Forums-->Ideas and suggestions <|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|>
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Battle with Friend - PoT | 03.18, 11:23 | 9 | AKA | 03.21, 13:06, by Derelict | Themes | 05.11, 10:06 | 17 | Optimus Prime | 03.19, 08:50, by siddi1111 | Disable auto hunt with random people | 03.18, 00:16 | 3 | Da Vinci | 03.18, 07:46, by sareth | Add "Unusable" tag in Inventory | 03.16, 17:47 | 2 | SwiftGirl | 03.16, 18:05, by  Meshy | Option to Withdraw Bet (Roulette) | 01.02, 06:39 | 22 | RoulE | 03.15, 08:41, by Da Vinci | contacts-list when composing mail | 07.24, 20:24 | 12 | stoter | 02.29, 10:12, by siddi1111 | common table for tournament for various levels | 02.21, 05:03 | 1 | Bheem | 02.21, 05:03, by Bheem | change of disparity for commoner events | 02.18, 16:02 | 13 | siddi1111 | 02.19, 23:27, by MarineBiologist | Cube of Equality:Make them equal to shop art :P | 02.19, 22:08 | 1 | Poison Ivy | 02.19, 22:08, by Poison Ivy | FSP for hunting helper in a lost hunting battle | 01.11, 02:03 | 5 |  bp99 | 02.15, 14:20, by elbuster | notifications for private mail | 02.07, 17:13 | 1 | knightyy | 02.07, 17:13, by knightyy | Permanent purchasables. | 01.27, 20:53 | 19 | Angel of Death | 02.03, 22:33, by Angel of Death | Level 22 | 02.02, 02:14 | 2 | silican01 | 02.02, 06:13, by Poison Ivy | Renting Horses, Elephants etc. | 01.15, 11:49 | 17 | One Punch Man | 01.26, 14:52, by  Calamity | Reward for Ideas | 01.17, 09:35 | 6 | Tuturu | 01.17, 13:12, by  Lord spiral-doom | keep last selected recruits and arts for each faction/class | 01.07, 21:32 | 11 |  bp99 | 01.14, 12:12, by  Viod | Watchers' Guild inclusion in forum | 01.11, 13:13 | 4 | Bheem | 01.13, 20:07, by Cygar | AP review before Battle /Hunt/Duel Join | 11.28, 14:55 | 14 | Crazyfroggy | 01.09, 12:58, by  Lord Robai | create a simulator | 01.08, 16:35 | 5 |  Lord samlonewolf | 01.09, 02:24, by randomr1 | Translator in PM | 10.27, 12:09 | 9 | Stephen Clark | 01.06, 22:59, by velniukstis | Put a Retal and Rune remainder | 11.30, 11:08 | 15 | Ipsen | 01.06, 17:41, by Javi | favourable battle conditions | 12.31, 16:47 | 7 | knightyy | 01.01, 20:23, by Angel of Death | Add Everyone for Oneself to CG | 12.01, 19:32 | 11 | Ipsen | 12.31, 03:20, by  virtual_vitrea | Allow/Create Holiday Vault Trade-Ins | 12.28, 10:01 | 4 | Xhuda | 12.28, 14:57, by Javi | Apply Quick Battle Start to Defense Battles | 11.27, 23:44 | 10 | AKA | 12.24, 14:41, by Angel of Death | Survilurg battle starts as soon as team fills | 12.19, 17:30 | 3 |  -_NO--NAME_- | 12.19, 17:37, by  -_NO--NAME_- | +1 errand in WG for ABC owners | 12.07, 02:02 | 13 | Skoczek | 12.14, 11:40, by Derelict | Translate all Text quests from Russian to English | 11.08, 02:11 | 9 | Ipsen | 12.05, 03:10, by Crazyfroggy | Really good change for enroll? | 12.03, 13:05 | 4 |  CatTail | 12.03, 18:13, by ElfPride | Allow to put AP Limitation options in GBs | 11.25, 02:54 | 5 | Ipsen | 11.25, 21:41, by KnightofDusk |