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Topic Date
Author Last message
What???05.14, 09:2910Vampir7405.14, 10:10, by DarwenAward
roulette05.14, 08:336MaximusX05.14, 09:19, by MaximusX
enchantment05.14, 07:453Lord SilentForest05.14, 07:48, by Lord SilentForest
Hi! again about turnament!05.13, 17:245Lord Basion205.14, 07:12, by #7153limustudotcom
enrolling code05.14, 02:596demnslyr999905.14, 03:15, by #7279Lord eviltitan
question about faction change05.13, 11:166Casri05.14, 02:01, by RandhyTheDarks
Faction level up05.13, 21:379Lord Jedi-Knight05.13, 22:42, by RandhyTheDarks
Initiative05.13, 17:5211Lord Jedi-Knight05.13, 21:30, by Lord Jedi-Knight
Talent points05.13, 17:453Lord Perso05.13, 20:41, by #7153limustudotcom
Apparitions05.13, 18:304vemvir05.13, 20:17, by #7279Lord eviltitan
hate to elf05.13, 18:177jacjac05.13, 19:41, by Zarebrant
Faction change question05.13, 19:073littlenew05.13, 19:33, by littlenew
MasterTI05.13, 17:5011nobodiez05.13, 18:34, by #7181Lord MasterTI
Blacksmithing05.13, 17:346vemvir05.13, 17:48, by vemvir
Initiative and Speed05.13, 17:344Lord Jedi-Knight05.13, 17:39, by Lord Jedi-Knight
games played?05.13, 16:015krutus98_05.13, 16:37, by krutus98_
What's going on in this battle?05.13, 14:438ghostzodi05.13, 15:02, by ghostzodi
MY TALENT POINT IS REDUCED05.13, 14:505sunny976057979305.13, 14:55, by Lady Tyrisia
Need Mercenary help05.13, 14:366Lord GrifonHeart05.13, 14:47, by Lord GrifonHeart
What is a blindfold battle?05.13, 14:314AJackal05.13, 14:41, by Lady sry
The attacking back phenomenon05.13, 14:264shomfrey05.13, 14:33, by Lady Takesister
+1 min. and max damage05.13, 13:164Folkin05.13, 13:33, by Folkin
Please help me05.13, 11:545evel200805.13, 12:41, by Lord Zorander
mercenary guild?05.13, 11:216Casri05.13, 11:51, by ForestFighter
Ban?05.13, 11:092Joecelien05.13, 11:11, by Lady sry
Gaining from hunts05.12, 20:4811Lord SilentForest05.13, 11:10, by Lady sry
money05.13, 10:483Lord Bosten36505.13, 10:56, by Lord Bosten365
what are guilds?05.13, 09:255MaximusX05.13, 10:02, by moshunter
TGI rent time limit.05.13, 09:425Grayman05.13, 09:59, by Grayman
Knights-invaders {0}'05.13, 09:261Santremus05.13, 09:26, by Santremus

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