Forums-->Ideas and suggestions <|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|>
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Sticky thread | 09.01, 21:37 | 3 | Warlock naviron | 09.02, 12:55, by General Zod | Page refresh | 09.01, 20:55 | 2 | Ipsen | 09.01, 20:59, by Ipsen | Caravan / Player only ambush | 08.28, 17:51 | 7 | PapaBone | 08.30, 02:10, by Lord selfist | Show Date on Past Tournament Record Pages | 08.12, 22:38 | 10 | Xhuda | 08.28, 19:55, by Xhuda | Blacksmith is practically "dead" element of the game - modernization | 08.21, 13:21 | 18 | Porucznik_Slavko | 08.27, 20:46, by Xhuda | Finding creatures ability and stats | 08.27, 16:12 | 4 | god_mom | 08.27, 17:46, by Ipsen | "Day of Thieves"? | 08.21, 02:53 | 9 | Ipsen | 08.23, 15:59, by ProZyk | some new special days | 08.22, 10:46 | 12 | RevolutionRebel | 08.22, 17:25, by Slust | Day of <Something negative> | 08.20, 09:45 | 17 | Jabbar | 08.22, 13:39, by Lord selfist | Leader board for the event | 08.20, 20:22 | 3 | Fury_Barb | 08.21, 10:57, by PapaBone | Auto return option for Repaired and Enchanted Artifacts | 08.20, 10:48 | 2 | TheKnightsss | 08.20, 19:41, by merlin36 | Leftover artifact parts sale (less than 20) | 08.20, 10:27 | 33 | TheKnightsss | 08.20, 19:24, by death2all | 'Set' For Attribute Distribution | 08.19, 22:29 | 5 | PapaBone | 08.20, 09:51, by shubhamgoyal | Faction ideas | 08.18, 01:58 | 12 | god_mom | 08.19, 12:03, by Meshy | Lower percentage for volume setting | 08.11, 20:25 | 6 | PapaBone | 08.16, 11:53, by PapaBone | buff indicator on 'Your Character` Page | 08.14, 13:10 | 8 | PapaBone | 08.16, 11:46, by Ipsen | Day of MG | 08.11, 16:40 | 7 | Modi | 08.16, 11:34, by Botmun | Reset! button | 08.11, 11:22 | 12 | guyb | 08.12, 19:41, by guyb | Add Emojis | 08.12, 11:56 | 7 | Chiki | 08.12, 13:47, by Chiki | English Russian Indicator | 08.10, 21:01 | 4 | Chiki | 08.11, 09:00, by PapaBone | "New mail" indicator in home page | 08.10, 13:27 | 4 | escutcheon | 08.10, 15:38, by Meshy | Search bar for Forum | 08.07, 08:59 | 3 | TheKnightsss | 08.07, 09:31, by TheKnightsss | Make ABC cheaper with Diamonds | 08.03, 15:55 | 19 | kulala | 08.07, 02:12, by Albriech | Filter Battles, in Combat Log | 08.06, 09:41 | 5 | Ipsen | 08.06, 11:38, by Meshy | Get rid of FSL in the game | 08.02, 21:10 | 21 | Ipsen | 08.06, 00:06, by Ipsen | Different Transfer Types for Loans and Gifts | 06.29, 11:22 | 11 | kulala | 08.02, 19:09, by kulala | Set number of points in primary parameters after reset | 07.29, 22:09 | 9 | Nowar | 08.01, 07:29, by RevolutionRebel | "Calendary", showing the Special Day Events thing. | 07.29, 05:19 | 16 | Ipsen | 07.29, 20:51, by Slust | Cancel lot button in market | 07.27, 10:51 | 11 | Slust | 07.28, 19:49, by grif | Improving effectiveness of old sets. | 07.26, 05:13 | 5 | SwiftGirl | 07.27, 06:49, by virtual_vitrea |