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but I'm still confused how battle fury increases our damage dramatically?

with expert bless, my 65 guardian can deal max 510+ dmg on 0 def target.

of course, i never try fury + expert bless for now due to insufficient talent point. only if expert bless would let you find out the actual and stable increased dmg.

BUT, fury with adv bless, my guardian dmg can go to 630+ on 0 def target.

it should be able to go higher. my guardian had did a luck strike before with over 1.2k dmg. i havent meet its max dmg with fury

somehow, other faction like barbarian will be easy to find out the increased... just ask them get fury on max hob, get an expert bless on the hob, you will see the difference. big stack of hob = scary; big stack of hob + fury = gay
but I'm still confused how battle fury increases our damage dramatically?
fury increases your stack's min and max damage. they works wonder for a stack that have low minimum damage and small difference between min and max damage and come in a big number(hobs :D).

we barb depends a lot on battle fury, because our main troops benefit a lot from it. let's see
hobs have 2-2 damage. using fury they will have 3-3 damage, that's 50% more damage output.
raiders have 2-3 damage. using fury they will have 3-4 damage, that's 33%-50% more damage per hit.
chiefs have 4-6 damage. using fury they will have 5-7 damage, that's 16%-25% more damage.

fury is not effective for higher tier unit which have high minimum damage. high here is >= 7, as the increase is lower than 15%. as which one is better, cold blade or battle fury, it depends on above factor.

let's see an example:
100 hobs dealing 3 damage with fury and 20 atk difference than enemy's def
100 hobs dealing 2 damage with cold blade and 20 atk difference than enemy's def
100*2*(1+0,05*20)=200*2=400 + 15% = 460
fury wins

100 hobs dealing 3 damage with fury and -20 atk difference than enemy's def
100 hobs dealing 2 damage with cold blade and -20 atk difference than enemy's def
100*2/(1+0,05*20)=200/2=100 + 15% = 115
fury wins

10 rocs dealing 12 damage with fury and 20 atk difference than enemy's def
10 rocs dealing 11 damage with cold blade and 20 atk difference than enemy's def
10*11*(1+0,05*20)=110*2=220 + 15% = 253
cold blade wins

10 rocs dealing 12 damage with fury and -20 atk difference than enemy's def
10 rocs dealing 11 damage with cold blade and -20 atk difference than enemy's def
10*11/(1+0,05*20)=110/2=55 + 15% = 63,25
cold blade wins

as you can see, you unit's damage is the main factor whether you'll benefit much from fury or not, not the atk-def difference between your unit and opposing unit as someone mentioned back before.

according to the info u providede

fury will primarily benefit recruit(1-2) , swordsmen(2-4) and bowmen(2-4)

while cold blade will be more beneficial to higher lv units like griffin(5-10) and monk (9-12)
i am about to turn level 6 and also about to turn racial skill 4 and if u see xp tables if i level up i will have enough money for recruits so should i start TG at level 6 or do MG and do TG on level 7 ?

start at level 6. you could save tons of gold on arts. you'll surely level up before reaching TG 2. i also suggest you don't do hunt and MG, and focus on TG when level 6.
ok thanks only need about 1300 xp for level 6 then i will get basic leadership and rally are they the right talents ?
sorry for double posting but elenthil u said i will level up before that u mean i will level up in 2 weeks to level 7 because most people rent TI for 2 weeks
for superbest1:
don't bother lvling up much but take it to mind that in lvl 6 you have to do thieving only no merc quests or hunts
i am level 6
i am level 6 now with racial skill 4 and i have recruits now with rally talent which recruiting should i take ?
i took max swordsmen and griffins that is 35 swordsmen 11 griffins after that should i take 31 bowmen or 61 recruits ?
sory for double posting but i meant 31 bowmen or 62 recruits not 61 and in TG recruits better or bowmen ?
for thieving plz don't take basic leadership+rally instead of it take escort+basic fortune or basic defense+vitality.

bowmen are instant failure in thieving get max recruits.
But bowmen r the first target and thus useful.
Wizards uses his magic first on bows...Cave demons also...Necros troops first go to bowmen and many more
for speed_dragon:
you are right but we also need attacking force not just a live bait.
recruits have higher hp then bowmen they can do a good job of attacking and bait also.

you can't lose your power for some bait

you only need 100k exp to level up to level 7, and usually 120 successful ambushes give more than that amount of exp. so you'll level up before you reach TG 2.

my experience for ambush is to max sword, max griffin, and take the rest on bowman. i usually split bowmen into 4 packs, and put them into the corners. caravans will attack bowmen first, that'll save some precious time for griffins.

escort is a must talent for ambush, so choose it first. at level 6, i also choose basic defense with escort. because i depend on sword's defense to survive. basic luck is not that useful, because sword is too slow and don't have many chances to attack to enjoy the low prob of luck. at level 7, you could choose rally if you want since you have enough points for both rally and escort.
you only need 100k exp to level up to level 7, and usually 120 successful ambushes give more than that amount of exp. so you'll level up before you reach TG 2.

check out quzya =/
for sry:
not everybody is quzya
though if you have enough money then it's doable
ok then thanks
for blazingarpit: I aibn't saying abt money; but he didnt lvl up even with TG-2
luckily he doesn't but anyone could lvl up between thieving
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