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AuthorPirate raids
Two seconds too slow Meshy boy, mwahahahahahaha!
Ok, maybe I missed a minute, guess I am the fool now :)

Not sure what I mean by now, I don't think this is a new thing
Why did he pick Dominion of Tempest, even though he was casting only Meteorite Rain?
Spare points? Also in case he needed it? Cant recklessly spam chain lightning, your own units might get hurt :/
at level 22 they can get a lot of talents, not all are massively useful for wiz. Dominion of tempest is the pick of the bunch in this fight, though not needed all of the time. Against enemies with a lot of hp stuck in one stack, knocking them back while spamming lightning is better than usign fireball for DoF or freezing them with ice clod.
One thing I notice is that the reason he could raise his troops to completion is that the enemy hero kept on attacking the cannon at the end. First, that's stupid AI behavior. Second, why does it happen only to you wizards, and not to me? My enemy hero will attack whichever stack I raise, just to take advantage of the reduced hit points of individual units.

It's like they design AI to cooperate with wizards or something.
It's like they design AI to cooperate with wizards or something.

probably has to do with defending stacks which AI ignores when there are other units without that 30% defense. If you defend with cannons, that should reset the priority to default.
One thing I notice is that the reason he could raise his troops to completion is that the enemy hero kept on attacking the cannon at the end. First, that's stupid AI behavior. Second, why does it happen only to you wizards, and not to me? My enemy hero will attack whichever stack I raise, just to take advantage of the reduced hit points of individual units.

It's like they design AI to cooperate with wizards or something.

Do you play has might necro? The AI looks at attack and defense parameters when deciding what to attack. So there are rules like it will value more attack than defense or it will consider total HP too but overall it will kill dangerous stacks. Wizard stacks have low stats, so they can't damage, so AI will not put high priority on it, while the canons have fixed stats so they are threatening, so AI will try to kill canons. Now if the troops have high stats too the AI will think it must kill it.
probably has to do with defending stacks which AI ignores when there are other units without that 30% defense

Nah. I thought of that. I had my stack defending. It still gets attacked. Besides, that's not happening in this battle. For example, after he raised fatso, which did not yet have a chance to defend, the dwarf hero could have attacked it and kill one, but it didn't.
The AI looks at attack and defense parameters when deciding what to attack.

Interesting. I think you're on to something. His troops do have lower attack than defense, whereas the cannons have higher attack than defense.

So I guess AI behavior does work out well for wizards.
For me I noticed that when my army dies, hero tends to lock on to cannon, and will keep attacking it untill it dies. I then raise my army. But if he kills it, he will focus one unit again untill it kills it, then goes to next cannon :/
All I know is that the enemy hero tends to focus my cannons in the end game. If he does not do that he will tend to go for corsairs or instead. Remember AI is just on simple code of a limited number of variables, it will not think like us. In this scenario it is not going to win, the logic behind being able to kill a different stack is based upon a human characteristic of vengeance or else a desire to get as much fsp before losing. These are not variables that would be coded into the AI. It uses characteristics that have been given numerical values, plugged into an algorithm such that different stacks can be compared and a conclusion drawn by the computer as to whom to attack. Some of these aspects will be visible to us, such as attack, defence, min and max damage and hp. Others are hidden, such as the inherent"power" of any given creature that is used as a summation of all the creature abilities which admins can use to fine tune AI priorities.

It is hard to predict in advance what the priorities will be, however it is easy to identify patterns and adjust your tactics to be considerate of this and exploit it.
Victories / Combats: 59 / 60

Silver available: 708
Silver gained: 34,624

Today i had painly underestimated a classic might wizard, I was like cake for him :D I forgot about mini arts for speed and after first round were all my cannons blocked and his units got buff, very painful lose
Lol why did I do it, far too tired to be doing this. Knew it was risky but too optimistic. Was for 1167 silver and was never going to win, but part of me felt the glory, so went what the heck.

I thought I would kill the cannons quicker, but they took two meteorites and that meant my cannons died too quick, which meant I couldnt clear the unis to take the trees. Still funny to face such a huge army

Well previously red demons were the easiest by far. But above 1000 and they start having event arts on I think. I am pretty sure that they had a greater temporal ring on for this. 3 of his cannons with ini of 11 moved before my hero of ini 12, with nightmares having ini of 22.4, a 40% increase. While as a pirate I get no faction bonus, which I was forgetting. As such, crazy difference in attack. at one point one archdevil does 400 damage on his own to some raised nixes. The battle was lost, but I thought they may at least take a few hits.

Learn my lessons, avoid my faults. I am just a sharing kind of guy.

Victories / Combats: 62 / 72

Silver available: 3,130
Silver gained: 38,585

This will probably be my best score in an event.

Which is sad...
Wow, I won one more battle than you (63), but my score is lower (36,798). The good news is, I have 9 more chances to pass you. :D
omg! I thought it went up to 72 battles, so didn;t raise any on what I thought was my last battle.

So sad

Victories / Combats: 63 / 72

Silver available: 1,975
Silver gained: 46,188
Ok so I can now win battles at 1000 silver or so without loss as a wizard, however my hp and cannons are scaling, but my damage from hero (which started as the main factor) is not. As such I am getting to the stage where frequently one meteorite shower is insufficient to take out cannons, which means I take much more damage from them. At the same time I am getting more hp to raise, which takes more mana than I may have left over. Furthermore most enemies are full attack builds, with total attack much higher than my own. As such multipliers from their offence talents can cause huge damage

What I am thinking is switching build to focus on defending the cannons. I wondered how effective tribal would be in this, in so far as it can have tactics to allow you to block cannons from large creatures on the first turn as well as concentration which means when they hit defend they hit before the enemy does. This of course relies on cannons surviving long enough which may not be something that is likely to happen, but they really do tear through low def opposition ( I have 5 cannons of damage level 8)

Anyone have any thoughts on this tactic that may have been playing with a defensive set up already?
The tactic that's floating around on the Russian forums is to switch to fury barb or HK after cannon 7 or something
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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