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AuthorDark Elves faction topic
for Vidolix:
lizard have 6 speed. if you move 1 tile/ use only 1 speed before attacking, it means you will reduce enemy defence by 20%(not raising your attack by 20%), if u move 2 tiles from ur position then 40% and so on. if you move to your maximum reach/ 1 tile before maximum reach of liz, then the enemy will have 0 defense.
if you still dont understand how it work, when its lizard's turn, just attack the enemy by moving as many tiles as u can. that way you can reduce some defense. this ability sometimes is hard to see, but if you play in full arts mode, or hunt tier 6-7 creature its really obvious, for example without moving any tile 8 liz only deal 50 damage to giants, but if they move 5 tiles before attacking they will deal 110-140 damage.
Yeahh it means that the Lizards are strong .... so I need to say that The DE is not underpower .. they have absolutely have power to defeat any Fractions .. but the DE players just do not know how to maximize the abilities of the Creatures and do not know how to play them well ....

best regards,

to sg_dark :: U just need to attract the main troops of ur enemies and kill try to take the retal off and kill them by minos or lizards (if u have them) . I think rogues can be a great creatures to attract enemies main troops to be slayed .... If u think that the numbers is low, i have to say YES for level 1 - 4 ... but for level 5 and higher, NO .. they have a VERY great damages ... and Fractions like knights and Elves must be careful .. but i think DE biggest problems is NEcros (esp. the Ghosts ) .....
not really. when liz r all die, then what remains? minos? those slow bulls can't really be depend on. Rogues? it is good to see if they can still attack in their 3rd turn. Poisoners? what can small stack of poisoners do? They have too small damage since they r low on numbers.
thank u very much iron-eagle, i think i understood you.
absolutely have power to defeat any Fractions
proof it pls i've seen many DE players without 2nd upg
and they have a lot of problem in lv 5/6 if both side playing well
absolutely have power to defeat any Fractions
during my tourney battles, i found DE is the weakest opponent to me as an necro, sometimes i kill them without having to raise once, if im dont rmb wrongly
I agreed it.But it will come in handy in high lv.However,I still like a change in the racial.
I mean the racial ability.
well i am not a dark elf but i watched battles for DE in level 6 ... dark elf level 6 can never means never kill a barb level 6 .. ogres can kill lizards with ease and even if DE plays best , evem more 27 orcs can deal a great damage on any unit in dark elf with aimed shot and normaly barbs protect their orcs with ogres , and more hobgoblins can do a big damage and when orcs get bllodlusty here is the worst thing when they can kill 4 lizards in 1 hit, and more and more barb take less damage with spells and this lizards ability to make defense 0 is not so right .. if 8 lizards with 6 tiles move deals 220 damage to goblins they have to the same damage on ogres bnut they do below 150 damage always in 6 tiles .. and i saw this in many batles with many enemies , and more and more barb can kill lizards with ease cz lizards have to approach and charge but when mino stays by itself in battle he playes once in half hour since he takes stunning blow from hero and knockback from ogres that in this time their attack parameters is increased much more with rage .. so i think u all r speaking about things in general but here is the real situation u must change the barb ability to resist spells or make piecing ability more effective like not 10*10*DE skill is better i think then 10*8)DE skill .... tc and no DE can kill barb at level 6 .
and about necro DE level 6 can kil necro with too easy way i think necro is the weakest one against DE , DE can kill ghost with spell and vamp with lizards and blocking bowmens with rogues and mino enters to backup lizards and finish it with easy ...
I just reached lvl 3 so I'm a beginner here. I have to say that so far Necros are the toughest enemy for me (playing DE). I never could kill a necro. I easyli kill Knights, Barbarian and elves.
DE are strong at lvl 3 at lvl 5 not so much
strikerr, here is a way to defeat necro at level3:

