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AuthorDiscussion polygon: LWM Staff - Moderators
We know the meaning alright!

But it's funny how it seems that ''YOU'' do not even have a clue about it:)
I see this as no more than a personal conflict between Grunge and kotrin...
for Grunge:
I see you can make disparaging (and off-topic) posts, put still can't answer a straight question Kotrin.

Sorry, in the torrent of blather spilled in this thread page after page I must have missed the question mark... Let's take a deep breath and use the handy CTRL+F function of firefox... Ah - this one maybe?

Second Point - Yes I have accused you & Kotrin of illegal bans. I have posted the facts proving this in this thread. The posts which you both banned me for broke no rules. Your bans in particular were just to cover up and try and hide your actions regarding other specifically targetted bans of others. I tried discussing these in a polite manner on many occaisions with you both and every time got the same reply "We dont need to explain ourselves. If you have a problem then write to Secretary"

(I especially like the amount of words you need to "ask a straight question"!)

The fun part is that there's not even a question mark in it :)

Perhaps I can restate the question? "Kotrin, did you make some illegal bans" maybe? If that's your question (I'm sure you'll write a 2500 word post to explain how wrong I am to summarize things this way) my answer is:

NO, I didn't make any illegal bans - in my humble opinion.

That's a short sentence, you may not be used to it. Let's elaborate: I made a couple wrong bans on occasion (mistype duration for example) but never regarding the vocal people in this thread.

Among the 10 people still reading up to this point, I'm sure some will disagree all day long with the above reply (honestly, I don't think anything can make them change their mind anyway) But that's fine. If they can feel better (or bitter) about it, they can chant KOTRIN IS EVIL and print T-shirts and bumper stickers. Even Arctic, for what it's worth, could even agree with them - it's pointless. I did my duty of moderator day after day without much guidance or support from above, until the point where real life issues helped me take the right decision.

Thank you for your attention.


I hate to type in caps but perhaps this subtle highlight will make you notice that - once again - I replied to your question. Have a nice day.

"Discussion polygon: LWM Staff - Moderators" is a cheaper alternative to a group therapy, but less entertaining.
for HeartBreakkid:
I see this as no more than a personal conflict between Grunge and kotrin...

I bear no grudge against anyone, but I can't speak for Grunge. Hey, it's never good to have an argument in a forum.
I see this as no more than a personal conflict between Grunge and kotrin...

{Sarcasm on} Obviously, and because Arctic is at my beck and call, his sole purpose in life to fulfill my every whim, I made him create this Topic just for me...... {/sarcasm off}.

Arctic created this topic to allow discussion of actions taken by Moderators that could be considered as abusing the powers assigned to them. I, and others, have asked questions regarding Moderator motivations that may be relevant to this issue. These questions continue to remain largely unanswered. There is no requirement to answer, but I think the continued evasion rather than a straightforward reply is, in and of itself, an interesting "response".

Instead, this thread has been hijacked, many times, by people continuing to make *off-topic* claims of "Mod bashing". If you want to make a thread about the deplorable state of Mod bashing on this server, then by all means do so.

This thread, however, is about alleged misconduct by Moderators. Perhaps you have something useful to contribute to the discussion?

Perhaps you have something useful to contribute to the discussion?

...Like, writing about current mods for example?
Actually Kotrin, the text you quoted is from a post made by DEATHisNEAR (post # 341), not a post by me.

So you haven't really answered my question, now have you. You have chosen a single particular question that you can answer in such a way as to put your own spin on it.

I asked what the motivation was regarding a 3-day ban that was applied, allegedly as a result if a Forum Rule 4.2 violation in the Gratitudes and Congratulations Forum, although that wasn't what was written in the Ban description (link for your benefitm and the benefit of others - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1877963).

So, I don't suppose you'd care to give a straight answer to that one?

Oh that one? No, I don't think it was an excessive ban either. There was quite a context previously stated in this regards, see post #229, perhaps you missed it?

I already replied, many times. And since you don't seem to read much other people's posts, please re-read #366 too.
...Like, writing about current mods for example?

At the time the penalties were applied you were a Mod. At the time this thread started, you were a Mod. This thread is for discussing the actions of Moderators, and those were the actions of a Moderator. Unless you are implying that the general server population has the ability to apply such penalties to others.

Hmmmmmm....... It seems to be that you think that since you are no longer a Mod, you are no longer responsible for your actions taken while you were a Mod? Is this, perhaps, finally a real indication of why you resigned as a Moderator?

The question was not regarding the length of the Ban. The question, again for your benefit.

What was the motivation behind applying a 3 day ban in the referenced thread (https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1877963)?

Personally, I think the commentary for the ban makes it clear, but I would certainly like to hear your side of the story. Or will I continue to experience the usual evasive answers?

The ONLY person I will reply to regarding my previous actions is Arctic.

It seems to be that you think that since you are no longer a Mod, you are no longer responsible for your actions taken while you were a Mod?

It might require you a dozen more thread pages to realize, but that's exactly what is going to happen.

As for my side of the story, I'm sorry, you would certainly NOT hear my side of the story. No one will seriously buy this claim of yours. It was hundreds of posts ago that I realized that no matter what I would tell, it would be qualified by "the usual evasive answers". Let's admit it Grunge, nothing I can write will ever change your mind.

