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AuthorLeaders Guild
level 1: +1 stack of uncommon creatures
what does this mean?
I believe it means you're rewarded by a stack of uncommon creatures.
Traded ~1100 forest hobbits today to ~110 mercenary archers, not sure if those merc archs are really 10 times stronger... high ini shooters don't come cheap in LeG
not sure if those merc archs are really 10 times stronger

They're not, sadly it doesn't work like that.

1,100 forest hobbits ~50k
110 merc archers ~10k

220 forest hobbits = 110 merc archers

1 merc archer = 2 hobbits
1 merc archer = 2 hobbits

I'm not sure how good the hobbit is but 11 ini with no range penalty is a strong pick.
They're not, sadly it doesn't work like that.

1,100 forest hobbits ~50k
110 merc archers ~10k

220 forest hobbits = 110 merc archers

1 merc archer = 2 hobbits

lol yeah that was pretty dumb of me to forget that little detail :D Getting tired I guess. So actually it wasn't a bad deal at all
Test run with the new shiny archers


not too shabby
Nothing to worry about. His reasoning makes too many unrealistic assumptions.
Weird. I could have sworn my post came after post 380 when I checked earlier.
Skeleton sailor is rare along with dreadbane? That's unexpected.
And nixes are uncommon. They are easily tier-5 creatures.
how to recruit troops fast I just want to exchange some units
and I don't know how to do it to be honest
AG. Also, during the day of 60 procent extra, I did 3 campaigns and I exchanged like 7 times
Or simply 5 combats with 255 AP

Do we get LeG units from the nightmare battles today? Seems that arts don't lose durability, so it could be a good time to farm a few units with 255AP equipped :)
Arts must lost durability for it to count
for IComeInPeace:
Also only battles with fsp>0.3 are taken into account
It doesnt give me the option to revive my monsters :(
Maybe because I play on Flash?
You can only revive uncommon creatures.
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