your hero should have 2knowledge, 1 spell power (4 spikes, 12 damage each)
don't take attack or defense when you level up (otherwise you will have only 2 spikes, 8 damages each)
13 minos, 10 rogues if i remember
split rogues :
you make 7 stacks on the battlefield:
a stack of 13 minos, a stack of 5rogues, 5 stacks of 1 rogue.
focus on ghosts, zombies are not very dangerous.
use a stacks of 1 rogue to take reiterate, then send all stacks of 1 rogue to ghosts (and hero too if necessary, but not with magic) until you have 2 consecutive miss.
when you have 2 consecutive miss, it means your next attack will automatically be a hit.
then, stop attacking ghosts with small units, wait for mino's turn to kill them all in a single strike (or attack with the stack of 5 rogues, but 2-3ghosts will stay alive)
when they are dead, try to place an unit on them, this way the necro will be unable to raise them (he will finally use his raise on zombies, but it's not as dangerous as ghosts).
keep your eathern spikes for the end game, they will be more powerful:
raised zombies have 13 HP instead of 17 when raised.
raised ghost have 6HP instead of 8, and only 4HP if raised a second time. it means that if you didn't manage to prevent the raise, you can kill lots of them with spikes.

DE vs necro at level3 is 70%victory for dark elves if played well.
at lv 3, maybe DE one of the best
but not in lv 5 n 6
well we can't hope to be the best faction at all levels, otherwise our faction is overpowered.
but really, at level 5-6(dunno 7) playing as DE is real pain. why? because in most hunt you must ask for assist, or you will get killed. check the top hunters on those levels, almost no DE in the top hunters of all factions.
Duels? who can you win against? only DE itself, others hard. group battles is the only one you can expect. dunno level 5, but in level 6 its soo hard to do group battles, as not many ppl level 6 the time i write this. so its hard if you want to level up fast at this level
So, what about best tactics for DE at 5-6 levels?

Till 4 level i used to take 12 rogues and 12 mino (or so..) and often split 1-2 rogues or even 1-2 mino to sacrifice them and take counter with bigger enemies and then attack them with bigger stack without retailiation.

At 5 level i see this (i use 10 rogues, 11 mino, 6 liz..all in 1 stack):
-poisoner are pretty useless :D
-rogues alone are killed too soon. Effective when (in group) enemies attentions are focused on archers (so when fighting with elves, knights or barbs)
-lizards are nice. But after first charge they're lost.
-chaos talent and magic power give us a little hand. they're good.

any suggestions?

example of how (4 me) jump from 4 level to 5 has been dramatic. :D
at 4 in 1v1 battles i killed knights easily. Now they have so much units and grifons with infinite retaliation are so sad! they kill me in 2 seconds! :S
Yeahh to split rogues is the best way to win, TAKE RETAL OFF ,, that is the best way to win, but just make sure u have big number of minos, lizards or rogues to slay the main stack target

best regards,

i hope to do level 5-6 only with hunts and mercenary quests.
i will restart PvP at level7 or8, when it will be possible to win sometimes.

but hunts and merc quests are really hard for level5 DE too.
all DE strategy is based on the no-retaliation method.
but it's impossible to choose the ATB scale order of your units, and sometimes you lose only because of by ATB scale order of your own units.

actually i play with 15 rogues, splitted: 12-1-1-1.
lot of times i lose the first turn of my 12 rogues because they play before the 1 rogues.
an exemple here:
i stacked my rogues, i decided to attack vampires first:
i wanted to send 1rogues take retaliation, then to send 12 rogues with no retaliation.
but look at the ATB at the beginning:
my 12 rogues played before my 1 rogues, i cannot attack vampires, or the retaliation would have been for my 12 rogues.
if i tried to wait, the vampires would have played after stacks of 1 rogue, and before my 12 rogues:
1 rogues attacks, take retaliation, vampire plays, 12 rogues attacks, take retaliation.
there was no way to attack with 12 rogues with no retaliation, because of bad initial order in ATB scale.
finally i took huge damages from vampires.

it was a close fight, i think i lost it only because my 12 rogues were badly placed on ATB scale, otherwise i'll probably have won this battle.

it's really a huge problem for DE, more than for any other faction.
for exemple, it doesn't matter for elves wich druid stacks play first: in any case they will all attack.
for DE, if big stack plays before small stacks, you lose 1 turn, and lots of times, it means you lose the battle.

Rogues are good at running away :), and keeping attackers of them.

sometimes SHIFT + attack to force a standstill can give you the advantage
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