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And where can i get information about the dwarves runic magic??
what is DDos??

Denial of Service.

And where can i get information about the dwarves runic magic??

Thanks, but like how much it costs in a Combat for HwM not HOMM. Mana? Gold? Resources?
for Chance12:
It costs for nothing.
DDoS is Distributed Denial of Service... so it comes from multiple IPs, that's why it is much harder to filter out than a normal DoS
TG: I'm to lazy to count but i think i have over 50% success rate at lvl 8.
and what about caravan types in TG? :) Are there still several caravan types of each faction and every lost decreases the power of the caravan type?
Looks so. But at level 8 may be fever possibilities.
11th mixed tournament.. really miss those things in .com (
where and how do i enter commanders' guild there?

am now level 9.
where and how do i enter commanders' guild there?

Here: http://www.heroeswm.ru/pvp_guild.php
I think you need at least 38 AP to start the trial combat.
bump, just because I love this thread
the best weapon in game-at th's moment.
What are the "T" before the battle for?

Tactics Guild battle.
On our server we get a ' C ' if its a Commander Guild battle.
on .ru when new TG was introduced, was difficulty of caravans reset?
on ru. come war soon with barb

Elven scouts have spotted a camp of steppe barbarians near the border. It seems that they become very furious during combat, so that they increase their abilities because of their raging blood.

Attention heroes of the Empire! Those beings aren't just packs of unorganized creatures. They're led by very strong and powerful leaders. Our spies will continue their work to find out the plans of the barbarians. In the meantime prepare your weapons and armor. Maybe this will be useful in the near future.
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