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AuthorNecromancer faction topic

Split your skels into two stacks at opposite corners of the map. Put liches in another corner. For talents you should be using Basic Defense and Vitality. That will help survive the first round of hits. For attributes, drop to 2 or 3 knowledge at most, no spell power, everything into Attack. This arrangement worked very well for me at lvl 8, and still works ok at lvl 9.

You may also want to max infected zombies, and use only a few ghosts if you go with the above. For me, that worked best at lvl 8.
hi all,
i'm a 5 level necro and... i don't konw how to recruit skeleton archer!

someone can help/teach me? :)

You have to build the Graveyard in your castle:


Once you have done this, go to the recruiting page:


Above your skeletons, there will be a little button with up/down arrows on it. Click this button to switch your skeletons to skeleton archers.
thank you Slynk! ;)
You are welcome!
What is a better talent setup to have at level 6-

Spirit Link and Basic Erudition
Basic Sorcery and Basic Dark Magic

I tried the setup with Basic Sorcery and found casting magic was nice and fast. I didn't notice any difference with Dark Magic, however. What kind of perk is it to have this setup?
What is the best art set for lvl8 thief?

Thieving at Lvl 8, I used:

Sword of Might
2x Ring of Doubt
Pendant of Despair
Light Mithril Cuirass
Steel Helmet
Light Mithril Boots
Dragon Shield

Worked pretty well for me.
How far did you get in TG as a Necro? I am nearly tg lvl 5, and ambushes are very hard even with full arts. And I am on combat lvl 10, when necro belongs to strong races...
I made TG2 at lvl8 as a necro. I stayed and kept doing tg ambushes as a necro until I hit lvl9 and started losing more than half of my ambushes. I switched to DE a few days ago just to hit TG3 and then will switch back to necro. DE is fun and ambushes are MUCH easier, but necro remains my favorite faction and what I will return to.
I'm a lvl 7 necro who is going to reach soon lvl 8,I have these parameter skills ( without arts ) now :
Attack +6
Defence +2
Spell Power +3
Knowledge +4
Is that good or should i modify them, if i should change them, tell me what to change.
I'm going to reach lvl 8 soon so which parameter can i upgrade and which talent is best ?
2 to 4 knowledge, the rest is for attack!
Read post #125

It depends on what you are planning to do... if you are going to be ambushing for TG, then you will want to go with the Might build. For this, no more than 3 knowledge and everything else into attack. Use Defense/Vitality as talents.

If you are mainly doing hunts and MG, go with the more traditional raise build. For this, 4-5 knowledge, rest in attack. For talents, use Nature magic and dominion of life.
For hunt 5 knowledge the rest on attack. Talent advance erudition n dark/spirit
I have just reached level 5. Till now, I have spent all my 4 skill points on knowledge. Where should I spend the additional skill point that I have gained by advancing to level 5? Please help me.
@175 - Put it in knowledge. 5 knowledge will hold you until level 8 when you will be able to consider a switch to a might build.
Is it not advisable for me to be of might build just now?
I have not chosen any talent yet.
If not, then which build and talents should I choose?
It's not possible to do a might build until level 8. For talents, just grab either nature magic or erudition.
Which talent out of nature magic and erudition should I take?
Erudition for most hunt, nature for pvp!
But the must important thing for u is upgrade your skeleton 1st
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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