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AuthorThief/Thieving Topic
"and should understand the frustration of coming up against full (enchanted) arts players and serving those 1-hour penalties"

Please remember that a thief hunter after loosing an ambush serves 3-hours penalty.

So for a professional hunter it is 3 times more frustrating.
It's good to know both sides point of view.
So for a professional hunter it is 3 times more frustrating.

Ermm, did I miss something? Where's the thief hunter guild? Who are those "professional thief hunters"?

Please note, that unlike theives, thief hunters _are_not_ an intended part of the game.

I would agree, if we were in a normal renting situation.

But.. compare a thief hunter's loss (some xp less, some gold lost) to a thief (possibly broken character and block)... Who's in the worse situation?
Hmm, would you like to ban or block thief hunters?
Read first sentence @160 - that explains why I am a thief hunter.

We are not in a normal renting situation so I am on hold until December as I wrote before, relax ;)
I dunno, maybe that balances out the normal thief vs player situation, where the victim loses time, gold, potentially arts durability, and potentially misses out on whatever they were traveling to do. Hasn't the thief already declined a "fair" outcome?
^^ After grand update, actually PvP ambushing is a refreshing for anyone who in rush before 1st december deadine but nothing really wrong with full (enchanted) thief hunters. It just a matter of thieves solidarity and if you want to avoid them, try different routes. As for me, now its the worst time to be a thief hunter.
So for a professional hunter it is 3 times more frustrating
^^ Well consider this, one hour penalty/each time for a thief plus one or few less points at deadline will be lifetime frustating.

Hmm, would you like to ban or block thief hunters?

No way! I'm perfectly ok with them. I just wanted to point out that those 3 hours were not intended to be a penalty for the thief hunter but 3 hours of carefree travelling for thief victims.

Read first sentence @160 - that explains why I am a thief hunter.

Believe me, I'm perfectly aware of the fact that at high levels thief hunting is the only source of (almost) sure victories with good exp and fsp output.


Hasn't the thief already declined a "fair" outcome?

Speaking about "fairness"...

Most high level thieves are doing ambushes in low AP, as full art thieving is not sustainable on the long run. Also caravan difficulty will be adjusted to your power regardless of the arts you use.

At the same time thief hunters can use the best arts they have, as they know for sure what they will be facing. They will catch a thief, their art durability won't be wasted on caravans.

The result: battles between a min AP thief and a full-art "victim". This is what you call fair? No, but it's ok. This is the way the game works, we have to get used to it.

Can create still to you Guild Anti of thieves? Also you will be the Head of this guild.... Ha ha ha...
Hiya all,

Alrighty, we all know an ambush is triggered when a player +/- 1 of the thief's combat level travels along the route. But those the traveler's faction determines what type of caravan the thief gets? ie, a demon traveling will definitely trigger a demon caravan? or random?

To be honest I don't understand what purpose serves being a thief hunter (at least at levels 6-12). You don't get any guild points for that, you don't get gold (as a matter of fact, costs of using enchanted artifacts are many times higher than losing few tens of gold). And please, don't tell me it's done for the exp or fsp. There are far better ways of getting those instead of spoiling other players' ambushes (ambushing being one of them). All it seems to be in my eyes is a pointless and malicious behaviour aimed at preventing others to gain their TG points.
ok, i know when i lose against caravans, they get weaker, but

a) i have not won any caravan yet. can they get weaker than at the very beginning?

b) when i level up or reach a higher thief guild level, do i have to start losign again to make them weaker, or is this "saved"?
a) i have not won any caravan yet. can they get weaker than at the very beginning?
you haven't even played vs any caravan yet (you only tried a mercenary monster)
but i suppose there is no lowest limit how weak caravans can get

b) when i level up or reach a higher thief guild level, do i have to start losign again to make them weaker, or is this "saved"?
as far as i experienced it, caravans don't increase when you reach a new thief guild level. They only increase when you win or when you level up your COMBAT level. And in this case i still think they are sort of saved, the only thing i can imagine is the caravans becoming stronger once by a certain percentage. And of course they will decrease when you lose to a freshly-improved caravan too.
Besides that i think how much the caravans increase (maybe decrease as well) in numbers depends on your combat level/thief level. Winning on lvl 12 may give you a much harder caravan next time compared to winning on lvl 7 (assuming both level fight the same caravan).
Thieving makes me angry...

when i meet :

1) too strong caravan (especially demon caravans with insane number of devils or hell horses)
2) lost thx to iniative or bad setup
and then waiting long one hour...

its only my luck, that nobody could penalt me for words, which i am throwing on computer, it will be millions gold ;-)
how could i have fun to play with no chance game or lost in first rounds?

