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AuthorEverything about .ru
Hiya, anyone knows if there is a page about .ru to see history of elements price?

Now Ice crystals and Moonstones are more expensive there (5k vs 6k, 2,7k vs 3k) so would be good idea to buy now here to resell after merge, unless price on .ru will drop.
one of the strongest players Prewelec is blocked
Hello, I'm from Russia, I do not understand, I use a translator register for fun))) If something is interesting to ask voprosy.Kto realties understand what I wrote?
pumped charactersr, and this is a real player
yeah, same tactic as that 'reality' guy, he exploit a game bug (0 exp for assist), pretty impresive anyway.
Seems like we have to wait until next clan war to get a mine assign to our clan.
Seems like we have to wait until next clan war to get a mine assign to our clan.

Really? That's ridiculous =(
Is it only me or does it become more and more difficult to find a place to enroll
same enroll problem with me

What's the reason for his being blocked? I can see only his character page, not his transfer log.
@4017 and 4018
It's best to relocate to the new areas, where obsidian mines and new artifacts' facilities are (you don't need to wait much there for a facility to open up and the fees are pretty high). Mining sites, machining and artifact factories in other places usually have no funds or are full, except the capital, where the fees are the lowest.
What's the reason for his being blocked?

I think it was something to do with gifts.
[Post deleted by moderator Magier // ]
Next double tournament (2vs2) announced!
You can fight with friends from your list or with random players.
what is best partner for lv 5 dwarf with racial 4?
searching for a partner. i am Pupulis_LT there
What's the reason for his being blocked?

I think it was something to do with gifts.
3.15, 3.15.1
How to write something in russian language in the battlechat? Anytime I try it it shows only '?' instead of every letter...
How to write something in russian language in the battlechat? Anytime I try it it shows only '?' instead of every letter...
I found it 4 pages ago, so no need to answer me
what balance changes and new faction builds are Admins talking about? The translation is confusing :/
anyone who would translate it? :)
i think something like all magic schools for all factions
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