Author | And there were the Estates... |
so maximum rental rooms are five?
how long could the owner get the investment back by renting?
I would say, if you look up how expensive those tier 7 and tier 5 upgrade
buildings are, you will think about where is the better place your money
should go. |
Ho Hum...and how can I cancel an offer?
I didn't notice and made an offer with my secundary character, as he has plenty of money and I wanted to try with him, what was impossible for my main one.
Anyway, I suppose that with 7 days of bidding there'll be not great problems as I stop bidding, knowing now that it's forbidden for secundary characters. |
so maximum rental rooms are five?
how long could the owner get the investment back by renting?
I would say, if you look up how expensive those tier 7 and tier 5 upgrade
buildings are, you will think about where is the better place your money
should go.
As we counted it on .ru server it will take the owner about 2 years to get money back. |
^^ And why there's different amount at each location?
>>> If bought a house at 'poor' location, there's big chance that you already at full health/mana before reached it :P |
Will players be able to sell them later? |
What's with those "You have been outbidden by another player!" Everytime i try to bid say that message.
It's not suppose to be a limit in those biddings? For example, i cannot be outbid by some player who will reach the bottom of their money bag', that should be normal. |
1) The spouse may be accommodated anywhere from this point
- so spouse can stay for free? The official announcment didn't say so..
- If free, spouse as in husband/wife? So son/daughter etc, can't use it for free? They will be treated as 'guests'?
- Can the owner let a guest stay for free? |
- how do you 'enter' your Estate?
- And once you have entered, and speedy recovery takes effects, do you have to stay till 100% before leaving the Estate? Or can u just go in, let the speedy recovery takes effect, and then u can leave the Estate and travel to another location?
Thanks. |
1) Bedchamber. Cost: 20,000 gold. Restoration efficiency: 15% to the owner, 10% to the guests. The spouse may be accommodated anywhere from this point.
2) Tea room. Cost: 30,000 gold. Restoration efficiency: – 20% to the owner, 12% to the guests.
3) Mess-hall. Cost: 50,000 gold. Restoration efficiency: – 25% to the owner, 15% to the guests.
4) Inn. Cost: 100000 gold. Restoration efficiency: – 30% to the owner, 20% to the guests.
5) Victualling-house. Cost: 200,000 gold. Restoration efficiency: – 35% to the owner, 25% to the guests.
6) Wine-cellar. Cost: 350,000 gold. Restoration efficiency: – 40% to the owner, 33% to the guests.
So the owner's regeneration is longer? it's efficiency can go down to -40%. This means you want money in exchange of slower regeneration? It seems a bit weird to me. |
no, it means time-40% = 15 min*0,6 = 9 minutes on full restore. |
This is better. ( but they said "efficiency" = -... :) ). BTW, the auction is for 1 week so the prices will go very high (and wizards that had triple mini finally get their reward for not being as powerful as they were before update) |
Still no answer on #46.
Let's say i bid 1kk gold (which i haven't), the other bidder accept that offer, how do he get that money?? |
That was expectable=)
It's a pity they are almost useless:( |
If someone buys a house and that players gets blocked / inactive
What will happen?
Because if they dont do anything, we only got abandoned houses after a while... |
If they go really inactive they might sell the house before leaving, and I doubt someone who can afford a house will be stupid enough to get themselves blocked.
for crys41:
We have QaH for a reason. Short answer - outbidding is part of marker mechanics. |
45 Yes u can sell them same way as they are sold now though market. |
# 55. thanks, i should have read more about market from 'about the game'.
It's surprising that we have 81 houses on auction, i was expected somewhere around 30 houses (at a rate 10 times lower than ru since we are 10 time lesser). |
@Shebali. I imagine there'll be some people assisted by multis but who haven't been caught yet who are dumb enough to try to buy an estate. I think every estate will have their transfer logs given a serious look over.
I predict within 2 weeks of the estates being released, a few people will get punished for cheating. Their fine being their estate being taken from them and put back on the market. |
Can some kind souls (possibly those who plays over at .ru) answer my Qs in posts #47 & #48 please.
Thanks. :) |
48 u can rent it for hour rent can cost 100g to 500g. |