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Author | All about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy |
escort is super .see this. | ALSO, troops from faction bonus doesnt increase in linear way. i had explain this afew page before with some simple example.
Are you sure that the increase is not linear? I didn't not check the exact values for getting another faction level, but I believe that I've gotten as much when I reached fl 1 than when I reached fl 2 (5/6 swords and as much bows (+/- 1), and 1 monk at fl 1 (0 at fl2); probably is that 0.5 monks per fl or something like that). My guess is that you get almost the same amount of troops, but that this amount changes each time you level up, making you feel that you get more at each new fl... But, ofc, I may be wrong; I'm just a newbie knight ^^ | you should have cross bows. | How should i arrange my army and what talents should I use as a lvl 9 knight? | This talent is good. | Thnx guyz 4 the info its really helpful | Are you sure that the increase is not linear? I didn't not check the exact values for getting another faction level, but I believe that I've gotten as much when I reached fl 1 than when I reached fl 2 (5/6 swords and as much bows (+/- 1), and 1 monk at fl 1 (0 at fl2); probably is that 0.5 monks per fl or something like that).
i had compare afew detail by myself too. i think it is not linear.
also, the bonus troops from faction increase the amount of farmer/recruit; but not the other troops amount. yet, just because the training ability, you thought it can increase the bowmen and swordsmen amount.
afew page before, i had post the detail of fsp 8 and 9 on lv12. i had test the recruitment.
Lv13 + Faction 8 + Rally + Max HP recruitment: 0, 55, 96, 23, 17, 5
Lv13 + Faction 9 + Rally + Max HP recruitment: 0, 58, 100, 23, 18, 5
(+3 xbow, +4 guardian, +1 monk)
so, if i use the fsp 8 recruitment in fsp 9, then the extra troops you get from fsp 9 will allow you recruit a certain amount of recruit. it will become N recruit, 55 xbow, 96 guardian, 23 griffin, 17 monk, 5 cavalry.
perhaps you can ask some other lv13 knight with fsp 9 apply with the fsp 8 recruitment above to find out the extra farmer/recruit you can get.
also, as you can see, the trade in formula is unclear. YET, only humanoid type creature can be trade in. that's why you see the amount of monk is go up; and griffin remained same.
of course, dont ask me how much bonus troop needed to increase the cavalry. as i said, i dont know the formula at all :) | ok thanks. | I check my knight troops at fsp 9 as pang says:
Lv13 + Faction 9 + Rally + Max HP recruitment: 0, 58, 100, 23, 18, 5
Lv13 + Faction 9 + Rally + fsp 8 recruitment: 0, 55, 96, 23, 17, 5
and i got extra troops: 15 recruits, 9 xbows, 4 guards and 1 monk.
It will be nice to know the increase in recruits number after each fsp levelup and formula to convert (upgrade) in other knight troops. | and i got extra troops: 15 recruits, 9 xbows, 4 guards and 1 monk.
dont look on the extra monk, guards and xbow; keep those troops. in this case, once you recruit the extra 1 monk, other troops number will change as well.
so, 1st recruit 0, 55, 96, 23, 17, 5; following with all the recruit you can until all other recruit become 0 (no more extra recruitment). let's us know how much recruit you get. i could do that by myself; but i dont wanna waste a potion now because i m building my wiz :)
to be more accurate. you might need to downgrade your all your troops to basic. so, it will be more easy to check how much extra you get.
why? upgraded unit have more hp and better stats. you wont know the actual base amount. ex: 1 farmer = 4 hp, 1 recruit = 6 hp. so, 6 farmer hp = 4 recruit hp. 6 farmer is 50% bigger troops size than 4 recruit in term of number.
hence, you should count the base with basic unit; then you should be able to get the biggest troop size you can get | Which talent is good in level 6 knights? | @2771
you could take basic leadership+rally in hunt
basic leadership+escort in pvp | ok thanks. | perhaps we have to get some Lv12 knight from fsp 0 to 7; based on the recruitment on fsp 0, collect all the detail on each fsp level.
with all the details, we can count out the actual amount of bonus troop per faction level :) | Who are knights weak against in general, coz i found this
If we train in another faction we become more resistant to it. So is it a possibility for knights to once they reach a good level to try that faction to make their knight better as well as understanding how that faction plays? is this a good idea? | I have to say wizard. |
Oh cmon there's no way i can win this one T_T or should i take 73 bowmen and hope the range shoot it?Or i just get lucky by sending my griff then get morale... or hope that the ranger shoot the griff.. | @2777 just move your griffins and hope for burst. | Can knight have defence more than 21? | I think soo, cause i seen a knight with 40+ defense... |
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