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Ideas and suggestions


Topic Date
Author Last message
creatures in hunt speak out of Role Play01.27, 14:555Rashva01.30, 05:25, by Sun_Tan
Roulette Lock01.29, 11:097Lord Jeverag01.29, 11:42, by Lord bonfire
Heroswm in ads01.28, 19:152th1201.28, 19:15, by th12
Fighters' Guild01.06, 23:1422Lady Anec01.28, 19:05, by #7181Lord Mr_eee
A Guild for pvp?01.28, 02:354Bender6901.28, 18:38, by Zyanya
AFK indication in warlog01.28, 01:048F4bz01.28, 15:03, by #7181Lord Xerfer
Battle description01.28, 04:329bonzy01.28, 07:02, by #4201Shebali
Suggestion: Make records for total assists.01.28, 04:454Lord ZAZU01.28, 06:05, by #4201Lord Robai
Recruiting01.27, 21:062FasterThanWind01.28, 05:47, by Zyanya
careers01.27, 03:048killmeoryou01.28, 03:26, by Lord Ganz
Roulette01.26, 10:2910#7181Lord Mr_eee01.28, 02:41, by #4201Lord Robai
Theives and circumstances01.27, 21:561Nullby01.27, 21:56, by Nullby
afk blacklist01.27, 13:585silmarillion01.27, 18:02, by Zyanya
new creature,new idea.01.27, 15:421wizardhero01.27, 15:42, by wizardhero
Allowing Hellfire01.27, 14:214Lord veteran01.27, 15:07, by Sven91
A bow should be considered as a weapon of right hand. ^_^01.22, 14:3818Lord ZAZU01.26, 22:29, by ReIncarnate
Announcements page posts01.26, 22:231ReIncarnate01.26, 22:23, by ReIncarnate
Search or filter function for combat log01.19, 19:2810ThunderLord01.26, 13:13, by techy
Combat log01.26, 12:074#7181Lord Mr_eee01.26, 12:34, by #7181Lord Mr_eee
40% for hunt assist01.26, 08:0812wizardhero01.26, 12:24, by samarth96
AMMUNITION POINTS:01.26, 11:302Sir_Tenser01.26, 11:42, by Zyanya
Multiple hunts01.26, 09:491#7181Lord Mr_eee01.26, 09:49, by #7181Lord Mr_eee
Talent Wheel Suggestion01.26, 01:504#7153limustudotcom01.26, 08:23, by blazingarpit
Clan Admin - Vote ability01.23, 11:0014Lord Mater12501.26, 01:51, by #7153limustudotcom
Money01.25, 04:4427timster01.26, 00:17, by #4201Shebali
AP details01.25, 11:172Lord Mater12501.25, 21:54, by Lord Ortan
Nett Worth01.25, 00:062stevelawler01.25, 21:45, by #7365Lord Kotrin
Cleaning up Q&H and GGF...01.24, 19:119ipslne01.25, 15:11, by ipslne
More2do01.25, 05:195timster01.25, 07:34, by Zyanya
2 upgrades01.24, 04:434F4bz01.25, 02:38, by F4bz

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