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AuthorElf Faction Topic Update
Does anyone mind helping me analyze this battle?

I don't mind, but later because now it's late (maybe tomorrow).

Hmm... I was looking in my combat log, and it seems I failed also your 104 wolfhounds. :D I can only speak from my experience now. Looking also at the top hunters, I would recommend sprites, hunter set and a cross defence for the archers (archers in corner, while druids and fk's create a cross; this is because if they break in, they will block the access toward the archers for the rest of the wolfhounds, so, you will get one more shot with your archers).
Hmm what do you mean by "you will get one more shot with your archers)"?

Oh and I have only 36k (cause I just bought griffin dwelling... oops?), I notice that every time I sell and re-buy arts my money stays about the same. Is there any other way to not use so much money, i.e. any cheaper/better arts that don't chew up your money that much while still providing about the same effect?

Besides just logging in to enrol, of course.
And roulette xD Sorry for doublepost
I meant that if your archers are not blocked in that turn, you gain one more shot.

Something like this:

|ax0 <-

where the arrows indicate the charging wolfhounds directions, "x" are stacks of druids and/or fk's, "a" is the stack of your archers and "0" means free space. You should take care to reduce the number of the wolfhounds which attack horizontally because usually the wolfhounds attacking vertically (from up to down) they go for breaking the direct barrier between them and the archers, while the wolfhounds attacking horizontally will try to break the center of the cross (which usually should be stronger). In such way, even if they break your defence in that turn, you will have time to reconstruct it or at least you will have one more turn with your archers.

I hope I explained better this time. :)
Oh and I have only 36k (cause I just bought griffin dwelling... oops?), I notice that every time I sell and re-buy arts my money stays about the same. Is there any other way to not use so much money, i.e. any cheaper/better arts that don't chew up your money that much while still providing about the same effect?

Unfortunately, no. But you can try to make more money by following the advices from the dedicated thread ("how to make money" or something like that).
Aha. Thanks, I never even thought of that before.
Me neither until combat level 7 or so. :D
bump to keep this thread alive (no need for a new one; 2 days passed since the last post) :)
im too lazy to go through this entire post so wat the best all around troop combo and talents for lvl 7 is cold blade better than battle fury???
im too lazy to go through this entire post so wat the best all around troop combo and talents for lvl 7 is cold blade better than battle fury???

im too lazy to go through the entire details so the answer is nope
fine ur mean guess this is no help then
What kind of help did you expect after stating that you're not willing to read?
i kinda figured im srry. thats wrong when im a good elf =)
Question 1: what are the best talent for lvl 5? Question 2: how many elven bowmen can i recruit on lvl 5? Question 3: druids just can use stone skin spell and lightning only,is it true?

2: 12 bowmen
3: true
1: all the topic is endeavour to find that answer...)
Rain is good for 3x3 or EOFO without other elves, offense - for army of sprites vs zombie/swords/etc, defense for ST... only luck is universal...)))

any suggestions on this battle?
hey guys, is mine an appropriate recruiting for level 6??
if it isn't can i have suggestions??

good combat. you'll win if buy good arts...)
for Conquest:

Yes it's fine :) Of course, in those fights that Sprites day way too quickly you might want to get FKs instead.
Hi everyone!

I would like to know what is better, sprites or forest keepers? Say if you were to cast stoneskin on the sprites to get extra defence... what is more better overall?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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