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incinerate | 08.17, 10:04 | 3 | guyb | 08.17, 16:52, by guyb | Flood? | 08.17, 01:06 | 9 | lord fallen | 08.17, 15:41, by Calamity | PoT recruitment | 08.17, 12:32 | 4 | latviesu lords | 08.17, 13:51, by latviesu lords | event. | 08.16, 16:36 | 5 | latviesu lords | 08.17, 01:51, by virtual_vitrea | need help | 08.16, 08:12 | 3 | MkTay | 08.16, 15:51, by MkTay | Talents set | 08.15, 23:25 | 2 | Nowar | 08.15, 23:28, by Nowar | brilliant unicorns vs pristine unicorns | 08.15, 04:43 | 6 | bp99 | 08.15, 12:36, by Ipsen | how to upgrade troops in PoT? | 08.12, 23:59 | 5 | Lord samlonewolf | 08.14, 12:06, by Lord samlonewolf | Blaze | 08.13, 13:28 | 5 | Slust | 08.13, 17:01, by Slust | what'll happen if attack a captured creature again? | 08.12, 02:00 | 11 | gonlador | 08.13, 01:43, by randomr1 | Why do admins like 1.17? | 08.11, 17:34 | 17 | randomr1 | 08.12, 21:33, by Lord Hallion91 | free chest of abundance | 08.12, 18:58 | 5 | Bljuc | 08.12, 21:30, by Lord Hallion91 | free chest ofabundance | 08.12, 18:17 | 4 | Bljuc | 08.12, 18:42, by Bljuc | Delete user named talent setup - how? | 08.11, 23:30 | 3 | Xentara | 08.11, 23:38, by Xentara | Auction mallet | 08.11, 19:31 | 4 | Lawton | 08.11, 22:41, by Lord Syrian | trade | 08.10, 23:50 | 3 | lord fallen | 08.11, 00:32, by Fallen Atheros | Initiative bar | 08.10, 17:43 | 4 | Nowar | 08.10, 23:40, by Ipsen | Extra high stats for nonplayer chars in tournament | 08.10, 14:34 | 5 | Sairey95 | 08.10, 15:01, by lord fallen | script | 08.09, 10:16 | 4 | Gaara | 08.10, 07:49, by Gaara | English Language Dedicated Clans ??? | 08.07, 15:44 | 17 | Mongol11 | 08.09, 02:51, by iwinulose | game slang | 08.08, 07:12 | 9 | LetonikII | 08.08, 13:19, by LetonikII | Average fsp for lev 15-16 | 08.07, 05:31 | 16 | randomr1 | 08.08, 05:27, by randomr1 | When does the Stallion get Discount? | 08.07, 19:37 | 5 | Ipsen | 08.07, 20:09, by Ipsen | licences | 08.06, 19:40 | 9 | phoenix22 | 08.07, 09:34, by phoenix22 | How did this guy get skill potion for all factions? | 08.05, 22:22 | 9 | virtual_vitrea | 08.06, 21:29, by Ipsen | Hero campaign with enchanted arts: do enchantements stacks? | 08.06, 13:11 | 9 | pippo2 | 08.06, 15:29, by Gaara | Clarifications on enchanted artifacts lease | 08.01, 01:23 | 3 | pippo2 | 08.06, 12:44, by pippo2 | thief set | 08.04, 23:24 | 7 | lord fallen | 08.05, 15:50, by lord fallen | to unblock my account | 08.05, 10:28 | 4 | hossy | 08.05, 13:18, by Lord Syrian | Potion of skill and knight faction | 08.01, 05:37 | 11 | Lord TheGeneral | 08.05, 03:46, by randomr1 |