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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
for Jedi-Knight: that is enough I think .. Rally and escort are good for TG ... ^^
Take a look at my combat log. In TG fights, I swear by escort, especially against necros (vamps) and de (shrews). Escort can get you out of an occasional jam.
To jedi knight : u can see TUNG, for fightings in TG .. :) how the escort really awesome there .. :)P
Take a look at my combat log. In TG fights, I swear by escort

ow the escort really awesome there .. :)

Hmm.. I agree. It's like having unlimited retal for a troop of my choice! With the added ability to switch it to another troop in mid-battle! haha..
calm down guys. magic or not that's your personal view.

so what's the difference btw magic and might knight here?

for might knight, all you need to do is focus on either atk or def stats. this is the simple way to go with. in battle, all you need to do is make a good move; pray for some luck and burst action to do the job better.

in this case, you are more depend on your personal luck to trigger those luck strike, burst action, opponents deal mind dmg while your troops deal max dmg.

for magic knight, you will need to do some trick to kick your opponents hard because you have lower atk and def stats. unlike might knight, magic knight can use spell to buff your troops or debuff your opponents. so, personal luck had been minimized much.

in this case, you are more looking for a critical timing or chance to use spell to harm your enemy.

your guardians going to move soon and no one can harm it. you should consider a bless or chastise spell on him to boost the dmg output for 1 strike.

enemy xbow is going to shot, but none of them can dispel if you cast a curse or confusion on it OR cast evasion on your own troops to reduce dmg.
All right, fellow knights. Something's 'bothering' me

As you all well know, I just got to level 8, and I was so excited when I finally got the much talked-about X-Bows.

I was amazed at the amount of damage it dealt to the enemies, esp when the enemy was within Aimed Shot. The problem is, in > 80% of the hunts, thieving and quests I ahve done since I got them, they hardly get a chance to shoot before they are killed off or reduced to an insignificant number!

Whereas for the Bowmen, the damage may not be that great, but at least it gets to go, and about 50% of the time, it get to shoot at full stack/health. If you look at it this way, the Bowmen actually caused more AVERAGE damage over say.. 50 battles.

The reason is obvious - The X-Bows init is 8, compared to the Bowmen's 9. This difference is huge considering that init 9 is faster than a lot of creatures as compared to 8.

And in the majority of the cases, it;s not coz the 'barrier' surrounding my X-Bow has been breached (I usually surround the x-bows with 3 x 2-3 units of Monks.), rather, it was caused by the enemy's magic, as almost all the creatures in the entire Lordswm kingdom gets to go before the x-bows!

So how do u high level knights counter this? Or what tactics can I use?

Thanks in advance. :)
Jedi, max x-bows are only useful in certain situations. Such as hunts against non-ranged troops. If you are fighting against ranged troops, doing merc quests against armies with lots of ranged troops, thieving, or playing pvp, I would usually recommend that you max your swords and use your crossbows similarly to how you used your bows in previous levels (cannon fodder). You are going to have to switch your troop makeup a lot as a level 8 knight. I would say still go max swords as your "default" setting, but if conditions warrant it switch to max x-bows.

Remember x-bows do the most damage when the enemies are within 3 squares. A really good time to max x-bows is when you are doing a hunt against "big" creatures such as griffens, or giant lizards. You place your 90 some x-bows in the corner with another unit diagonal to them, and then just keep a unit in that diagonal position the entire time and watch the x-bows decimate the opponents.

Max x-bows are also awesome in "monster" merc quests. Even against ranged monsters. Just put a unit (griffens perhaps) next to ranged moster, he will be forced to attack melee, and he will also always move around the blocking unit so as to be as close to your x-bows as possible. Use this knowledge to draw that unit close enough to your x-bows to do major damage on them.

