the feeling DE are a bit underpowererd, although it's not so bad in groupbattles. Then the slowness of the mino isnt that terrible.
I really miss some kind of bowmen, the poisoners are too weak. If you want max poisoners so that they deal some damage, you have to give the rogues up.

But if anyone has some tips for a lvl 6 DE, let me know!
for MKF fight creatures taht have low ini and low spd use shrews if u have em
karsot and shebali i dont know about you but i like DE the best and i have tried all factions but i like it only much
Sure you do. After all, on lvl 5 magic build for a DE still works, because noone can wear Cape of Winds yet. But if you check advice for lvl 6+ you'll see constant SHREWS! SHREWS! SHREWS! What sort of faction needs diamond upgrade just to be on par with others?
i will buy shrews i have diamonds i will use them what do you want ? i will not change my faction and i like it and without shrews also i fight good
@151 Make the SP 5 and KN 4 and use Elemental Call.

@147 + @143 as I said if the opponent is weak you will win

What a necro without shooter`s ? It was easy target :D

:) The Human was thinking that his main power at lvl 7 is the bowmens. Wrong instead of that I would take More Recruits 1 by 1 and advance with the Swordsmen that way that the lizards wont hit them from full impact. And the Gryphs ... He exchanged the Gryphs for the Lizzards that`s how it comes. But for the next 3 rounds he couldn`t hit the Minos an lost the Swords by the Magic Arrow (At lvl 6 you already can buy "Cape of winds"). This was a easy target for the DE :)

Please bring some more examples.
also i fight good against necros with no bowmen? lol.
i mean this is the best faction for me
Wrong instead of that I would take More Recruits 1 by 1 and advance with the Swordsmen that way that the lizards wont hit them from full impact.
u can finish that recruits by using 1x4stacks rogues, or spike
and max recruits for battle isnt a good choice
with low ini and only 4 speed
At lvl 6 if you take shrews. Take this Talents Basic Atack and +25 Water Damage (don`t have the Talent name :D).

And now for artifacts: Chain Helmet, Medal of Bravery, Hauberk, Cape of Winds if you fight a Mage or a Demon(mage build) for else take Cape of Spirits (this will give you the 1 round Slow Cast, you`ll be able to control hight initiative unit`s for 1-2 round), Equilibrium Blade, Defender Shield, Shoes of Aspiration, and Two Rings of Inspiration.

You can try out the Amulet of Luck and Two Rings of Abdication as an alternative but it is efective from case to case (if don`t relly on Morale then is better):D.

You should have 1 point choosen by hand in SpeelPower and 1 in Knowledge if you take the Cape of Spirits, spend other points increasing Attack. This the Best Melee build for lvl 6.
About unit choose is the same, 17 Shrews, 10 Minos and 8 Lizz. :D

And be careful I would suggest to part shrews in 2 groups or maybe 3.

I would like to see such a battle.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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