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Authorelements economical
Shards have been above 4000 gold for a few months now.
Yes, I know..That sad week was in July I think. Maybe June.
And back around January the shard market prices were 2000-2500 gold. That's why after seeing this trend I started buying and hoarding some elements in August. In the past I just bought the necessary elements from the market when I needed some enchants.
simple: supply&demand...

I'm sorry for bringing this up again, but it's very funny...

Just look at the market now, there are 18 lots of windflowers for sale.
Eighteen! Shortage? No way!
But still, the cheapest ones are selling for 7300 each. Ridiculous.

Just another sign that the prices are artifically inflated, not due to low supply, high demand, or our general inflation.
well, if the people wouldn't buy the elements at all - the prices would drop. but it's enough for a couple of guys to get a couple of 4x10%'s and the market is empty.

my suggestion - start making merc. quests. the profit from getting an element and selling it is huge!
If people were not willing to buy at these prices then sellers would lower their prices.

This is pure and simple supply and demand.
Unfortunately, the law of economics doesn't work well here. In the real world, if you hoard inventory, and you can't sell it, you'd be losing money. But here, you can sit on your hoard of elements, with no repercussion. It's way too easy to cause inflation in this game, especially since gold is an unlimited resource. You can artificially reduce supply if you have enough gold, and yes, there are a lot of players with a LOT of gold.
But here, you can sit on your hoard of elements, with no repercussion.

I agree with this analysis. Resource control was too hard to achieve because it requires too much gold - buying the output of every mine can't be achieved easily. Artifact control is doomed to fail too because one's inventory space is limited.

But market control over Elements may work. No inventory limit here. And the flow of new Elements is small enough to be entirely controlled, especially if one concentrates on some Elements only.

If admins want to prevent Element hoarding, it could be very easy to implement: limit inventory size to 50 Elements, or 20 of each, something like that.
for Kotrin:
Good idea, though it may affect the 4x10% enchanters who have several jobs lined up if there's a limit to the element storage.

20 of each is ok. 50 total is not in my opinion since you can't hold more than 1 job's worth at a time.
Well, you are supposed to work one enchantment at a time, so the most Elements you need at any time is 20 now. But before thinking of any solution, we should wonder if Admins ever considered if high price for Elements - a recurrent issue on .com - is a problem in the first place.
if Admins ever considered if high price for Elements - a recurrent issue on .com - is a problem in the first place.

Even if they do, there's a much easier and more beneficial way to at least partially solve the problem. Introduce all the merc quests existing on .ru since the dawn of days but missing from here. (It would take something like 10 minutes for an admin. No newly written code nor translation required.)

I'm saying it's more beneficial because - apart from some easy quests => easy elements - it would also help people changing factions at high levels at least a little bit.
It would take something like 10 minutes for an admin. No newly written code nor translation required.
Not really. that's a lot of coding that needs to be done, and yes, a lot of translation is required.

Besides, introducing more quests only would solve the problem for a while, until most players here have done them, then the situation will return again.
You need more players, a constant flow of them, not more quests.
You need more players, a constant flow of them

There is constant flow of players, but they usually send their elements to the main accounts. :-) Huh, bad joke.
that's a lot of coding that needs to be done

For the quests I'm referring to, it would mean appending the "quests" tables of the database with something like 10-20 rows which are already present in the .ru code base. Yes, now I see that copy-pasting would be too hard a job to do for people who have developed 3 online games so far.

a lot of translation is required

Yes, the translation of phrases like "demons brigands" and "vanguard of elves"... Pretty hard indeed. I wouldn't be able to do it. It's mission impossible.
You need more players, a constant flow of them

how can you have it in a game no update for 6 months? How can you keep people stay in the game? uhm.... another problem....
People, this thread is not for you to complain about admin and how they do things.

Please stay on topic.
I was not complaining. I merely proposed a possible remedy for the "problem" this thread is about and tried to dismiss your concerns about its feasibility.

Good idea. Simple, but effective. However, I think even 20 is too much. It should be 10 + 1 per jewelry/armor/weapon level. You can still get elements from quests if you reach the limit, just like you can still get hunt arts when your inventory is full.
20 of each is ok.

20 of each is fine, you can save enough elements to have 2 full enchants. Else, I wouldnt be able to buy anything and what am I supposed to do with those toadstools??? Many enchanters got stuck with 50-100 abrasives, just because they buy elements at nice price from their friends/supporters.

Also I think it should only prevent you from buying more, not recieving them at merc quests. Same like it is with arts already.
nah. if you ask me - bad suggestions. greedy marketers are also players just like me and you, and it's not communism here. asking for such a prevention of freedom is similar to marketers asking from admin to let only them buy arts from factories or something.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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