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AuthorStalking thief.....beware
@195: You may wanna check if you can really get 0.3-0.4 fsp in the first place. I see lots of his victims getting less than 0.2 fsp, unless you wanna equip your arts to full. With no arts, I bet your chance of getting any good xp and fsp is very low.

@197: multiplayer game doesn't mean I need to look behind my back every time when I want to move around, I don't need to kill myself just to avoid a stalker... Sometimes I wish there's a darkelf84 for every level :)
@197: multiplayer game doesn't mean I need to look behind my back every time when I want to move around

well yes it does, if there's an ambush mechanic and a pro-active thief
on travelling out from YL he cannot know where you will go nor alter his location in time to catch you..
The whole point is that he actually can. I gave a basic explanation on how to do it in post #67.

before you travel, check his location, if it is anything other than yellow lake you should have no trouble going around it
Technically, i think the best location to camp for the stalking strat is great capital. It's the location with the most "direct connectors".
I haven't tried it, but if you camp in GC and you spot a mark who travels from EB->YL, by starting travelling asap, you should reach YL before him (diagonal moves take longer) and thus be able to cath him.

An extra tip to avoid him, create merchant caravans.Only travel with 2-3+ full arted players. I think it was GGW who did it (maybe still does) some times ago. More often then not, it triggered double ambushes.
some people seem to have forgotten this is a multiplayer game

Yes, most annoying part of pvp is that 50% of players lose..
@204: Lol. That's why people should try to get caught in double ambush. Only 33% of discontent!
Due to lack of space in previous post -

For my above post, it is nothing personal against DE84, but rather the method he's using, so no offense there, DE84. :)
i agree with moki on this one
Some of us don't have much time to play this great game, and tries to sneak in a battle here and there, but have to end up 'wasting' 1-2 hours a day doing 'unwanted battles'.

I can't understand all those people complaining about unwanted battles. There is a simlpe enough solution to this problem and I use it myself most of the time (when I not forget it).

Just travel without troops and arts. So where is the problem? With the scripts on warriors guild page it takes me like 1 second to switch my troop composition.

When you meet a thiev your avarage ambush will take only 20 sec and you're done and for the next 3 hours u don't even have to mind your troops.
Loosely translated, ambush literally means 'surprise attack'. Now, what surprise is there if the thief already know who he is attacking, and the victim is already 'selected' to be attacked??

The victim doesn't know and this is 'surpirse attack'. Thief usually doesn't know either who is he attacking - and for me that's ockward.
205 or 66% if thief wins :P
@ 201 ... even if I only get 0.1 fsp, I would be happy, given the low amount of gold I will be loosing
@255 + 211

Sorry, you don't seem to get it. This thief is CHOOSING his victims. Therefore he isn't choosing a double ambush.
209 force was atacked 3x times but whole 3 ambushes was over faster then 1 jedi ambush - simple but efective solution to unwanted hour long fight.
213 he cant do that to ambush single person or 2 there simply no way to avoid that unlike avoiding npcs... But its very unlikely he ambushes 2 ppl becoz of low number of ppls at lvl 13.
Are you sure about this? He just need to look who is traveling and who not. If only one person is on the road, than he can strike. (This works quite well because of the low number of level 13 players.)

From your link -
..the traveler always has a chance to pass unspotted..

If the traveler is targeted, he can't travel 'unspotted' now, can he? ..and almost 100% chance he WILL be ambushed.

Tempted to go on, but, no. You have your opinion, I'm cool with it.

You have a nice day too. :)
If the traveler is targeted, he can't travel 'unspotted' now, can he? ..and almost 100% chance he WILL be ambushed.

Yesterday i was trying to catch one player travalling form BG to YL and later form YL to EB(i was in YL) I did not catch anyting even caravan. So there is a chance not be caught.
217 depends it was long time ago since i could ambush 2 ppl(+/-2 lvl ambushes) at once its enough if 1 of them is afk and u got advantage suddently sometimes not even if second comes back to keyboard at end can safe them. I won quite alot double ambushes back then. :)
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