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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
... im getting too much exp and less faction exp, should i just do hunts? cause sometimes i get 2000 exp and 0.5 fac exp for a MG quest?
i got a question i am on lvl 14 now and changed to knight

i already got these buildings:

Farmer huts
Training chambers
Griffin bastion
Magic Guild level 1
Magic Guild level 2
Magic Guild level 3

Farmer cabins
Crossbowmen tower

now i was wondering what building i would build best next?
i only play hunts and merqs cause of low skill lvl (1 at the moment)
now i was wondering what building i would build best next?

you have to build EVERYTHING as a knight. every castle structure (provide troops) include upgrade structure could give you extra troop due to better troops + more hp to increase the size of recruitment.

ofc, i m not mention on the magic guild, market, blacksmith and other castle nothing to do with troops size.

yet, this gonna be a big pain for you. you were DE before, i m sure most of your hunt will be too hard for a new knight Lv14 with 103 crossbowmen; perhaps you should just focus on large creature hunt where DE seldom win those hunt :s
yeah of course i need to build them all but what best
first get cavalery, guardians or royal griffens?
i dont know if you can get a battle without cavalry?? guardian is priority, royal griff and cav is not too usefull in hunt, when you have to deal w melee or large monster,only good 4 range monsters.
ok thnx and with all the structures i build i can do a battle, but for a hunt u dont need any structure u can do with 2 units u get from start
Just like 2 know abt traing chembers.Do I hav 2 do nething else beside building them?Or that building grant extra units automatically?Kindly reply
yes, for every knight faction level you will get extra troops if you built it, and since you have 1 knight faction level, you get 1 extra swordsman/bowman/ 3 farmers.
Thnx 4 the info.Tht means now 4 every fraction point I get more unit :)
Can u plz guide me how 2 fight DE & Elf at lvl 3?They seems tough 4 me
Thnx 4 the info.Tht means now 4 every fraction point I get more unit :)

For every faction level actually. Higher your combact lvl, greater the number of troops you get with each faction level.
Can u plz guide me how 2 fight DE & Elf at lvl 3?They seems tough 4 me

for Sonia_Red:

Split bows and kill elven bows and leave forest keeper on swordsman and u win.

For DE kill MINOTAUR with bowmen and rogues will try to blok u
when they do so kill them with swordsman. and kill mino on approach.

Afew stuns should make it easy.
Can i see how to fight elf and barb at lvl 7? its kinda hard for me.
is it just luck that made me win?
ALSO i still need to know how to win on elf, like when they divide 2 stacks of bowmen and a stacks of druids protecting it, and he knows how to use the druids stoneskin to his advantage
i wont say you win by luck.
your opponent defense is too low compare to your attack.
and his racial ability didnt work here since you dont cast any dark magic towards his troops.
as a knight, for pvp, would it be better to have attack or defence, I think it would be defence, because knights have a low initiative, but for hunts and merc attack??

and since you have 1 knight faction level, you get 1 extra swordsman/bowman/ 3 farmers.

this is quite misleading. for each faction you gain, it doesnt mean you will get 1 extra swordsmen, 1 extra bowmen and 3 farmers.

i would sat the faction level will increase the maximum recruit on farmer; just like nerco increase on skelly recruitment.

yet, it work on different way. nerco CANT trade in the skelly he had to increase the higher tier unit WHILE knight can do that AND only on human type creature, hence you can never get more griffin NOR angel no matter how high faction level you had.

ALSO, troops from faction bonus doesnt increase in linear way. i had explain this afew page before with some simple example.
sorry for the misleading info, I meant that she got that on her level..
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