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Combat problems


Topic Date
Author Last message
Stuck in TG02.15, 10:042#7279GGW02.15, 10:13, by #7279GGW
low exp in ST 10002.11, 05:122_-PRAJOY-_02.11, 05:15, by #4201Corey
stucked in fight02.10, 22:571Dark_Passenger02.10, 22:57, by Dark_Passenger
[Hunt] Stuck during load02.02, 22:412Derelict02.03, 00:33, by Derelict
Army does not load during combat02.02, 21:091#7705Elrond02.02, 21:09, by #7705Elrond
multi stuck in combat01.31, 03:022-fire-lord-01.31, 13:27, by -dark-lord-
Stuck in the combat01.30, 23:192Liara TSoni01.31, 03:05, by Liara TSoni
strings abnormal and stuck when gate in battle01.24, 08:442wowososo01.30, 09:18, by wowososo
Caravan hardness01.28, 04:166Lord syltan01.28, 21:55, by #4201Arctic
Vermin's mana siphon ability didn't work01.27, 17:303#4201Magier01.28, 19:00, by #4201Magier
Combat freezes if anyone summons a phantom01.27, 17:061Lord Karsus01.27, 17:06, by Lord Karsus
battle didnt loaded01.27, 01:181Cygar01.27, 01:18, by Cygar
ranger guild (demon) loading problem.01.25, 02:202spartan30001.25, 02:20, by spartan300
There is a bugged hunt with no host01.24, 15:314Lord Hallion9101.25, 00:19, by Lord Hallion91
stuck in mg quest01.24, 11:403dakir01.24, 11:56, by wowososo
Hunt didn't give any gold after winning01.23, 18:143FreakishKardel01.23, 19:57, by Sven91
Bugs with combat system (after merge)01.23, 08:452#7279Lord Liuker01.23, 08:45, by #7279Lord Liuker
hunt05.08, 17:5677Lord Gun_Jack01.17, 11:33, by Lord Gun_Jack
Genies spell error01.04, 19:583#4201_Sworks_01.11, 17:57, by Empire
Ricochet Shot not working on non-demons01.06, 22:198frey1201.11, 09:24, by Arctic
runes not drawing on stacks11.27, 19:019guyb01.11, 09:24, by Arctic
"Poison" spell has nothing written in the chatbox11.03, 03:125narutoayan01.09, 08:56, by Lord Shurak
Issues with sound effects during new year hunts12.31, 15:453Javi01.03, 14:06, by Broken_Digit
problem in battle, error12.25, 23:094Lord ahitos12.28, 06:43, by Knightkill
Problem in chat in combat11.13, 04:275Drakulatear12.01, 13:16, by Drakulatear
stuck in TG11.28, 08:132Lord SV2211.28, 11:38, by #4201Lord Khellendros
record in a hunt05.26, 13:303Ukrnekr11.26, 01:36, by ElfPride
Phantom of GMB flyer11.07, 08:292#7705Santremus11.07, 09:42, by ElfPride
Error in fight and server11.01, 18:263B_kar11.03, 01:02, by ElfPride
squashman is stuck!10.31, 21:212Lord Tiny_Dragon10.31, 21:31, by Lord Tiny_Dragon

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