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AuthorCheaters everywhere
I wonder if someone can be in more than one group...an ignorant cheating snitch?
Workers list (17): Asole, DarkPisces94, Popper, DarkPisces95, DarkPisces96, ulama, ColdMoon, DarkPisces, WitchbladeX, DarkPisces98, DarkPisces99, DarkPisces97, Terminatrix, Gyver, Mora, florin63, silvernova
Free posts : 4

They are so stupid that their multiacconts have the simular nicknames xD
I don't think it is stupidity, they just notice that there is no action by the admin and thus don't bother even the pretense of following the rules.
I hope this DarkPisces hasn't got 99 characters...
I hope this DarkPisces hasn't got 99 characters

You're not going to do anything about it? You are not losing your touch, are you? :)
look at DarkPices95 transferlog

05-26-09 08:08: Transferred item(s): 'Defender shield' [40/40] to DarkPisces
05-25-09 09:21: Castle modified. Construction added: Magic Guild level 1.
05-25-09 09:10: Received item(s): 'Defender shield' [40/40] from DarkPisces
05-25-09 08:56: Castle modified. Construction added: Graveyard.
05-25-09 08:52: Castle modified. Construction added: Mansion.
05-21-09 00:09: Transferred 50000 Gold to DarkPisces99 :
03-19-09 14:40: Castle modified. Construction added: Demolished tower.
03-19-09 14:40: Castle modified. Construction added: Ravaged tombs.
03-16-09 08:52: Registered. Faction: Necromancer.

i don't know every rule, but isn't tansfer of 50000 gold a breaking the rules

if it is, the admins should either block charater, or fine him 100000 gold
for Geryon:

I'm losing it, yes! I have lost lot of time too, reporting people in C&A :-(

Maybe you were right. The war is lost before the beginning, so why may I have to bother any more?

for Khellendros:

The main problem is transfer between miltiple characters, not the ammount of the transfer he did. To read the rules you may follow this link:


They are some kind of hint, there are a lot of people who decided to ignore them...
I think it'd be fair to give the moderator's authority to one of LWM veterans. and to let him (her) block all the cheaters.
there are mod(s) in charge of that, who patrol the C&A forums. well, the battle violations mostly
there are mod(s) in charge of that, who patrol the C&A forums. well, the battle violations mostly

Who is able to see can look the difference... I noticed it! ;-)
i doesnt look they block any cheaters. all i reported for illegal transfers with multis are not blocked so whats happen to admins?
for Khellendros: Hmm better tell at complaints sections . :)

Admins is in vacations ?? xD
"Cheaters everywhere"

"Admins nowhere" :)

How much can this influence your gaming experience? Do you play this game for being a snitch, and find things that we can complain about? I don't say "don't report cheaters", or don't complain. In my opinion, feedback is the easiest and the best way for development. But people! Players are still being banned, not as fast as we would like, but... let's think a little bit. Just because the guy you reported a week ago didn't got his punishment yet, that doesn't mean so much. Sooner or later he'll get what he deserves. Even more, if he gets a ban later in the game, let's say when he is level 8 instead of level 4-5, after he spent hours in front of the computer cheating, the punishment will hurt more. Stop being so anxious!
Just because the guy you reported a week ago

ahahahahah. Did you know what you are talking about? ^__^

I think you don't! Look, there are cheaters caught months ago, with hundred of thousands of gold of illegal transfers. You can disagree with us, but try to get some info before makeing this kind of statements ;-)
looks like the game is dieing no anti cheat preventions / no bans for cheaters lol

lets cheat all because no one cares if we play legal or not >.>
lets cheat all because no one cares if we play legal or not

BAD idea. I sincerely hope it's a joke :/

The sword of justice may be slow, but it strikes true. Cheaters are always addressed. If you play the game on the long run, can you take the risk of having your beloved character fined or blocked weeks or even months after the violation?

I would be so angry if it happened to me! The only valid approach is not to cheat at all. Never ever.

Good players don't need to cheat to reach the top. How many cheaters are in the top 100? My guess is: ZERO. Think about it.
Because justice is so slow, maybe the clan leaders can for some sort of "no cheaters coalition" where any clan ignoring cheaters in its ranks(after being notified) would be blacklisted from any future planned clan events.
Each clan should take responsibility and help to clean up the game, leaving cheaters on the outside. No smiths should do business with cheaters, no arts rentals and so on. If we put our minds and efforts into this, we could all help reduce the cheating and exclude the cheaters from any services that clans offer. Each clan could have a certain amount of police that make sure their ranks are clean. Warriors Guild is great at this. Just an idea to chew on. Saying "It's too hard to do" is just a lame excuse.
Good players don't need to cheat to reach the top. How many cheaters are in the top 100? My guess is: ZERO.

I have to disagree a little. They dont do it in such childish, obvious way, but they still have dedicated supporters to help them with smith guild or I have seen few players(whole clans) with descriptions like: "Player1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 we use the same IP sometimes because we work together and/or live in a same building, so we visit each other and enroll when we are at his/her house." Those things get a warning penalty of 1 gold after a year, because there is no way to prove what they are doing, even when they live in a cities 100-200 km away from each other according to their profile.
for Modi:

Your is a great idea! I've liked expecially this point: No smiths should do business with cheaters, no arts rentals and so on.

I know there are clans that are working hard on this. It's easy if the clan is small like mine, hard if it's big like Warriors Guild. But Kotrin and many others are doing an excellent job too. To the leaders of big clan, I suggest them to nominate a few "police officers" into their ranks if the don't have time to watch over their mates.

We can do something if we will miss better (administrative) action for a longer time. The easy thing should be to give some powers and some duty to members of the staff (old ones or new ones if necessary). But I'm still talking to nobody...

Good idea. We created a Clan position "Inquisitor" several months ago, after we lost a Clan TGI due to cheater behaviour. Thats when our Clan administation learned the lesson: The game rules are not intuitive and not presented obviously game-sided, especially for new players. We as Clans need to fill this position and communicate and preserve the game rules.

But as Kotrin said on page 1 of this thread, its important to separate cheaters into "cheating on purpose" or just being a "careless game beginner". Our experience is, that no one reads the game rules until Level 6, where these players allready have broken the game rules several times. Thats why we translated the rules into native language and teach them to new players. So we actually try to convince players to learn the rules, understand the rules and play by the rules. Once warned or fined by Clan administration, another rule break automatically results into eviction and CaA.

So, I totally agree to isolate cheaters in the first way by the Clans. I even try to reach out to exotic Clan leaders to explain their obvious responsibility to regulary check their Members. Isolated players (cheaters) loose play motivation and the harm done to other players is greatly reduced.

But its very important to "carry the message" to the new Players as-soon-as-possible, to preserve the game fun and rules. The rules have more pages than my rental agreement (home), and most new player dont read them.

What I am trying to say is: We as Clan adminstration also have an educational job to do, its not only about eviction and control. Spread the message, spread the word, and you will have a viral effect greater than just "agreeing to have read the rules" on joining the game or a Clan.
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