Which is fine, since it's pointless anyway.
Can we all get real for a minute or two? Very little Mod bashing has taken place in this thread. A handful of posts could be interpreted as Mod bashing, or not, depending on your view. There are far more posts that complain about Mod bashing, or get off topic and complain in other ways, than there are posts that even come close to Mod bashing.

I, and many others, have pointed out repeatedly that most of the actions by ALL current and former Mods have been fair and justified. I think the guess was maybe 1% or maybe 3% certainly not more than 5% of Mods actions are possibly mistakes, poor judgment, unfair, corrupt, evil, abuse of power, payback, personal vendetta, or however you want to word it. Out of this minuscule amount of "bad or wrong" Mod actions it is again only 1% or 3% or maybe 5% that was more than just a mistake and could possibly be abuse of power.

As I have said many times already Mods really dont have that much power. Even if we had an evil Mod purposefully abusing their power, what is the worst they could do? Control the forums, allowing their friends to post and advertise while preventing their enemies from doing so. I mean really, an out of control Mod in even the worst case scenario can only do so much.

IMPORTANT!! --->> --->> The real problem is the Admin are not here!!

Only the Admin and those higher up than the Mods can do anything about real problems. The Mods are only able to maintain control of the forums, as well as issuing fines for tavern games and combat which are for the most part straight forward. It is the lack of presence of the Admin that make players go to the Mods because they are the only face of LWM that players can reach out to.

IMPORTANT --> Since the Admin, and Secretary, are not here players have absolutely NO way to try and fix, understand, talk about, or prevent "bad or wrong" Mod actions.

Everyone, no matter what side of the issue you are on should be able to understand this. Mods are not the problem, unfortunately they are the only part of the system that is working. In the RARE occasions when Mods make "bad or wrong" actions players have no means available to them except to go to a Mod, or the forums which the Mods have control over. Everyone should be able to see that this is not ideal, and it is certainly possible that our current situation allows for Mods to abuse their power without anyone being able to do anything about it. Do Mods abuse their power? Depends on who you ask, but I would say out of the maybe 3% of Mods actions that could be classified as "bad or wrong" maybe .3% to 3% of those actions could be termed abuse of power.

Bottom line, do we want to try and improve the things we can knowing we are very limited in what we have control over? Or do we plow forward with the current system knowing the only part of it functioning are the Mods, and if they do something "bad or wrong" nothing can be done about it?
In response to Halvspak's post # 371, I have made an observation along similar lines in my post # 290.

I hate to type in caps but perhaps this subtle highlight will make you notice that - once again - I replied to your question. Have a nice day.

I already replied, many times. And since you don't seem to read much other people's posts, please re-read #366 too.

Answered my question? Studiously avoiding doing so while *claiming* to have answered is a more correct description.

The ONLY person I will reply to regarding my previous actions is Arctic.

Now this statement is closer to what I have come to expect in an answer to my questions. It seems to indicate that the person making the statement is unaccustomed to be queried by regular players (too much reliance on Forum Rule 1.5?). Certainly it indicates an *absolute* unwillingness to respond to any question posed that they don't feel inclined to answer. Again, look at the first line of post # 370 and a similar attitude evident in post # 236.

Kotrin has said no matter what I would tell, it would be qualified by "the usual evasive answers". So far there hasn't really been anything else but evasion, at least in the answers from Kotrin. I haven't really had the opportunity to comment on an actual answer to a question I actually asked. I note that the question regarding motivation for the ban *still* remains unanswered, in spite of claims that my question has been answered. This theme has been repeated multiple times.

Stone-Walling - (Noun) the act of stalling, evading, or filibustering, esp. to avoid revealing politically embarrassing information.

There is no requirement to answer, but I think the continued evasion rather than a straightforward reply is, in and of itself, an interesting "response".

Why not try answering the *actual* question honestly? Perhaps you will be pleasantly surprised. Again, what harm can come from answering? After all, you are no longer a Mod, so it's not like the Admins could fire you from your position.

can't you all just get along?
Constructive criticism and discussion is the purpose of this thread, not witch-hunting and micro-targeting.

We really should be looking at a much more contemporary context to keep this thread relevant.

Just stating my opinion.
Let me briefly reflect the main point of this thread to everybody who doesn't want to read all 375 posts. This is a discussion about some arrows/symbols that were to long in the G&C section of the forum. That's what the whole LWM society got crazy about, about a moderator who did a good job but just didn't ban one player fast enough. Let me remind you that we have other moderators, who also have the ability to ban somebody.
I wish to complain about Pang the moderator. Seems to enjoy banning me for questionable reasons, I'm either warning the players of a danger in an eye catching way, or I'm (slightly) enlivening a boring chatroom with 4 emoticons.

Pang : Lose him as a moderator.
for DarwenAward:
I don't call spamming chat with emoticons enlivening. You broke the chat room rules what did you expect ?
I don't call... You're opinion is not required: not related to the incident.
for Cletus:
It's called a fact not an opinion. Someone your level and in a clan that " obeys the rules" should know better. BTW since you can't read , My name is not Mandy

pls get me right, a lv13 player should know the rules better than lv1 player. dont you think so?

not just you, another player named Dylanator did the same thing like you in same time. he did get same punishment. anyone can check now.

i just join in chat and saw those emotion spamming. so, it is either you are not lucky enough OR i m lucky enough because the chat history still there.

no mods around =/= you can try to break the rules.
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