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AuthorFirst Battle of the Clans Tournament
If I change to necro thief arts are most likely to kill me :D,but I will be demon if I prolly :)!

Well I would like the battles to be as minimum luck/morale based,in other words fair :)
Hi guys,
The tournament is great. But I just wonder that some players have more than 2-3 clans. And they both love these clans. For example, in my case, I am so lucky to join Dragon Heroes, League of Shadows, Elite Warriors. And I love them both. It will be EXTREMLY HARD to choose which clan to participate. Do we have any extra rules for some players who love all the clans they join? :p

I thought about that as well and I dont want to put pressure on players and have them make that uncomfortable choice. It depends how the tourney is set up, if we have a bracket system or not and if we will advance teams for a title or not. That I will leave to the clan leaders to decide.
some questions
1. Levels
2. Format of fights (2x2 or 3x3) - will be good only one format
3. Artifacts (also one rule)
- full arts from market shop(without or including thief artifacts)
- full arts with max 40% enchants(without or including thief artifacts)
4. The tournament system
5. Person who is responsible

Yes, a lot of questions to be settle down, I guess it's the reason this topic for. :) Let's discuss.

My thought:

1. lvl: I hope more players from different lvl can join it, not only high lvl players. and we should balance it for each two clans.

2. Format of fights (2x2 or 3x3): 3x3 is better, but if not enough player, 2x2 is ok. how about winner side of 3x3 get 3 point, and 2 point for winner of 2x2 ?

4. The tournament system: I have the same questions in my mind:
since we have more clans now, how they fight between each other?
1st week: A vs B, C vs D, E vs F...
2nd week: A vs C, B vs E, D vs F... (looks a lot of battles to do)
or 2nd week: the battles between winner from 1st week? (less fun for lost parties in 1st week)

5. Person who is responsible: Since Modi is the first one start this, I think he should be one. any other?
I am more than happy to keep the records for the tourney. Winning team is responsible to send me the battle link. I just want the rules to be made by others as I am not a GB expert. We do need to work on an outline and then fill it in with details. If we do not all agree with something, majority will have to rule if it is a sticking point. As long as we play under the same system it will be fair.
Of course this tourney wont be only for higher lvls!
The best balance would be if only the same lvls would participate in a GB,but I think thats not possible yet!
So the battles could be like this..
Lvl 1 vs Lvl 2
Lvl 3 vs lvl 4
lvl 5 vs Lvl 6
Lvl 7 could be a problem - cuz its stronger than lvl 6 and lvl 8s get a new creature
Lvl 8 vs Lvl 9
Lvl 10 vs Lvl 11
Lvl 12 vs Lvl 13 and maybe even Lvl 14(wihout tier 7),Lvl 14 could also be a problem

I think this is the best balance so far..
for xXxKratosxXx:
sounds good! but I guess no clan have lvl 1 or lvl 2 :)
Also, a lot of battle clan have very limited lower lvl players (I mean < lvl 6)

since it's not a random GB, we can ask each clan leader control their side, to make sure the same lvl combination join the same battle.
For example:
(two lvl 11 + one lvl 12 from clan A) vs (two lvl 11 + one lvl 12 from clan B)
(one lvl 10 + one lvl 12 + one lvl 13 from clan A) vs (one lvl 10 + one lvl 12 + one lvl 13 from clan B)

It requirs addtional works for clan leader, and need pre-battle arragement. But it makes the battle more fair.
I have this idea. For example: players have 3 clans. They will participate in line.

First battle, they are in 1 st clan
Second battle, they are in 2nd clan
Third battle, they are in 3rd clan

Fourth battle, come back with 1st clan.
..... then so on.

How is that? For players who can not decide which clan they join?
We can clearly see which clan they join in battle with that line. Players have to fight with full strength in clan they join. :)

Any idea, clan leaders?
Yeah an tourny made by admins wouldnt need so many time to consider the facts,but what can we do they are dead,so lets have some fun lol
How is that? For players who can not decide which clan they join?
We can clearly see which clan they join in battle with that line. Players have to fight with full strength in clan they join. :)

Any idea, clan leaders?

