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AuthorWizard Faction Topic
99) is an interesting idea, but it will only work if you have lots of split stacks. At later levels, when all your army slots are taken up by different creatures, it won't be so effective.

Re 98) I think the attack/defence/hp version fits closest with the normal wizard tactic in prolonged battles i.e. allow your units to survive long enough for your spells to destroy the enemy.
What triple-arts are people using on their magi?

I am tempted to go for init, hp and magic proof, or maybe swap the magic proof for defence
Rage does not replace the +attack, it just adds up to it. Attack statistic becomes very effective when you stack it to a high value. Every point of attack will give roughly 5% extra damage.

101 : Yes in a lot of cases what you say is true, but the speed is more effective when the stack you hunt will 1shot you when it hits. I've lost several mercenary qs so far when 1 orc chieftain hit my garg stack with knocking shot and then a very sexy stack of 150 ogre magi raped my gargoyles :P extra speed is very good on long fights with high dps melee opponents that get +1 speed every 10 turns.

102: Magi are very hard to choose what to equip them with, it depends too much on what you want to do and the requirements might even change with every level. I think it becomes a lot about individual style also. Personally i tried so far defense/init double mini arts on lower levels and att/def at level 8-9 ( didnt have money/faction for triple back then ) and tbh i didn't notice a huge difference with either of the 2 options. Now i will just wait for level 11 and lorekeepers and depending on the amount of lorekeepers i will use it will be either attack/defense/luck( many lorekeepers = through shot focused ) or defense/init/morale ( few lorekeepers used as casters ). At 30hp base, the hp mini art on lorekeepers becomes rather weak.
Every point of attack will give roughly 5% extra damage.

on DE faction topic karsot claimed that its 3.5 not 5%. which is true then?
104: 5% is true:

from the game rules:

>>If "Attack" (A) of the attacking stack is bigger than "Defence" (D) of the defending stack, then
Damage = N * RND(min, max) * [1 + 0,05 (A-D) ] * [1 - 3*Y/100]

>>If (A) is smaller than (D), then
Damage = N * RND(min, max) * [1 - 3*Y/100] / [1 + 0,05*(D-A)]

*coughs*...I'm going to make a cup of tea, you can do the math for yourself :D
The formulas are quite simple:

Y is the faction level of the defender on the faction of the attacker ( it essentially represents the 3% less damage from every faction level on opponent's damage ). Since in most cases that can be ignored in calculations cause it is a factor that cannot be altered , we can assume for simplicity that [1 - 3*Y/100] = 1. So it's clear that if attack>defense, then every point of attack is exactly 5% extra damage and if attack<defense, each point of attack is a bit less than 5% extra damage.
As a newbie to this game - only played since nov 08 but as a magic user/wizard since the late 70's early 80's in a game called Dungeons and Dragons I wholeheartedly agree that this is the weakest type at the early stages. However as much as I have to learn about this particular game it seems to follow the D&D as we get higher in level we get stronger.
I may not post much on he forum but I am trying to read them to see how lordswm differs from D&D because some of my strategies don't work the same .. at least in the early levels. If anyone is familiar with D&D and wants to message me to help an old lady figure the differences out. I would welcome it.
This is probably the wrong place for this post but since I have played a magic user / wizard this many years .. and this is for all things wizard it seemed right to me. And thanks in advance.
what are the best triple arts for genies?
after combat level 9 attack/defense/luck for sure, at level 8 you use them as casters mostly so a defensive mini art like def/morale/init or maybe hp would be better most likely
another big drawback is th ecost of a power wand. In the shops invenetory it costs 4k+ resources, but when you go to the only location where it can actually be bought it costs 8k +resources - another madness
they are based on a % - that means that a creature with low ini needs more ini boosters to actually incr ini effectively

please correct me, but the way I read it is:

creature ini 5 + 1% ini booster = ini 5.005 = 20 x 1% ini boosters to incr 1
creature ini10 + 1% ini booster = ini 10.01 = 10 x 1% ini boosters to incr 1

Best way to go is wait until you have a high level and can add a lot of ini to higher level or 'improved' creatures that have naturally higher ini.
5 initiative + 1% = 5*1,01 = 5,05
10 initiative +1% = 10*1,01= 10,1
About gremlin engeneers, does an only one can repair every golem, or is there a maximum amount of hp that each gremlin can repair?

About ini, no mater what the bonus is, the use is not to get more turns for your units, but to act before the opponent's ones.

Think that with a good boost, your magi will act before elven bowmen (mainly), and that will make the difference beetwen a victory and a defeat.
gremlin engeneers: Gremlins can repair every "friendly" golem, even your teammate's ones. Each Gremlin repairs 4 HP. Works on destroyed golem stacks, providing no one is stepping on them (exactly like people wishing to raise a stack.) Gremlins can repair anywhere on the battlefield, the range is unlimited, and works even if Gremlins are locked in hand-to-hand.
Finally, this ability may only be used once per Gremlin stack.
Can someone show the exact tiles covered by a through shot on the combat map??

It gets extremely annoying trying to figure out if a nearby unit will be damaged by it or not..

Yeah it is a bit annoying, but you can learn it only by experience it. A system that shows who will be hit on a throughshot would be very nice.

i remember there was a link in forums to some .ru page with small and nice application for through shot.
alright i have a question which should i give to my magi +1 morale and +2 ini or +1 luck and +2 ini

use the following link

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