Don't forget all of the strategies and tactics that you used before level 8. They are still good and valid. Now, you just have one more weapon in your arsenal. Sometimes it is the best one, sometimes it is not. Use the proper tool for the proper job. A screwdriver doesn't make a very good hammer, and likewise x-bows aren't always the best unit in a situation.
You place your 90 some x-bows in the corner with another unit diagonal to them, and then just keep a unit in that diagonal position the entire time

Ermm.. I don't get this part. What's the 'other unit' u are referring to? A smaller stack of x-bows or.. ?

so the positions would be.. ?


Where X = X-Bows, and M=Monks and all in the corner. Where should 'the other unit' be?

x-bows in the corner with another unit diagonal to them

I meant where should this 'diagonal' position for this 'another unit' be? :)
for sungor:

Oh noooo.. you have succumbed and turned to the dark side too !! :/
it was caused by the enemy's magic, as almost all the creatures in the entire Lordswm kingdom gets to go before the x-bows!

Fight fire with fire. Get the building that gives you bless. Get knowledge and spell power. Then get expert holy magic talents. Then bless the crossbows. Watch as your opponent gets obliterated by 8-8 damage. :)
Of course, I haven't done theiving or PVP, only hunts, so that might be a problem. And you might run out of mana before the battle ends. However, you could try it once you have the money for the building, though, if you insist on full crossbows. And you might run out of mana before the battle ends.
At the begining of lv8, You may thinks bowmen is better.
Because you stay with them for 7 levels.
It is a familiar story.
When you familiar with a new toy, you'll enjoy a lot

for large creature:
start up with is, the follow the situation.
sorry, theN follow the situation

i dont feel want to repeat all over again. we already discuss the xbow pro and cons. go back to previous page to read :)
seriously, Jedi, you need to watch the battles of the hunt records. you could learn a lot from them.
i dont feel want to repeat all over again. we already discuss the xbow pro and cons. go back to previous page to read :)

Ermm.. I went thru the 'previous' page and couldn't find much on the topic. In fact, i went back quite a few pages and still couldn't find much except using Magic on xbows. hehe..

Just light humor there. I did gathered some useful info after going thru some og the higher level knights' combat/hunt logs. :)

Thanks Pang & elenthil. :)

PS: And to all non-knights reading this thread - WHO says knights 'sux'? I managed to get my TG2 in 8 days wearing moderate arts. Sooooo happy now. :D

Knights rules, Knights rocks ! :)
Hmmm.. hi fellow-knight,

I just noticed in my last battle, when I went to my recruiting page to put back my troops after traveling (I always do that), I noticed that my numbers went up by 5 units. (!)

My numbers had been 2/39/61/12/9 (Recruits/Xbows/SM/Griffins/Monks) for weeks now. I can even memorise the numbers w/o me looking at them. haha.. But for the last battle, I had 2/44(!!)/61/12/9 - An increase of 5 X-bows.

I know as a knight, we get more tier 1/2/3 troops when we level up in combat and/or faction level, but I have not leveled up in these 2 for like some time, and certainly not in the last 24 hours (!).

So under what other conidtions are a knight's troops increased.

I'm using the Rally talent for the past week, and have NOT changed it once, so the increase can't be attributed to that.

Thanks in advance.
Double hmmmm...... the strangest thing happened !

After I finished my quest, I came back to SH to claim my victory, and then when to do my hunt. And guess what.. my X-Bows went back down to 39 !

I ahve not change my talents or make any other changes. How is this possible? (??)

These are my 2 last 2 battles - look at the numbers of my x-bows (the rest of my troops' numbers have not change).

https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=12279241 - 44 X-Bows

https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=12279761 - 39 X-Bows
when u use rally and then reset talent wheel - your troops not ready
but ! - when u play without rally and then reset your talents and put rally - then u see only ,,+ troops,,
for SONYcz:

I did not change my talent wheel. I have been using X-Bows all along for the past week.

Look at my last post (#918), look at the start of my 2 battles, it can't be the Rally talent, coz then the rest of my troops' numbers would have changed too. It was just my X-bows going up from 39 to 44... for ONE battle (!)

It's not the talent I'm using(very sure), there must be another (I don't know about) reason..
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