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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
effect on rally wont change according to combat lvl.
is still +3 to tier 1, +2 to tier 2 and +1 to tier 3.

only racial ability of knight affect the recruiting number.
so if you have high fsp, you could recruit more troops by using rally.
Defense is useless for PvE for Knights while Escort will eventually be taken by everyone for fervor later.

So it still remains pretty much the same for knights.

The Leadership Tree + Escort with some exceptions for might knight
The Holy tree with no exception for mage knight
Hpsim, have a topic about fort + rally

The fact is, with fort the number of rally is dramatically increased, and with better option for tiers trade...

I gonna use Elfs like a example, with rally + fort, they get like + 10fks not 2.
(Probabbly with tier trade included)

I believe the racial skill can tringger with rally too, so no doubt knights are the best faction to use it. But at my humble opnion it's better at level 7+
disagree with you.
in my opinion, fort only increase base recruitment by 50% and rally is not counted in.
hey guys.... as u all can see...
i m playing knight as my 2nd faction...
so is it totally necessary to hav guards??
cause my financial prospect isn't tat great right now...
for cyberclops:
see combats like monsters and hunts of large creatures could easily be done by xbows and swords can also do good work but guards increase ur strength a lot so as soon as you get money build garrison
so is it totally necessary to hav guards??

it would depend on whether you are going to be PvP-based or PvE-based at this moment to build your fsp; on other side, it also depend on whether you are going to be might or magic built.
pang: i m morte pve based n i m using a full might build...
in this case, guardian isnt a must for you. just get your other building before that
this is the most hit faction forum
Maybe knights are the best
in my opinion, fort only increase base recruitment by 50%

Loved hear that, well who care what a lvl 3 talk right? i just keep coming in all threads to talk about i don't know. :)

a decent holy knight before he quit if anyone wants to have a look at his battles
I know that aduel with a wizard is usually a graveyard for knights ( lack of initiative and speed restrict you ). But if the wiz rely only on his magic strikes, then the picture can be different. See this

can anyone show me a defence knight? it would be nice to have a look :)
can anyone show me a defence knight? it would be nice to have a look :)

A lvl 13 Defender


or look at me for a lvl 11 but Im a noob in this school.
isn't defensive style unpractical for hunts and PVE battles?
Thanks Ravna, and neonega yes it is very pvp based
isn't defensive style unpractical for hunts and PVE battles?

Defensive built wont help you much in hunts and MG's

in PVP,
you got advantages against elves, DE and against Demons
Yeah.. u ppl are right though I dont find any difficulties in MG quests with this build.

The problem is in hunt where hand to hand combat is impossible or useless .

But in PvP against might heroes, This build can be excellent because of mainly 2 reasons.

1 - Guards : Low initiative and speed.
Surely enemy units will attack u before U attack them. With defensive build It will prove very difficult for them shorten ur stack considerably.

2 - Griffins : Unlimited retaliation and good damage.

(But never select defensive build with out enough skill points in defense.)
why not a defensive build without defence? the 10% reduction will be more then... I think that doens't really matter actually, you will lose more troops, but deal a higher damage instead..
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