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Second and main account? | 01.18, 10:57 | 2 | Lord Nonsense | 01.18, 10:58, by Lady sry | Question about spell power and knowledge | 01.18, 10:18 | 3 | IlTimido | 01.18, 10:22, by IlTimido | What does PvP and PvE mean? | 01.18, 10:12 | 5 | Lord jrf | 01.18, 10:15, by Lord jrf | HALO? | 01.18, 03:46 | 6 | UnknownPerson | 01.18, 09:20, by  Shebali | Who At Silent hill | 01.18, 08:26 | 3 | Yukaze | 01.18, 08:27, by ForestFighter | morale | 01.18, 06:19 | 3 | cyberclops | 01.18, 07:47, by cyberclops | code wont let me | 01.18, 07:45 | 2 | Cavaking | 01.18, 07:46, by Lord KAMAZ | this is an easy hunt | 01.18, 06:38 | 8 |  Lord lukeman56789 | 01.18, 07:12, by  Lord lukeman56789 | SP / XP from killing Rez and Gated Units | 01.18, 06:21 | 4 |  Lord Pantheon | 01.18, 06:27, by ForestFighter | plz | 01.18, 05:25 | 3 | UnknownPerson | 01.18, 05:47, by God5end | code ? | 01.18, 05:04 | 5 | super_power | 01.18, 05:12, by  Lord MasterTI | where do i select to upgrade my parameter ? | 01.18, 04:06 | 3 | Knightee | 01.18, 04:26, by Lady Straws | how to upgrade my parameter when I level up? | 01.18, 03:59 | 2 | Knightee | 01.18, 04:02, by nonamer | ExtraChar | 01.18, 02:07 | 6 | GreenEggsandHam | 01.18, 03:37, by  Lord MasterTI | Gems | 01.18, 02:29 | 5 | GreenEggsandHam | 01.18, 03:35, by  Lord MasterTI | Screen shot | 01.17, 16:11 | 7 | Lady sry | 01.18, 03:33, by Lady sry | wtf is wrong with the balance in this game? | 01.18, 01:08 | 4 | JadedDemon | 01.18, 03:23, by  Lord MasterTI | Hydras-raid | 01.18, 01:11 | 5 | Lord bonfire | 01.18, 02:20, by Lady Straws | tab button in combat | 01.17, 15:04 | 9 | Callandor | 01.18, 01:47, by JadedDemon | elf question | 01.17, 18:28 | 6 | Lord ikke | 01.18, 00:53, by F4bz | Thief ambush | 01.18, 00:23 | 2 | LeNgZaISD | 01.18, 00:51, by F4bz | Wizzard, SP 3, lvl 6 - magic arrow damage 168 | 01.17, 23:42 | 3 | Lord jrf | 01.18, 00:27, by Lord jrf | Transfer | 01.17, 22:23 | 2 | goten_93 | 01.17, 22:27, by  Omega22 | Misty Coast | 01.17, 20:57 | 2 | GreenEggsandHam | 01.17, 21:03, by Lord rashad | hunting | 01.17, 20:35 | 3 | techy | 01.17, 20:38, by stevelawler | sorry plz answer this | 01.17, 19:31 | 5 | UnknownPerson | 01.17, 19:37, by  Lord eviltitan | Undead! | 01.17, 17:07 | 3 | UnknownPerson | 01.17, 17:21, by ipslne | Brand in Smith | 01.17, 13:30 | 9 |  PheonixHunter | 01.17, 15:20, by  PheonixHunter | Why is this so? | 01.17, 14:56 | 4 | LeNgZaISD | 01.17, 15:03, by LeNgZaISD | Where to mine ore or cut tree or sulfur | 01.17, 13:15 | 3 | Yukaze | 01.17, 13:18, by  Shebali |