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AuthorFirst Battle of the Clans Tournament
Tournaments that do not require a registration fee...or offer up prizes...do not require admin approval.

This whole "you need to be in a clan to participate, so the 500 server-imposed-administrative-fee constitutes a tournament join fee" is completely erroneous thinking.

Any fees associated with joining a clan do not fall under a wide-encompassing umbrella in regards to inter-clan-pvp or between-clan-pvp. There are no rules concering this, and until there are, people shouldn't be "making them up."

That's just my two cents. Whatever the majority decides.
In my humble opinion, rules could be based in the following frame:

Even battles - same level
Standard (shop) arts only - No enhanced arts - no thief arts
No Diamond upgrades

The above would ensure fair competition and maximum participation

Guilds should predefine categories they participate, battle program goes accordingly, and organizers create program and track victories awarding points in a football championship style

That was my two cents...
Now that Arctic is back, maybe we can have real tournaments with prizes in the future.
Now that Arctic is back, maybe we can have real tournaments with prizes in the future.

*Squirms in seat with happiness*
Oh yeah, are there any LoS members that are level 6 and would be my partner?

I need a partner so please consider it. :)
for #82:

Since it is not a competition for prices and there is no joining fee, this tournament is for having fun and deserve honor for your clans!

So in my opinion there is no need for so strict rules, like:

- Standard (shop) arts only - No enhanced arts - no thief arts
- No Diamond upgrades

The above would ensure fair competition and maximum participation

Where should i use my best arts if not in GB-? If one buy's diamond upgrades it is also not for Hunts or MQ... payed for a little advantage so let him/her use it!

The above would ensure fair competition and maximum participation

Furthermore if I use thief arts and enchanted sword/shield at all, should I buy ANOTHER Boots,Sword,Shield,Amulet to be allowed to participate?
Remember, these will be rotating clan-hosted tournaments so if your clan likes or wants certain restrictions, they can be put forth in your outline when it is your clan's turn to host. For now, Binghuo's Dragon Slaughter is hosting and he is working on an outline he will submit. Unless an outline cuts many players out of competition in some way, let's roll with the host plan. We will all have our turn to host and customize the tournament. If there is something you as a clan leader can not abide by, you can submit one amendment to be put to vote to have something changed.
OK, I talked with Binghuo and he told me his tournament would be running 24/7 battles so we will now ask for three judges from each clan to sanction matches.
1. The judge is contacted by a player involved in the match to be played
2. Judge looks at the set up to make sure the tournament rules are being followed(levels, enchants...)
3. Judge submits the battle to the record keeper
4. Judge must be from a third party clan( not involved in the battle)
5.Judge reminds players to advertise the tournament in their battle description ( Battle of the Clans, or BOC Match)
6. Players found cheating in any way will be booted from the tournament

Each clan please submit three judges on this thread. Nominate responsible active players please. Blade of Honor is joining us so that gives us 24(third party) judges who will be able to sanction any match at any time. With that many judges, there should be someone online at all times. That's why I ask you to nominate your most active clan members willing to do this job.
is it necessary for the leader to participate?
#428 The Forgotten Warriors Of The Past
let this clan participate ok thnx its a new clan
to #86
you stated:
Where should i use my best arts if not in GB-? If one buy's diamond upgrades it is also not for Hunts or MQ... payed for a little advantage so let him/her use it!
my opinion:
Allowing diamond upgrades in PvP does not prove skill.
It is almost like a level mismatch.
Why should a level 7 DE without srews compete with one with srews?
The switch upper button exists to even battles.
I never entered PvP with diamond upgrades and will not do for any reason.

you also stated:
Furthermore if I use thief arts and enchanted sword/shield at all, should I buy ANOTHER Boots,Sword,Shield,Amulet to be allowed to participate?

my opinion:
I can't believe that a guild can not rent standard artifacts at cost to participants. I this it is easy, anyone could rent at cost.

I think the point is to count number of victories in even battles with maximum participation and not check which guild posses the more enhanced weapons and diamond upgrades.
not this clan #428 The Forgotten Warriors Of The Past
Tomorrow, September 26th, the competition begins!

#209 The Shadow of Death vs. #186 Rivendale (or vice-versa)

Time: 10-11 a.m. (server time)
Combat level: 10
Number of players per team: 3 (2 if there will be any unforeseen absence)
AP: 9 (no enchants)
Timer: 45 s (60 s if the server will be slow)

Let the axes be sharp and the fun begin! :)
Could someone from LoS please consider being my partner?
I really want to take part.
Let the axes be sharp and the fun begin!
for gell:
go to clan chat from 15-24 LWM time, you will find your partner there. :)
Tomorrow, September 26th, the competition begins!

#209 The Shadow of Death vs. #186 Rivendale (or vice-versa)

Time: 10-11 a.m. (server time)
Combat level: 10
Number of players per team: 3 (2 if there will be any unforeseen absence)
AP: 9 (no enchants)
Timer: 45 s (60 s if the server will be slow)

Let the axes be sharp and the fun begin! :)

Huh? I suppose you are playing for practice.
hello # 471 aztec warriors will participate
sorry we will not participate
go to clan chat from 15-24 LWM time, you will find your partner there. :)
yes master
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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