Forums-->Ideas and suggestions <|65|66|67|68|69|70|71|72|73|74|75|>
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change sound mad by fearies when you attack or kill them | 06.28, 04:11 | 28 | Survivor14 | 06.28, 16:48, by Soturi570 | Upgraded market | 06.25, 09:09 | 8 | Bartek009 | 06.28, 13:26, by XboxVillainA | Indicators | 06.25, 04:39 | 9 | Lord nayyart | 06.28, 10:57, by Lord nayyart | My Ideas | 06.26, 11:50 | 13 | _TheShaman_ | 06.28, 10:56, by Soturi570 | Incoming transfer notification for inventory | 06.27, 04:33 | 9 | imz76 | 06.28, 03:50, by Flour | Some Ideas | 06.27, 11:55 | 8 | Jervis2011 | 06.27, 19:35, by Lord Atheros | build time | 06.26, 02:59 | 22 | scimi | 06.27, 10:06, by coolahed | Instances | 06.25, 14:47 | 5 | xGrimmjoWx | 06.26, 06:05, by xGrimmjoWx | faction change pwd protected | 06.20, 20:58 | 9 | PeagusofAthens | 06.26, 04:23, by Flour | Increase of Map-Travel Speed | 06.24, 17:32 | 23 | Lord crazyfrog20 | 06.25, 14:18, by Lord crazyfrog20 | Selling buildings | 06.25, 05:27 | 2 | Lord gluttonwarrior | 06.25, 05:53, by -_NO--NAME_- | Mercenary guild level too large after 4 | 06.23, 12:33 | 4 | Lord MilesTeg | 06.24, 07:11, by naapa92 | Castle construction costs | 11.02, 14:41 | 5 | Santremus | 06.23, 19:54, by Sven91 | Raiding facilities | 06.22, 19:06 | 6 | Obergon | 06.23, 15:08, by Obergon | Allow 'conceding' ("Killing me slowly with wizard" | 06.22, 15:27 | 4 | DerMagus | 06.22, 15:57, by Lord Atheros | Training grounds for Practice. and xp | 06.19, 18:33 | 23 | Zenthos | 06.21, 17:50, by Lord crazyfrog20 | Commander's Guild Chat | 06.20, 12:01 | 4 | lik | 06.21, 03:09, by Lord DragonEater | bow | 06.20, 16:52 | 11 | Lord ___C-O-D___ | 06.20, 18:51, by naapa92 | Donation By SmS | 06.19, 09:39 | 7 | Shanxo37 | 06.19, 13:17, by -bonechire- | Imperial Yard Sale / Auction | 06.17, 05:06 | 21 | Skunder | 06.19, 04:02, by Skunder | radio | 06.14, 11:49 | 10 | ohbee1 | 06.14, 19:50, by Soturi570 | Clan Auctions | 06.14, 17:10 | 2 | suryaDRACO | 06.14, 17:54, by Sven91 | Battle Pets! | 05.15, 14:20 | 35 | Elven_Lord | 06.13, 15:36, by david60 | perfect for hunters! | 06.11, 15:02 | 2 | Lord Nefilim | 06.13, 07:40, by Lady Takesister | Facrions | 06.07, 14:20 | 20 | Rudra-God | 06.11, 11:37, by monkeychunky | buying artifacts with diamonds | 05.29, 18:38 | 53 | matomato12 | 06.10, 00:37, by Lord moro88 | birthday gifts | 06.09, 18:47 | 7 | Lord ilnytsky | 06.09, 19:27, by Lord ilnytsky | Hunt Records | 06.08, 00:39 | 2 | SmileyReborn | 06.08, 14:07, by DuskCarnivore | enchanting weapons.. | 06.07, 06:57 | 4 | Lord evil_devil | 06.07, 20:48, by Lord DragonEater | promoting this game | 06.05, 21:19 | 13 | Lord Craig080 | 06.07, 13:20, by Lord Craig080 |