Forums-->Ideas and suggestions <|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|>
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Customized Spell Book | 10.29, 22:55 | 6 | Xhuda | 11.01, 09:16, by Ingenious | Remove Trees that block hero's visual in battle. | 10.28, 23:07 | 6 | AKA | 10.29, 21:02, by Fallen Atheros | Raise dead when 2 Undeads in same square | 09.07, 01:58 | 7 | Ipsen | 10.28, 08:18, by Niranjan | Reduce Thieving Ambush Time | 08.17, 13:19 | 10 | AKA | 10.26, 03:49, by AKA | Some boost to blacksmith/enchanters levelling | 10.18, 23:39 | 2 |  Lord MilesTeg | 10.19, 01:01, by Naturef | Laborers' guild 6 x 2 instead of 24 x 1 | 10.17, 20:06 | 4 | sokoexp | 10.17, 21:31, by AKA | Mini-event available inside MC | 10.08, 10:47 | 8 |  Setsunu | 10.11, 12:45, by AKA | Combat Log next to Tournament Winners | 10.02, 12:09 | 6 | AKA | 10.06, 12:04, by Night Crawler | Amend mercenary and commanders guild experience tables | 09.06, 21:50 | 9 |  Lord MilesTeg | 09.20, 12:16, by IComeInPeace | Indicator if any RealEstate room rented by Char | 08.25, 02:51 | 3 | RicHunter | 08.25, 06:45, by Bheem | 'Report This Player' Button on Profile Page | 08.21, 18:57 | 8 | AKA | 08.23, 05:50, by  Lord spiral-doom | Leasing Market | 06.21, 04:09 | 10 | Ipsen | 08.20, 15:06, by Night Crawler | improve the default settlement | 08.15, 16:54 | 6 | Niranjan | 08.20, 10:56, by Buckbeak | Forum | 08.07, 18:50 | 6 | Heronius | 08.13, 19:20, by Ipsen | Rating | 08.07, 18:46 | 1 | Heronius | 08.07, 18:46, by Heronius | Package diamond | 06.25, 09:57 | 1 |  Eddreine_RinLi | 06.25, 09:57, by  Eddreine_RinLi | refresh automatically for dungeon caves | 06.24, 12:51 | 3 |  Lord spiral-doom | 06.24, 13:40, by  Calamity | Most important before any other idea's | 06.24, 12:47 | 1 | Mathijs | 06.24, 12:47, by Mathijs | small improvement for the inventory | 06.17, 02:38 | 3 |  FearMyArmy | 06.17, 05:36, by Lady sofiouta | any coming events for heroes VII troops ? | 06.14, 02:55 | 6 | ofaisalo | 06.14, 13:16, by Angel of Death | making the map more alive !!! | 06.14, 03:26 | 4 | ofaisalo | 06.14, 13:13, by ofaisalo | Remove 'changing faction' from transfer log | 02.02, 00:04 | 21 | velniukstis | 06.04, 13:36, by  Meshy | Cancel the window between 0300 to 0800 for tournaments. | 05.13, 06:09 | 9 | SwiftGirl | 06.01, 06:43, by PLaY LikE a PRO | Quicker faction switching | 05.21, 04:05 | 9 |  virtual_vitrea | 05.30, 02:39, by  virtual_vitrea | Tournaments Plus Plus | 05.19, 14:20 | 8 | velniukstis | 05.22, 00:50, by  merlin36 | Fewest Moves Challenge | 05.16, 19:43 | 5 |  ParaLeul | 05.17, 06:12, by  Santremus | Show rent prices in clan Depo | 05.16, 05:23 | 4 | Bheem | 05.16, 13:57, by Percy-Jackson | remake of graphic in Survilurg Defence | 05.10, 14:33 | 4 | Cric3z52557 | 05.10, 23:32, by Pankaj_Kalra21 | New class for Dark Elf | 05.08, 07:04 | 5 | Veer_K | 05.10, 02:07, by Lord selfist | Disable UCI on invetory and home screen | 05.07, 21:19 | 7 | velniukstis | 05.08, 03:04, by  virtual_vitrea |