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1) War machines. Do they appear in every combat? Because I don't see any in #3041.

2) What' wrong with this combat: http://www.heroeswm.ru/warlog.php?warid=321274373 It ended but there are still 3 heroes. Is it a bug? If yes is it fixed now?

3) Do the heroes disappear now, when all his creatures are defeated and he still has war machines? Because I won't start another combat that lasts 2 hours on level 4.
Where do you see first aid talent? Can you show me a battle link?
I was referring to your post 3050. It might not be first aid, but it looked like a tent. It wasn't the war machine. each person seemed to have a war machine and a tent.
Yes, everyone had a ballista and a first aid tent (the real players had even 2. Propably another bug). But we didn't have any talents. Only the 5% range resistance from the scout's cape.
what does the first aid tent do, and how do you use it?
I made 2 battles so far.
There are 2 real players, 2 Alek's fighters(AI), 2 Razar's fighters(AI).

There are conditional teams, if you hit 1st AI, usually 2st AI who's in team with 1st begins to attack you. I'm usually sit in the corner and do nothin', and AI's don't hit me.

It's me - http://www.heroeswm.ru/pl_info.php?id=1984029 - Marevick
what does the first aid tent do, and how do you use it?

You can heal (and resurrect) a stack. But you can use the tent 3 times only. When it gets its turn you just use its activated ability.
These Battles are crashing for me . . . Wtf . .
These Battles are crashing for me . . . Wtf . .

You mean its causing your browser to crash?
Thats what happening to me.can't watch it

Try to guess who are the real players (4 AI ans 2 players).
Try both at start and during the battle.

At the end I was like: o.O he cant be that real player :O

Note: no one forgot to settle troops the count down stopped before reaching zero.
Try both at start and during the battle.
Yeah, I did that once... and was killed by nekr, not AI. Some battle you'll meet human worse than AI. =)

It's me - http://www.heroeswm.ru/pl_info.php?id=1984029 - Marevick
It's sometimes very hard to guess who is the real player. Who is it in this combat: http://www.heroeswm.ru/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=321503960

The red dwarf with 1 spell power and 0 knowledge? The wizard with 3 luck and -3 morale?

Note that the red green and blue dwarf used the green rune immediately when they got their turn.
Please stop posting the battles, since all of them are bugged and let the flash player in your browser crash
for Sven91:
May be it is just problem of your flash player? I haven't noticed any bugs yet.

this one works fine for you?


this one works fine for you?

Yes, without any delay or bugs.
for Sven91:
You have to be logged in on .ru to watch the battle. Else the browser crashes
oh i see, thanks

First time to fight with dwarves .. but mayhem did not work at all .. :( what happened ? shold I build runes first ?
If you think the AI is acting strangely look at this:
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