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AuthorCheaters everywhere
I know that there are a lot of players who respect the rules. There are players who are trying to give a hand in catching cheaters, because they are becoming a huge number.

I'm frustrated when I lose mi time trying to help someone and then I discover he ignore me and the hand I try to give him. I opened this topic to ask others to give their opinion.

Is it reasonable the number of cheaters on this game? Do you feel confident that if you catch a cheater he will take a punishment?

I have to answer no. Sometime I feel like I'm loosing my time trying to help the admind. Sometimes I feel like I should give up and start cheating like many others.

I'll say this another time, there are lot of people who would like to give a hand. Dear Admins, if you cannot handle this by yourself, please ask for our help. But in a jungle like this, every day will be harder to find some good and helpful players.

Best Reguards
There's work being done in CaA. But oldest complaints are processed first, and since there are so many of them effect is not immediately obvious.
Doesn't mean it's not there though.
Shebali, you always give good news!

I'm sure it's true, but why we have to know this only when a someone gets near to his limit and start complaining like I've done?

Isn't it possible to have a few comunication between admins and comunity?

"Ladies and Guys, we are full of cheaters and we are going to punish them hard! Thanks for your help"

Something like this should be great.
Vonemar's statement is not correct to just payed much heed on I have complained in the c&A forum and the action was taken within 3 hrs.

admins do pay heed to reasonable complaints
Well, what sort of feedback do you expect? Even I have better uses for my time (like, doing my duties) than PMing each topic starter every time I lock a topic that their complaint is solved. (sorry for cumbersome sentence :) And there are many, many more complaints in old CaA section.

As for Ladies and Guys, we are full of cheaters and we are going to punish them hard! - well, you know it already :) What's the point of stating the obvious?
3 hours is only true for "Violations in tavern and battles" forum.
"Finance and others" on the other hand, takes forever
for def0:
my complaint was in finance and others forum only
I have a story to tell regarding cheaters.

Sometimes, there are "hard" cheaters - real dishonest persons, trying to hide their gold transfers with fake market transactions, this kind of things. But sometimes, there are also naive people, unaware of game rules and breaking them with plenty of goodwill.

How can I know? Easy - the latter sometimes try to register to #145 Warriors' Guild. It's stated everywhere that we check the transfer log of would-be members and respect game rules. Asking for membership if you know you cheat would be a bit stupid, wouldn't it?

No matter what is written in game rules - even that not knowing them is not an excuse - many people have NEVER read them.

I wish they would display at a point during character registration - much like a software licence... Or maybe as a part of a welcome message waiting in one's inbox... (hey, good ideas! I'll write that in I&S! =))

Well, what I want to tell is that there is another path than just reporting people in Complaints and Applications: explaining them. I've sent countless emails with a link to game rules. Some people were horrified to discover the character they enjoyed playing with could be blocked at any moment.

And then I told these people to transfer resources back. Most do. They painstakingly compute how much gold they took from their mults and return the amount back.

I don't know - but hope - that proceeding like this will help them avoid punishment.

Conclusion: many people break rules, but not all are actual cheaters. Reporting in C&A is one thing, but another is to contact them and tell them. Who knows.
if you wnat to start be a cheater - do not write on forum! ^_^
We just have to be careful with Cheaters that Make us Loss :) for other cheaters I do not care as long as they do not "touch" me .. :) many players asked me for gold .. :) I can give u all the name of the players if u want .. :)
I see I was the only one who felt that someting was wrong. It could happen and I don't want to continue complaining alone like a old mad guy.

To end this I have only two things to say.

Shebali, it was not such an obvious statement for me. Otherwise I would have never saied anything. I don't want to waste your time ;-)

Kotrin, I've done exactly what you suggest many times and I can confirm that is a good way of deal with people of "goodwill". But this doesn't means that outside the honest clans we should accept to have a savage jungle, don't you think?

Now I'll take my pyschotropic drugs and I'll stop writing madness on the forum for a while. ;-)

PS: KAMAZ, thanks for the advice!! :D
for Vonemar: NP mate .. sometimes it happens to us .. :) just try to avoid them, ... do not believe people too much except it u REALLY KNOW them .. :)
Multis should be destroyed in seconds!There are rules and they have to respect them!
for MyDoom: Multis cannot be killed ... People will register with different Emails .. :)
Vonemar, you sound pained that people cheat. Why does it bother you so much? I don't like cheaters either, but I don't even bother to report cheaters when I find them. The most I would do is give them a friendly warning. Admittedly, there are always people like you who would do report, so I don't have to. But even if they get away with it, I don't care much.