I think Binghuo means if both your clans happen to be in the finals vs. each other, you would have to choose one or play it randomly like odd/even roul so the player wouldn't have to make that hard choice.
for nnt000:
My answer is in post #20, let's see how the other leaders think. :)

Yeah an tourny made by admins wouldnt need so many time to consider the facts,but what can we do they are dead,so lets have some fun lol
for xXxKratosxXx:
true, but this process itself is fun, isn't it? :D
Also, Admin can't make it that easy, I guess it's why there are still no clan wars on .ru yet, although they had battle clans, like 6 monthes ago? :)
updated List of Participating Clans:

Dragon Slaughter
Bootland People
League of Shadows
Steel Dragons
Elite Warriors
Warriors' Guild Wrath
Dark Alliance

Did I miss any one?
Lets talk about the basic structure of the games and settle that.
We obviously have 2 types of battles. 2v2 and 3v3
Will we play this like the Olympic games, where your clan fights a certain number of battles vs random clans and have three medals to win?
How many games do we play in the first round to see who is eliminated?
Do we carry it on for a number of weeks to get to the finals?
Another idea is for each clan to have 3 members listed as game judges and as long as a judge OKs a match, we can have them all week. This way there should always be some judge online for a match and players wont have to miss out if they work odd hours or live in a far out time zone. Plenty of 2 v 2 matches can be fought quickly. Judges online will stay in the GB chat to help oversee the matches. Yes , no?
Another idea is for each clan to have 3 members listed as game judges and as long as a judge OKs a match, we can have them all week. This way there should always be some judge online for a match and players wont have to miss out if they work odd hours or live in a far out time zone. Plenty of 2 v 2 matches can be fought quickly. Judges online will stay in the GB chat to help oversee the matches. Yes , no?

Judge must be from a third party clan not involved in the fight.
I have a rough idea in mind.

First of all, to resemble a clan battle tournament or clan war, we need to have the following approach.

To design a fair system where clan can compete against each other, if the system is good maybe admin can make use of this.

Secondly, this is serverwide tournament, we ask all clan leader or representative of each server will admin this tournament, we also like to ask kotrin as a keeper to make sure that things will go smoothly. This event could actually unite the mod/players. With everyone's help things will be better, of course along the way there might be some problem occur but we can take it as a learning experience.

Regarding Kusika and everyone's concern. I propose the following.

1. Levels
Combat will be from lvl 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 5+6 vs 5+6, 8+9 vs 8+9, 12+13 vs 12+13. Anyone doesn't understand this? so we can only group lvl 5 with 6 and 8 with 9 or 12 with 13 only. Lvl 11 might have a least players, in 1 week from now all clan submit their participation list of players then we can decide if we need to combine lvl 11 with either lvl 10 or 12.

2. Combat Style
3vs 3 Evenly (In case we can't get a 3vs3, then at least a 2v2 can occur, the reason i prefer 3vs3 is because 3 vs 3 requirement more diversity and teamwork). Let me emphasize something here, we're aiming for 3v3 but if we have a 2v2 it will also be count as a battle.

3. Arts
Lvl 5-11 will be Full arts (Shop/thieft arts. Normally shop arts would be best, however, the reason i would allow thieft arts is to see the diversity of arts that player use, and how they can use it more effectively. Thieft art, good ini but low def/attack, it's something for the players to explore as to which type of arts is better in GB)
lvl 12-13 will be full arts with 40% enchant (more than 40% enchant will favor the DE and Demon so it'll be imbalance if some of you are wondering) (shop/thieft arts). (The reason for enchant in this purpose is to solely increase the speed of the game, a normal GB will be at least 1:30 to 2:00 hrs, but a 40% enchant will short it to 1:00 - 1:30 hr. Getting 40% won't be hard because alot of people have 40% weap that they can rent to clanmate for cheap if they need or even for free. The reason for thieft art is the same as above.