What about give chance player to see caravan as it is with hunts? to see, what is where, to give more chance to tactic, not only pure luck... where you could only bet, if you should attack (on archers) or you should stay back( or you will be annihilated with fast units)

Random makes me angry, because you cant deal with it....

second, dismiss that one hour waiting, make near similar time waiting for loosing, as for winning. Just recovering with bigger losses could be longer, as it is.

I dont see it possibly, i return TGI back....

though level 6 caravans was easy...

playing against humans is stupid, with full arts against someone it is massacre, against two its most of the time impossible.
Maybe someone like this, me not, i like fair combats.
174 Ur brave to start thiefing without EFK and gl u will need it.
Maybe reflect upon your tactics before blaming the system.. Bring more fks instead of sprites? adv luck for more damage from bow+druids? 1 stack bow in cornor? Make use of stoneskin? Don't blame the system so balantly.
thanks 173 but i'm doin caravans, i play both servers.

andi rly hope its right that there is no lowest limit how weak caravans can get !!!! if someone knows better pls inform me

yes, of course, if i could go back and choose right favourite enemy, choose something with luck.. then i could with some probability deal with enemies wich i cant beat normally ;-) if i sacrifice enough to god, to happen lucky roll when needed....

yes, i do mistakes, still playing this game only few months, but... there is no chance against some enemy ;-) show me ;-)

more fks instead sprites? why? they do serious dmg before enemy could act, fk are slow... so sprites reach further and in higher iniative, sometimes it is only difference betweem victory and defeat, though fks have more hps and stay longer

adv luck? i had; problem is, then near every enemy hero is casting... your archers go quickly into hell... so i hope and think, in this case is dmg from basic+offense similar or better then from advanced luck... especially when sprites have now dmg 3, not 2

1 stack bow in corner? yes, sometimes, for example against barbarians or knights, other times it is suicide.... then i split archers into three 6-groups in every corner as bait for devastating spells... 5 wasnt enough, computer targeted sprites, one spell into them meaned my end....

using stone skins? yes, of course, my sprites+fks are skinned as soon as possible, if archers under fire then they too

any next briliant tactic advise? ;-)

yes, i had to learn, to choose right enemy to target, like cyclops, monks etc.
and some others... sometimes is pain, when you see, one tile in setup differently and game is totally other....
so, say me, is it about tactic or pure luck?



same caravan, knight, just bet, what is there??????

once you have to attack as soon as possible, second you have to cover your units

you have to choose, so, 4 options avaible:

you should attack, and you attack, you win
you should attack, you dont attack, and they shoot you down
youd should cover your melees, you are attacked before you play, you are dead
you should cover your melees, you use tactic and waite, you win

so, show me, with wich setup you cover all options, if not, its what i dont like, not tactic, only random
so, why i am fighting? if i could roll once and gather exps :-P

though, i have to say, today i think, are caravans little easier then in the weekend.....?????

(and few hours ago slay one thief hunter :-P )
Ssgsd wrote:

What about give chance player to see caravan as it is with hunts? to see, what is where, to give more chance to tactic, not only pure luck... where you could only bet, if you should attack (on archers) or you should stay back( or you will be annihilated with fast units)

Zephyranna wrote:

I'd love to see the caravan's setup too. That would help a lot. The problem as it is now is that the game sets up the caravans to benefit themselves against your setup. If it were switched, then players would have a better chance against many tough caravans.

Anyhow, may I suggest that you get Elite Forest Keepers if you can afford to buy the Diamonds. They can hit many enemy stacks at once. When they get surrounded, they strike all. They are a fantastic addition to the Elven Army. :-)

Consider choosing Luck as a Talent. I think it will give you a greater edge than Offense and Battle Fury. Or buy an Amulet of Luck from the Factory in East Bay. If you have at least +2 Luck you'll get double damage on many of your hits and that beats +10% on all. I've had great luck with the Luck Talent and Amulet of Luck.

Anyway, everyone loses their share of Ambush battles. You're winning the majority of ambush battles and you're doing okay as far as I can see. Keep at it, don't lose patience. You'll be victorious in the end. :-)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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