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I noticed it when watching this battle

2% ini can also be incredibly useful for shooters
the gain from +2 to basic stats is a massive percentage increase.

Actually, it doesn't make much of a difference whether your troops is low tier or high tier. If your att is equal to enemy's def then +2 att means 10% more dmg, and if you have very high attack like 20 and enemy has 0 then it's 5% more. So even in the extreme case for low tier troops +2 att does 1.1/1.05 = 4.76% more dmg than the high tier troop. However, this is assuming the creature you are attacking is also low tier, if its high tier than your stat bonus is worth less than that for a high tier creature.

Conclusion: The +2 stats don't make much more difference than they do in a regular battle. Consider +2 att and +2 def on 10k worth troops to be about 10,700 worth troops, so it's still not bad. Do it on your long term main stacks (which you plan to resurrect with gold).
I think Miles was more referring to the fact:

If you have 2 attack, and your enemy has 3 defence, then +2 att will help considerably (since the equation changes).
2% ini can also be incredibly useful for shooters

lol what?
Any 2% ini bonus would almost immediately be practically nullified by the 10% random ini placement at the start of the match.
It won't be a game changer.
but the +2 attack and defense stats could be valuable
Any 2% ini bonus would almost immediately be practically nullified by the 10% random ini placement at the start of the match.

Not true, the swing is anything between 0.9 and 1.1, so the 2% can actually be helpful. Also it makes it more likely that your future hits go before the enemy, even if you lose the initial swing, stops you getting hit 1st every time.
Isn't that actually a +/-5% swing?
Ok lets imagine a hypothetical situation of 100 farmers against another 100 farmers

Assuming no morale procs.

first time around lets have base stats so 1 attack, 1 defence and min/max of 1

Whichever stack hits first will win the exchange, with the victor having about 49 stacks remaining (I couldn;t be bothered to refine formulae to round for integer values so a bit of wobble in them)

If you change that to the first stack having 3 attack and 3 defence then the first stack still wins, but this time will have about 62 troops still remaining. To me that is not insignificant an amount.

If you switch it around so that the stack with higher defence and attack hits second then the stack that hits first still wins, but this time by a margin of 25 stacks remaining.

This also highlights the importance of going first in the exchange over most other variables, only thing you have to influence that other than tactics, you got it initiative
How does the resurrection work? I simply coudn't find where to resurrect these creatures that I'm losing faster then I'm able to generate new ones :))
for SirM0rphius:

you need to accumulate 50.000+ point stacks first. those can be upgraded. only upgraded unit types can be resurrected. if you havent noticed yet, this new guild favors those fight with high AP.
You can get rare creature drops. Rare creatures have black background. I got a drop of 23 Dwarven Ursay. I never exchanged. I can revive those ursay.
for Lord selfist:

Thanks for the info mate, I guess that's why I didn't see any button to resurrect, since I have no rare creatures in the first place.

I have only 10k points so I guess it's going to take a while to reach 50k.

this new guild favors those fight with high AP. Why do you say this, since the battles don't take AP into account?
If you have 2 attack, and your enemy has 3 defence, then +2 att will help considerably (since the equation changes)

Not saying it doesn't help, but I mean it doesn't help any more than it usually does. And maybe it's just me but I have been seeing quite a few tier 4+ enemies, which makes the stat bonuses less effective.

Also on a different note, I have seen many people misunderstand this, but the equation changing makes no difference. In fact, the equation is almost the same, it just appears different.

Think of the exponential function f(x) = 2^x.
Then, f(x) = 1/(2^absolute(x)) when x<0. However, that is equal to 2^x.
The point is, the equation "changing" to division from multiplication is an illusion, that's just how exponential functions work. Similarly, the equation change means very little, the only thing that matters is how close your opponent's def is to your att or their att is to your def. The closer it is, the larger the % increase is per stat, irrespective of whether the equation changes or not.
Both wrong. the "Atb shift" at initials is set between 0.9 and 1.0
not (0.95 and 1.05) or (0.9 and 1.1)
Why do you say this, since the battles don't take AP into account?

It is because the more AP you use in your combats, the more units you get. As in every 5th battle, the stack size you get is bigger the more AP you used in those 5 combats
for Aurelija:
Thanks for the info! :)
Both wrong. the "Atb shift" at initials is set between 0.9 and 1.0

I don't think that's right either. I think each creature is randomly given a bonus between 0 and .1 on the atb. Then their own initiative kicks in from there to determine when they get to go.
If anyone has too much time at hand, it would be interesting to know the probability of going first with the +2% ini bonus (say for 10 ini troops).
im really struggling to like this guild, the theory of it was great, but in reality its not much fun to me
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