4. tournament system

should not strict if clan A have to vs clan B, if member clan A can fight clan C they should go ahead so that there will be more GB activity. Setting specific team going against each other is also bad due to server time issue, so it might be hard to arrange. I need some time to think up on this one, feedbacks are welcome. But also let us know how u will plan to communicate and setup battle, because it's not easy to setup battle smoothly, i have a rough idea but i'll wait for some comments first. With some feedback.

5. Who's in charge
We need the following role.
Admin of this tournament: someone who know about the game, we need about 5 person. Possibly leader of clan or well know person, let say MasterTI or someone like that :) These 5 will be in charge of deciding on rules/system/news or any changes etc.
2 persons to keep all the scoring, 1 will be main and other will be helper, modi seem to want this role
2 Keepers: kotrin with someone or just 1 is fine to keep away people who want to mess up this tournament

Those that are in multiple clan, i think as long as they don't represent 1 clan to compete the other clan that they're in, it should be fine.

Let me know ur comment, also vote for ur 5 admins.

any comments are welcome.
Will we play this like the Olympic games, where your clan fights a certain number of battles vs random clans and have three medals to win?
How many games do we play in the first round to see who is eliminated?
Do we carry it on for a number of weeks to get to the finals?

We cant now anything like this until we have the final number of clans who want to participate in the tourney.
Why not wait and see if enough people gather for each level.

2.Structure of the tournament
First round : all times fight each other 1 or 2 times.
Second round : best 4 or 8 of the first round pass to the next round until finals. These battles are win or lose. We can set a Loser final for third and forth place.

If more clans join i think we should split teams into groups for the first round. Then the tourney can proceed as the above second round.

3. Its clan will be represented by only one team in each level category?

4. I think it would be cool to have total win/loss ratio for all teams of each clan
@1 Sounds interesting
I will make some Clanmail about this and think its fun only Problem is.
3rd October is national holiday for Clan #137 for witch i am speaking.
Here is my idea. We may use it as a start outline. I mean a start, there are still a lot we need to discuss. Of course, I am fine with other idea too.

My basic idea is to give every clan a chance to fight with any other clan.

We have 8 clans now, let's say we will have 10 clans join us finally. we mark them as clan 1-10.

Each clan will do 4 group battles of 3x3 (if not enough players 6 battles of 2x2, or their combination) with any clan of the other 9 clans. so total 10*9/2= 45 fights of clan, or 4*45= 180 GB of 3x3.

Each week, there will be 5 fights (20 group battles) between them, for example:
first week: 1vs2, 3vs4, 5vs6, 7vs8, 9vs10.
second week: 1vs10, 2vs9, 3vs8, 4vs5, 6vs7
and so on...
totally, we need 9 weeks to finish them all.

Each 3x3 group battle give the winner 3 points, lost part 0 point
each 2x2 group battle give the winner 2 points, lost part 0 point
each fights between two clan (4 group battle of 3x3) reward 4*3 = 12 points.
so total 180*3 = 540 points for 10 clan, average 54 point each clan
The highest possible points for a clan is 108 points if this clan win every battle.
The lowest possible points for a clan is 0 if this clan lose every battle.

After 9 weeks, the highest points clan is the finally winner, and we can rank the 10 clans based on their points.

The bad thing is it will take 9 weeks to finish. However, it's good on another side, more battles, more fun, and each clan have chance to fight other clans. :)

Just my idea, good or bad, your call. xD

I am going to sleep, will check your good idea after I wake up :)
My vote for admin is Limustudotcom. He pushed for more PvPs and without him I would not have approached Binghuo to begin this tournament. I would also nominate Binghuo for his eagerness to accept our invitation.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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