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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy

You could have won that combat, instead of delaying the 17 with hero you should have blessed the xbows, then you would have won. In the 2 chances, the xbows would do ~100 perish, so only 96 warriors would be left.
what is the best recruitment for level 6 knight
for Knightsa:
Max swords, griffs, rest bows. As usual) recruits just unable to become another stack of swords, they're too weak.
Try leadership+rally, or luck+escort, or defense+escort, that depends on your playing style.
thanks a lot
what is best recruitment widout recruits only farmers fr lvl 5 knight
Same as 3023. But remember, knight faction skill of upgrading recruits to higher tiers works better with recruits than farmers, so it is highly advisable to buy them.

knight is the only faction must build all the troop-related castle building
what is best recruitment widout recruits only farmers fr lvl 5 knight
Changing factions would be the best course of action then ;)

Recruits are a *MUST* for knights. Period.
what buildings are possibly unnecessary for knights then?

None, in my opnion all of them are a MUST (apart from those which increases inventory space, blacksmith...).
But you can always don't build magic school...(though its very usefull)
troops buildings, all of them are a must.
has anybody tried a darkness magic knight? if yes, i would like to see some battles
Pang has try darkness magic knight before.
search his combat log for more details.
but i'm not sure Pang got gb or duel with darkness knight.

antos is another knight who use darkness in cg
i did apply dark built in duel but not gb.

anyway, duel is just a test field, you wont find much on higher level.
how effective really is dark build for pvp, in particular against those with magic resistance
dark magic is not good against necro and wiz

holy is better for knight in duels and in GB
dark magic is good when in gb for supporting
a mass slow or mass ray could help a lot
dark magic is good when in gb for supporting
a mass slow or mass ray could help a lot

that only help your team mate, soon you will die because you will be weak.

but if you choose holy, you can boost yourself 1st and boost others later

in duels dark magic is good, definitely not in GB
in duels dark magic is good, definitely not in GB
I cannot agree on that. I'm using dark magic now in mixed tournament and I think it's very useful. Why there would be any difference than in duel? it's only easier cause the enemy units are more packed together :D
Why there would be any difference than in duel?

in duels,
opponent have 6 or 7 stack of troops. easy to cast delay and then move to next dark spells.

in 3x3 GB:
opponents have around 20 stacks of troops, 3x mass delay needed to delay all troops.

its better to rapid you troops once than that. with holy spells.
that only help your team mate, soon you will die because you will be weak.

but if you choose holy, you can boost yourself 1st and boost others later

i could understand your thinking. but, dont forget that your teammate or you will be 1st priority to be killed if any mass holy spells boosted.

so, how about think in reverse way?

die because weak? how about this? bring opponents down with dark built: weakness on attack, dis ray on def, curse on dmg output, delay on initiative, poison on killing, confusion on retal dmg.

make them all as weak as you or even weaker. at the same time, your teammate and you still have full strength to deal with the weaken opponents.

isnt it simple solution? :)

in 3x3 GB:
opponents have around 20 stacks of troops, 3x mass delay needed to delay all troops.

its better to rapid you troops once than that. with holy spells.

this only correct partly.

you have know that it only cost you 0.5 turns on 1 mass cast.

take your example on 3 casts to finish cast on all opponents. it take 1.5 turns; or less due to 5x5 areas.

in the same time, mass holy still need about 1.5 turns to cast on all allies OR more turns due to mass holy only have 4x4 areas.

hence, this point cant be a very good point to defame that dark built isnt good in term of mass cast.

talk on rapid, yes, it speed up your troops to get its turn faster. yet, delay can slow down opponents = you get your turns before his.

both of them work on same way = get your turns faster; BUT, delay will have greater effect if both cast on same target :)

the only disadvantage on dark built was it depend on the opponents you face.
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