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#Make LWM GreatAgain ! ^_^


Author#Make LWM GreatAgain ! ^_^
There are already a plenty of youtube video uploaded by players as I can see...just type 'lordswm'.
for AzagToth:
These are all ancient and useless videos
In the Artifact shop one can simply purchase Abu-Bakir's Charm which significantly decreases the waiting time and provides additional percs and advantages. Also guild’s boosts are gems, IMHO. Btw, the wait for Hunts has been already reduced after I’ve raised this question to the upper management.
No one beginning a game will immediately buy diamonds to make use of those things. And no, the wait between hunts has not been reduced, it is still 40 minutes. Unless you talk about years and years ago when they had reduced it from 60 to 40 minutes.

It is as everyone here is trying to uphold a fantasy. Best advertisement is still word of mouth: So go try getting any of your family members in their teens into this game. You can't, can you? Since none of them will keep playing this game. When you cannot even do that, then no advertisement whatsoever will yield any result. You can ignore this all you want, but it is still called reality. Like I said, in these times no new player will play a game where the game decides when and how much you can play. That kind of game mechanics is so out of touch it is trying to advertise for stagecoaches as a means for transportations while in the meantime automobiles have long been invented. But do go on pretending, it makes for a great show.
for Lawton:
If you've got nothing constructive to say and you're gonna just keep hammering home the same boring point, stop posting. It doesn't make an interesting read. Everyone agrees with the point that the mechanics are old and the timers are long, you're not some clairvoyant genius pointing these out.
for Meshy: Had you read more clearly you would have seen that I said that the best advertisement is word of mouth and that everyone here should go try getting any of their family members in their teens into this game. But do go on ignoring this.
for Meshy:
well there should be other problems with advertising aswell. Roullette and tavern? whats up with those?
Card game is actually an excellent asset. Roulette is something I would rather not mention in an advertisement.
Biggest problem? its a browser game.no one plays browser games anymore.its dead and outdated.just like travian and ikariam and other ones.every browser game is doomed to die
for Arcanide:
I like the reddit idea, we can try to pitch it? No idea to how it works thou. Something with a populair account gets more views? Or?
Never have I ever used Reddit.. any pro users here ?

for AzagToth:
There are already a plenty of youtube video uploaded by players as I can see...just type 'lordswm'.
Here is the list of Youtube channels with LordsWM theme: https://daily.heroeswm.ru/n/hwm_youtube

for Lawton:
the wait between hunts has not been reduced
It actually has been reduced, but on low-levels
https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2870955 (point 2)

family members in their teens into this game
I believe this game is not for young adults, cause it's not as dynamic as other games of 21st century or like any other console game. But we are not here to please them all, haha. As one of my friends once said: "I can not make everyone equally happy, but I can make everyone equally unhappy". I believe that same argument can be applied to chess - pure tactics on the same chess board with same build and same specs, yet so many people worldwide still play it (maybe not so many people in their teenage years...)

for Meshy:
stop posting.
We are here to discuss, come one ;) Be a bit more merciful!

for latviesu lords and Merciless:
Roullette and tavern
I think both of them need to be included in the advertisement, to showcase variety. I know some players that are here solemnly to crack roulette, haha

for Fallen Atheros:
every browser game is doomed to die
True , but as mentioned before in the interview, admins are working hard on creating mobile version both for Android and iOS. Be patient and check out how this game has transformed once you log in via your mobile browser ! So much more user friendly ^_^
I think both of them need to be included in the advertisement, to showcase variety. I know some players that are here solemnly to crack roulette, haha

I mean it can be considered as gambling with money. So can cut out non adults from target audience?
for latviesu lords:
it can be considered as gambling with money
In some countries gambling is legal, like Macao, hehe. Well, we can propose not to include it. The final decision is not up to us anyway...

Thank you guys for joining in Discord unofficial channel ! So good to see the flow of ideas and suggestion ! We will defo contribute to making LWM GreatAgain ! ^_^
What's the relevant Discord channel? Can someone give me the server address?
There is definitely a legal issue with the roulette, I know the UK has some pretty strict laws around online gambling. But I suppose that's for the admins legal expert to decide :D
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // Off topic]
for Усмешка:
In some countries gambling is legal, like Macao

As a matter of fact, Macao is not a country. Like Las Vegas, it is part of a country where gambling is legal. :-)

For the game, I agree that it is probably not for teenagers. I tried it on my teenagers, pitching it to them as a computerized Pokemon card game. That got their attention for 1 min and that was it.

WeChat is another platform that is worth investing some time for advertisement. There is always a good number of HMM fans in the Chinese societies where WeChat is like their Facebook+Twitter.
Well there was 1 kid who bought ton of diamonds to gamble from parents card.
I think this guy.

I used to chat with his brother often and I'm only just discovering this so it is surprising.

for bp99:
computerized pokemon card game? ngl that's hilarious.
for bp99:
As a matter of fact, Macao is not a country. Like Las Vegas, it is part of a country where gambling is legal. :-)
Living in HK (aka Special Administrative Region) I am well aware of this, yet it's just much easer to name Macao as a country for most players ;) Glad that you are good in geography and political position ^^

it is probably not for teenagers.
Only for the "quiet and nerdy" type of teens maybe, haha

WeChat is another platform that is worth investing some time for advertisement.
I've had a discussion about expansion on chinese market, yet this idea was put on the back burner. At least not before the launch of the mobile app for Android.

for latviesu lords:

bought ton of diamonds to gamble from parents card.bought ton of diamonds to gamble from parents card.
Classic! ^_^
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