Author | All about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy |
He was using a Master Hunter set Yakub |
what i must upfrade at knight attack or defence and what talents i must buy at lvl 5 ????? |
****what i must upgrade at knight attack or defence and what talents i must buy at lvl 5 ????? |
what i must upfrade at knight attack
what talents i must buy at lvl 5 ?????
you dont need to buy talent, they are free.
choose escort for brigands quest or pvp combat.
else, go for leadership |
escort is for COUNTERATTACK ??? |
why i have -2 luck????? and what i can do to go back my luck at 0????? |
escort is for COUNTERATTACK ???
watch this:
why i have -2 luck
did you afk? else you shouldnt have-2 luck, the -2 luck penalty will last for 2 hours |
i just found this
combination of expert holy and darkness spell in hunt |
Dark + Holy on same hero i think it's a waste of atribute points,(talents/parameters) and also you gonna need many turns to cast all spells, so i don't think it's a good ideia... better focus on one way, darkness or holy... |
@3349 but then again, having dominions means mass spells and cast faster. takes less time to cast however many spells. |
Basicly to cast all holy spells you must spend some turns and time.
To cast, Evasion, Stone skin, Rapid, chatise, bless, dispersion
You can said oh i don't gonna cast every single spell, nice amazing.
But at least 4-5 spells you must cast it's gonna eat 2 turns or 2.5 turns
that's make a huge difference, ALSO you gonna spend 1 full turn, if you wanna cast teleport or anti magic...
There is 3.5 turns or maybe 4.5 turns... gone...
And at least 3 knowledge + 3 SP with parameter points atributes, that's is -30% of might power!
Sure if you want more knowledge sp you will invest stuff on it, like Ring of contradictions for example, 1 knowledge 1 sp, also boost might stats that's really good, but it is for CL 14!!
And for expert holy + at least 2 dominion you must spend 35 talent points!!!
That's alot
And you wanna said me, you able to spend more 32 - 40 points of talents on darkness, and spend more 2 - 4 turns using darkness magic? AND MORE PARAMETER POINTS? man... if you think it's a good ideia, go ahead... |
i just think that combining the ability to increase defence as an example of your own troops while decreasing the power of attacking troops would be great. not necessarily casting every spell i know. just specific ones geared to taking down an enemy in a specific way. a mass stoneskin on your troops followed by mass curse and suffering would be great fun :) |
Well the so called 30% reduction in attack is not a big issue if u use chastise. but if u r a player used to battle fury then it is a completely different story coz the dmg output could be not what u were used to and so that might not pls u to stick with magic built even though its not a bad option. |
Elf, it's true, but must know what gonna do, becuz like i said above Holy will cost at least 35 talent points...
So it's not cheap. But it's a really strong build, for sure :) |
i found bless somewhat useful for hunts and pvp (not always).
i only cast on xbowmen and griffin to perform with bless.
xbowmen for huge demage and griffin for more damage due to its high initiate
the problem is as mentioned above, i had to invest either parameter points or money to boost sp or knowledge.
and i couldn't use escort when i was playing a magic built |
Should i get orc chiefs or guardians for level 10? And, if guardians, should i get them or the magic guild first? |
Should i get orc chiefs or guardians for level 10?
depend on your style. barbs are fast attacker while knight are slow but balanced faction.
since your knight faction is low, you may have trouble with knight in the beginning cause of low recruit amount.
guardians, should i get them or the magic guild first?
guards of course, their shield allies could protect your troops from shooter.
plus the huge hp boost(26hp) make stun trigger more offen then sword. |
i'm trying out holy knight build. how many spell power and knowledge point should i have?
and expert holy+rally and expert holy+battle fury, which one is better?
and also how to do thief guild with holy build? thanks. |
go to 65th page of this topic. read all the content in those links. although some might outdated, but those still provide useful information for you |
to 3358.
if you are using holy spells, you definitely dont need offensive talents or defensive talents. because your spells will boost your troops.
in level 11, i used 8 to sp and 4 to knowledge. |