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Necromancers faction topic


AuthorNecromancers faction topic
But do not try dominion of pain ..
Hah! Did you tried it yourself?

coz it is VERY ACTUALLY suck against UNDEAD, machines and elemental .. they cannot be poisoned AT ALL
Yes. That is why poisoner build is bad for dueling. Poisoner is best for 3x3 battles where there are always the target for poison.
Thank you very much all of you for your insightful opinion ! :>

By the way , is the darkness magic spell Poison stackable ? , as in orcs are poisoned for 3 turns . If Poison is casted on the orcs again , will the orcs be poisoned for 6 turns or will the damage be 16+(4 X Spell power) X 2 ? Or is it unstackable ?
it is unstackable ;)
It would be so nice if it was stackable !
Its totally hard to do anything as Necromancer level 8, I think they screwed up in the number of creeps we get. ! Bah. Still try to get to level 9
combat necro
poison master necro

reviver necro which is the nest choice 4 a lvl 5 necro
combat necro
poison master necro

reviver necro which is the best choice 4 a lvl 5 necro
to 42:
will take no effort, you should wait 3 turns to the next posion
for Dan-Panic:
You are poisoner? But you fight with min AP? *rofl*
You are poisoner? So why do you use GHOSTS?! Where are your zombies?

You don't have money for full mage artifact set and for zombie upgrade? It is only your problem.

Necromancer is one of the strongest factions at 8th level.

P.S. Receive 7th faction level and try combat necro build.
for Maxter:
First: I use 62 infected zombies and only 7 ghost cause I cant take more zombies
Second: Yes Im a poison master but I like to change build depending on what Im facing
Third: Yes Im too poor to get a full set of mage arts. Ive also tried elf for a time and barbarian, cost me a lot there.
Finally: Poison Master is awesome in 3 vs 3 but dont go well against hunt (undead, mechanical and elemental) and merc that are specific to those creatures.

P.S. Right now, every hunt and merc I get is mecha, undead or elemental. so yes it is hard.
Link for skel dragon

for Dan-Panic:
First: I use 62 infected zombies and only 7 ghost cause I cant take more zombies
I looked at your last group battle - you used ghosts.

Second: Yes Im a poison master but I like to change build depending on what Im facing
What do you mean by the word "build" ? Stats, army, skills? If only army then I can tell you that zombies are more effective in any PvP battle, especially 3v3. For hunts and most of merc quests ghosts are better.

Third: Yes Im too poor to get a full set of mage arts. Ive also tried elf for a time and barbarian, cost me a lot there.
Armies are balanced for full art set heroes. Magic builds are nothing without arts. I'm not surprised that you are thinking that you are weak. If you fight with min AP then combat build is much better.

Finally: Poison Master is awesome in 3 vs 3 but dont go well against hunt (undead, mechanical and elemental) and merc that are specific to those creatures.
Yes. I totally agree. I never opposed this statement.

P.S. Right now, every hunt and merc I get is mecha, undead or elemental. so yes it is hard.
If you spend more time in hunting and merc quests, then combat build or reviver will be better than poison master.
Recently i feel necro are too weak....if we battle with demon a few round will get defeat by them. Dark elf are too fast for me...also terrible opponent.....i found the necro dun hv the killer that can give opponent a big high damage...so i keep losing in battle....
Play 3 vs 3 PvP best with full arts, I mostly did very well i those when I was lvl 7. Cause naturaly most of the time there are more dangerous units on the board then yours and you can use our main advantage to the max, which is endurance. The only thing you have to keep in mind is the golden nec rule - stay back and do not charge.

Also I found 3 stacks of 50 bows much better than only 1. It evens out the luck, gives you a good shot at beginning before the elven bows and last but not least it is a wasted target for 20 elfbows with favoured enemy.
Ok...keep in mind 1st....this battle if u r me what is your strategy?? I always lose them.....

I have 9 level necro on .ru server, and if u ask me - caster necro is only effective in group and only if your oponents don't start to kill u first, but battle necro is great in hunts, with talent +2 hp to sceleton archers he is not priority mark and if u are rich and can afford your self enchants - u are unstapable :)
Enchants what? Please teach some...i hv no idea about the enchanments thing...
for Eternal:

Have a question for you guys.

What we can do against an elf ?
I mean, they are almost twice faster then all our troops, they can get Expert Fortune, they have +1 morale, increasing even more theyre speed.
They have druids with lit for our ghost.

How should I setup against an elf, if the battle is same AP ?
Since you are lvl 8 as well you could go for a poisoners build.
With max infected zombies + then max skells and mass poison with 72dmg per turn (14sp needed) the elf should have no chance at all. Of course the arts are a bit expensive and I doubt you would find many duel opponents except maybe other necs and wizards, but against living troops the success should be overwhelming.
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