Author | are second class citizens!!! |
Is too much effort some tiny letter from developers (who made this little changes, correct me if i am wrong), just sayin somethin like "Hi comunitty, we have been doin some minor adjustements here and here... we r lookin forward to... bla bla"??, doesnt need a big knowledge of english to do that.
I suppose there are those who prefer their admins to be a little more vocal...
unless we stop it NOW!!!
You can stop it by donating. Lots. What you're doing right now is you're driving the admins into a corner. You're constantly inundating them with requests and when your requests aren't granted as fast as you want you accuse them of being non-existent or neglectful. Try to relax a little and learn the more subtle facets of the game... |
maybe we should think of having some ads in the game ... so money will flow and upgrades will be done |
I just wonder why all these lvl 4-8 players seem to be loud and complaining we need upgrades faster as it will still take them a long time before they have to worry about upgrades ending.
We still only have a handfull of people who would gain next upgrades on lvl 15 and well even top players are quite far from no-one is yet lvl 14, close but not there yet.
Then again even they still have some other guilds that are not maxed out and can still also be enjoing 3 vs 3 battles.
I wish all happy gaming.
- Ciran |
I don't think you can just say "well then pay them" with no indication that that will bring any improvements. And I don't see how people should be expected to donate, with no indication that the game will be maintained or cheaters dealt with. Why should the admins work for free? Why should players pay into a dead end? |
We've seen a bit of admin activities these past few days. They've been dealing with cheaters all right. But you're probably right. It's kinda like the chicken and egg question. I guess I'm just one of those who have plenty of faith (or just plain numb). Back to the game for now... |
The meaning of upgrade isn't just more high lvl tiers.An upgrade might be a way to deal with cheaters or new graphics and sounds and a gazillion of other things.
So we expect upgrades.upgrades=people people=donation donation=money money=upgrades simple as that
IMO i like the game as it is.My computer is crappy so i can't play HOMM5 smoothly and i'm bored after playing HoMM3 for 4 years, as for HoMM i think it was a failure.
I stay in this game because i can do a lot of stuff but if i'm not able to do them in higher lvls why bother and play? |
HoMM4 was a failure. |
I saw this topic and thought I should try it. I'm on the RU server right now. The registration was a bit of a challenge but I cheated by using this to help. When you get to the ru server, open 2 windows. make 1 window the real window you are using. the other window just copy paste this link in and add the ru link at the end.
put this link in front
put whatever other link at the back end
note that it only helped me register. since this is a flash game, that link wont work once you get it. that link only translates web pages, not flash. soooo... once you register on ru server, try some stuff. make sure you keep your window open here so you can match up the links. oh and the beginner quests? I don't know, just kill stuff and hope it goes away. and don't chat with the locals =)
have fun!
also if you want, you can put my name as the referral during your .ru registration. my name is hawaiiancow1996 |
For example i have characters here n on russian server. And u know, i dont play at russian server at all. Why? Because believe me, there, on russian server, u will be just a usuall player in a crowd of very good players. Russian server has its own best heroes. And here not everything is clear even now. U have a great opportunity to become one of the best heroes. And when russian server become overcrowded n more people come here, we will be waiting them))). So we have a good advatage dont u think so? |
hahahah are u serious?
there is a proverb: "better be No1 in the village than nobody in the town"... but there is a backside - u won't get far thinking like that ;} |
For Vortex:
Better to be a big fish in small place than to be a small fish in a big place? :) |
Why the name of Heroes changed to "LORDS" ??
Because this server is REALLY unrelated on the .RU server ... ^^ and there will be many things that not on .RU and when they are established, would u call the .RU are the second class citizens ??
We are ourselves .. ^^ and they are themselves .. :) let us take care our server .. :) |
Visao, wrote a good post into another part of the forum, full of good and reasonable words.I've said thank you to our admins many time and for many reasons. I've showed the game to all of my friends and tried to help this comunity reporting cheaters, helping others in Q e A, proposing new ideas and so on.
I don't want to break that heavenly atmosphere, so I'll write my opinions over there.
Up to now I don't feel the need to say "thank you", but I prefer to ask "do you need a hand?" or "are you feeling well, it's all right?" as even Visao have written into the central part of his post.