Why not, you might ask. Well, the most common type of cheaters are the ones that create alternate characters for the sole purpose of financial support of their main character. That sounds bad, but when you think about it, gold is an unlimited resource in this game. You'll get enough money if you enroll long enough. Sure, these people will cut the time it takes them to accummulate money by half or third. But the effect is the same as people who buy a lot of diamond and convert them to gold. The only difference is theirs is the "poor-man" method and illegal, and diamond buying is the "rich-man" method and perfectly legal.

I'm not encouraging cheating, to be clear. I just want to put things in perspective, so that the next time you're frustrated or angry, just brush it off. It's not worth worrying about. Just feel pity for these cheaters instead.
for Geryon:

Why not, you might ask. Well, the most common type of cheaters are the ones that create alternate characters for the sole purpose of financial support of their main character. That sounds bad, but when you think about it, gold is an unlimited resource in this game. You'll get enough money if you enroll long enough. Sure, these people will cut the time it takes them to accummulate money by half or third. But the effect is the same as people who buy a lot of diamond and convert them to gold. The only difference is theirs is the "poor-man" method and illegal, and diamond buying is the "rich-man" method and perfectly legal.

I think you missed at least an important thing. This is a free online game, the admins are using donation to take their project (or our game if you prefer) alive.

Cheaters who use their multi to support the main character must be stopped because they could kill the game. If there will be no punishmant, they will grow in number quickly. On a longer time we'll have a "poor(honset)-man" method and a rich(cheater)-man" method and both will never put a single coin to support the game. Financial support of multiple characters is like a venom for this game. It could take a long time, but if you don't react it will kill lordswm.com.

Geryon, I thank you much, but to understand a little better the situation, I suggest you to create a seconadry character like I've already done a few time ago. You are level 10 like me and I think I won't be worried at all if I don't have my secondary character. The situation on low levels is terrible, belive me. No, no, sorry, you don't have to belive me, make your check. Use the combat log of my secondary if you want. I do lot of PvP with it and you can find a lot of names of low level characters there. Look for their transfer log. It's impressive!

Half of the new players are cheaters, a quater should be blocked immediately. The damage the game already get is big. We will never grow here on this server if we don't face that swarm of cheaters. They financially damage the game, they will damage the immage and the name of the game too if they are not stopped quickly.

Yes, maybe I am worring too much. Maybe not. We'll see. I hope admins will win their fight against cheaters.
the "poor-man" method and illegal, and diamond buying is the "rich-man" method and perfectly legal

Both methods allow achieving the same objective - having gold. You forgot that the poor-man method is not only illegal, but also cheaper.

Why donating ˆ to get diamonds if I can achieve the same result while creating additional characters?
I would like to add that cheaters do affect us and the server. I believe it has gotten to the point where the amount of cheating affects the gold supply in the game and is causing inflation.

I'm not finding 1-2 cheaters with 2-3 multis each generating 10-20k gold. What I'm finding is something of on the order of 100-200 cheaters with 20-30 multis each generating 100-200k gold. And this is through just random searches through forums and markets. And I'm not some idiot just combing through everyone's logs. Just spending 3minutes to quickly look through a few players and I can find a cheater. It's that easy. I actually have a pre-list of such players, who I take a few more minutes to go through their logs to find out whether they have 1-2 multies or one of those with multi-networks of 20-30 multis. Some players just start up 10 more multis everytime admins start fining/blocking them. I've noticed the sweepers often do not get all their multis.
I believe it has gotten to the point where the amount of cheating affects the gold supply in the game and is causing inflation.

Ah. So that's the doomday damage that will kill the game that Vonemar is talking about?

When you say 10-20k gold, or 100-200k gold, is that a per-day number? Because that would be very, very impressive indeed. The image of a person switching log-ins repeatedly to enroll 30 multis each hour just cracks me up. All that effort, only to be found out at some point and get blocked, and then have to start over! I feel a strange pity for these people.
#10 and #15

To make an analogy of your statements, it would go like this: "Some guy on the street is getting mugged. You see it, but you pretend not to, and just walk along, pretending it ain't happening.."

Seriously, show some citizenship pls. Every cheater reported adds to the value and stability of the game.
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