I always appreciate when someone tells me "hey man, you did a good job" at work. But obviously if I did some job...
I may feel suspiciuos instead if anyone says that to me when I have done nothing since a long time. Doesn't feels strange to you if someone says "hey man, thank you, you did a good job one years ago".
I may think they are pulling my leg, or they believe I have extemely short memory... Every time the admins did a great job, we have showen our grateful. Isn't it? |
Every time the admins did a great job, we have showen our grateful. Isn't it?
Not really, last time we had a major update - the dragon event on December and the changes with AP and hunts etc - a huge amount of people whined for everything at forums. Even during the dragon event, I clearly remember threads complaining why we need to fight 2 months to gather enough resources for lighthouse etc. When it was changed and lighthouse was made in 1 week - then everyone started complaining why the event ended so fast. |
Not really, last time we had a major update - the dragon event on December and the changes with AP and hunts etc - a huge amount of people whined for everything at forums. Even during the dragon event, I clearly remember threads complaining why we need to fight 2 months to gather enough resources for lighthouse etc. When it was changed and lighthouse was made in 1 week - then everyone started complaining why the event ended so fast.
sad but true :(
and now those ones who didn't complain and remain here r hoping for somethin like that again... |
you know what is the most popular sport of every single country in the world?
and you know why:
- you don't need to wear any special suit
- you don't need to sweat
- you don't need to observe any rule (apart from forum rules)
- you don't necessarily need to train (but you will be more successful if you do)
- you don't need to do anything to make things better
This not to say that this game is wonderful and well followed ... but I can ensure you that among the "free" on-line games this is one of the better developed and really funny I have played in the last 4 years |
Even during the dragon event, I clearly remember threads complaining why we need to fight 2 months to gather enough resources for lighthouse etc. When it was changed and lighthouse was made in 1 week - then everyone started complaining why the event ended so fast.
I belong to the latter category - and completely missed the part about people complaining it would last too long. Duh. You really can't please everyone.
When next change/event will happen, will people complain more about it than now because of the lack of changes/events? :) |
Welcome to ru ! Mi zachawaem wach mozg |
for OndaNera:
You are right and you have thousands of incredible fights on your road. You'll have lot of fun, like I am still able to have. But there is a wall on the street and I have less fun every time I see it's nearest. I'm not blind and I know I'll meet the stones of that wall sooner or later. You have many months, maybe a year before the crash, I have far less time, cause I started this road a few time before you.
I'm not talking about artifacts or new creatures (if I have to repeat it for the 100th time), I'm talking about exponential function. PvM has an unbreakable limit due to exponential growth of the trials difficulty. Game has a lower attractive (than .ru) because of the lack of development (mainly events and tournaments). So you have a lower chance to have some good PvP at high level because there are few players. This is the wall Kiaune and many others have already met or are going to meet.
Would you like to know what I think? Admins have discovered the main BUG of the game on .ru. Placeing all that number of events and tournaments over there, they have let grow the player faster than here. On .ru, they have reached the PvM limit sooner the admins had expected and they had lot of work to do to avoid a revolution on that server.
Due to the lack of time, now they are trying the other solution with us. Low growth because of the low number of events and tournaments. Probably now they are working hard to some majour change that will fix this bug, cause I believe they are smart guys. As a matter of fact, .ru and .com are equal under this point of view, with the same problem with different management.
The only thing I don't understand is why thye decided to cut every talk with us...
For all that one who believe I'm an orrible beast who puts the fear on the heart of the new players, I can assure every NEW player, that you have lot of fun that is waiting for you on this game for a long time. 1 year and even more, incredible if you compare it with other online games. And probably YOU will see the solution the admins are going to place to fix the big bug. Lot of the simple minds who are not able to see the problems, wouldn't be here to see the future development of the game. |
Vonemar ... I agree with you .. especially when you say
"if you compare it with other online games"
it is really true ... i played several in the last few years and after 3-4 months they were boring or forced you to stay on-line 25h a day ...
This is what I like of this game ... it's not repetitive, you play when you want ... and future new things will happen (I am optimistic) |